The *Official* Eve Online Thread

I see IIS guys got kicked out, shame really. good for BoB as they'll have a station just waiting to be captured and used almost imediatly, with out all the hard work for making one.
reading the storry seems like there was a lot of friction between the 2 anyway. So perhaps its for the best. feel sorry for the independents that payed for shares and the like. hopfully we'll see more fro them in the future.
Lostcorpse said:
reading the storry seems like there was a lot of friction between the 2 anyway. So perhaps its for the best. feel sorry for the independents that payed for shares and the like. hopfully we'll see more fro them in the future.

Jip, although it may go some way to uniting the eve universe against BoB :P
I'm sure there are better targets of the general mass Eve pilots to unite against. at least it seems BoB are very honist and open about there stance better than those corps and alliences that sneak around and back stab :P (From what i've heard).
Lostcorpse said:
I'm sure there are better targets of the general mass Eve pilots to unite against. at least it seems BoB are very honist and open about there stance better than those corps and alliences that sneak around and back stab :P (From what i've heard).

Very true, but ive heard a lot of people state that BoB is pretty much the only force in the game that could steamroller their way through any territory if they see fit, surely it would be beneficial to the alliance community to rally against this single threat to them all. But its never quite as simple as that :P
Archangelus said:
That'd be something to see - EvE in Civil war!

I was just thinking that i'd be so funny to see every 0.5+ care bear/NPC agent runner/n00b/anything else charge in to 0.0 guns blasting and watch the 0.0 PVPers go "WTF we're getting owned by Dymetrie's care bear group stare attacks" and watch all the 0.0ers skutter for .5+ space.
funny you should say that.... before I left CAS, someone was trying to organise a group of 25-30 people in frigs and cruisers to go raid a gatecamp in a 0.0 system. It would have been highly entertaining to watch!
Archangelus said:
funny you should say that.... before I left CAS, someone was trying to organise a group of 25-30 people in frigs and cruisers to go raid a gatecamp in a 0.0 system. It would have been highly entertaining to watch!

Smartpoc 4tw :P ;)
Archangelus said:
but you'd have to be expecting 20 frigates to attack you to kit an apoc full of smarties.... and who'd expect that?!

Or am I just showing my ignorance of PvP......

Most of the time the groups of frigs hang around a fairly local area. Intel is the key for this setup. If you think it is highly unlikely to work, tell that to the 4 atuk that lost frigs/interceptors/pods to one of our pilots last week, all in under 20 seconds :) There were circa 10-15 frigs going after him, as soon as they got him locked down and within smartie range they saw 4 of their mates pop within 20 seconds they soon left the system :)
Lostcorpse said:
they weren't very smart if they were orbiting at under 8.5km ? they should have been able to orbit at 10km and still warp scramble.

Really depends what they had fitted, if they had blasters/other short range on they were screwed. If they didnt have blasters fitted, they still had to deal with drones, which coulda been launched after the instapoped frigs were gone and reinfocements arrived. its certainly not a vaild/versatile solo tactic, but one that works well with a fleet.
DanSolo said:
Smartpoc 4tw :P ;)
I find a sniperpoc with all weapons replaced with tech 2 dual light pulses to be more effective :)

It has the tracking speed to bring down an inty at sub-5km ranges, and it's powerful enough to be able to rip a deimos apart in 10 seconds flat (tried this on test server).
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