The *Official* Eve Online Thread

There's a lot of propoganda coming from G etc at the mo.... quite strange seeing a spin machine in action :p
Get yerself into a corp as soon as Phoen1x, really opens up the game. If you fancy joining a noob helpful one drop us an evemail to 'Radyr' and i'll hook you up.
Windle said:
Get yerself into a corp as soon as Phoen1x, really opens up the game. If you fancy joining a noob helpful one drop us an evemail to 'Radyr' and i'll hook you up.

Thanks for the offer, will do :)

Not sure how much I will be able to contribute, still trying to figure out which button does what, and where I am most of the time :)
I have Gallente battleship to 4 and all other relevent skills relatively high (all gunnery 4/5, all cap, engineering, repair systems etc 5.) now I'm wondering what to train for next. I could go all care-bear, but i'm leaning towards learning another race's ships - I was thinking either Amarr or Minmatar... anyone have any opinions?

I could have course train for Gallente HACs, but i'm not feeling those at the moment. :o
Train for munin's then i can sell you some :P

The harpy is a lot of fun and hasnt let me down in pvp yet. Also the Cerberus and heavy missles in general are getting a 25% ROF improvement, could lead to caldari hacs actually being useful. Of course you could always go for the tank masters, amarr.

If anyone does want to purchase some Munins, give me a shout :D :P
Phoen1x said:
Thanks for the offer, will do :)

Not sure how much I will be able to contribute, still trying to figure out which button does what, and where I am most of the time :)

We'll get you up to speed :-)
daz said:
I have Gallente battleship to 4 and all other relevent skills relatively high (all gunnery 4/5, all cap, engineering, repair systems etc 5.) now I'm wondering what to train for next. I could go all care-bear, but i'm leaning towards learning another race's ships - I was thinking either Amarr or Minmatar... anyone have any opinions?

I could have course train for Gallente HACs, but i'm not feeling those at the moment. :o
How are your drone skills?

daz said:
There's a lot of propoganda coming from G etc at the mo.... quite strange seeing a spin machine in action :p

i dont know how much of it is spin mate, i've seen a lot of alliance mails from ASCN to know that they're getting a beating. Killboards always show when ppl are in trouble when you see the T1 gear replace the t2/named gear in fleet battles.

personally for me, a very fun eve weekend, the amount of enemy assets we captured and destroyed were insane. I keep getting blown away by what my alliance can achieve.

plus i got some kills :D

DanSolo said:
Nice rib. :)

Whats your spin on the current G/IRON and ASCN situation?

ascn are getting spankypoo's by G, ascn monkeys have been told not to engage unless they know for sure they'll win etc and not to use expensive modules, basically text book "ohnoswerebeinginvadedhowdowestopgettingspanked" material, went through it in GNW, went through it when imp kicked norad out of outerring and norad started using bad mods.

no offence mate, but i dont rate IRON, G are good fighters but not many of them and when they're backs have been against the wall they've fought very dirty, nice to see them going on the agressive tho.

I must say im more than a little supprised G decided to mess with ASCN, what with BoB sitting on their doorstep. Unless they are trying to grab more resources/get outaa BoB's way. It would surely make more sense to just engage BoB in a nice carp hitting the fan war, its not 60j from home either :P

Nice to see G giving ASCN a bit of a spanking tho, i noticed on the eve news the otherday that ASCN greeted G with 5 Dread's, nice, thats 5 pilots that coulda been in useful ships :P

Tbh mate you can say what you like about IRON, we are merely "Friends of IRON" they dont seem to be doing a fantastic job protecting us, as we end up being one of the major corps defending the area and were relatively tiny.

Besides if Jericho faction can send a 20 man fleet thru VFK practically unhindered what they gonna do when BoB start knocking on the front door?

[Disclaimer]My opinions are not the opinions of my corporation, jsut my personal opinion.[/disclaimer]
Dan said:
if Jericho faction can send a 20 man fleet thru VFK practically unhindered

Seen it so many times before.....

Feel so old now (woot! birthday!!)...

Hew look lads, big hole here that we can use... hang on... how did we get here again?

[disclaimer]supports neither G, nor IRON, nor ASCN, nor BOB, nor anyone... [/disclaimer]
Celes still fights the good fight against the Evil of the Eve Universe, BoB.

Had my first combat podding thanks to a CTD just as i hit warp, about time. Now thanks to cheap clones, podjumping 4tw.

May RMR's tanking changes be thrown in the bin and we all get tech 2 ammo. HEAR!
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