***The Official Forza Motorsport 3 Thread***


Right, where the hell is that track? I have played the layout A for that track but all it is is a big square I haven't seen that warehouse, am I not looking hard enough?
It is Layout A and it's the first large structure as you leave the start finish line :p

I've not played Forza for nearly a week now :O Been playing DJ Hero and with Modern Warfare 2 around the corner X.x

I'll have to make some room for it tonight ;)
Picked this up for £13.07 (had a £20 gift card and some points on my card) ... what a game. Many times better than forza 2 - i'm just trying to get the 100,000 drift points but can't seem to come close. Whats the best track to do this on?

Would any fancy gifting me a decent drift car that might help? I just blew all my earnings upgrading the M3 GTR I won to R3. You can only use half throttle in first and second or else it goes nowhere :D

Fujimi Kaido full reverse is the best circuit to get the 100k drift acheivement. Do it in free play & go through each corner trying to get the best score, using rewind if you think you could have got more. Initiate the drift by lifting off the gas just before the corner then tap handbrake & floor it. If you detune that M3 you have back to about 600BHP or so & use second gear it should be fairly easy.

Oh & it may sound obvious but switch of traction control & stability management.
Fujimi Kaido full reverse is the best circuit to get the 100k drift acheivement. Do it in free play & go through each corner trying to get the best score, using rewind if you think you could have got more. Initiate the drift by lifting off the gas just before the corner then tap handbrake & floor it. If you detune that M3 you have back to about 600BHP or so & use second gear it should be fairly easy.

Oh & it may sound obvious but switch of traction control & stability management.

Nice one, i'll drop the M3 down a little - haven't used the likes of TC & Stability Management since I starting playing Forza 2 - just ruins the game!
PRESSING LEFT ON THE DPAD CYCLES THE - oops - lap timer display between drift and lap time modes its subtle so watch closely, have tested this myself in single race and career.

Thanks for that hadnt realised this

Can't remember off the top of my head who sent me the R3 Mine's R34 Skyline, but its a total beast now, will send it back tomorrow (Don't have the xbox on to check previous owner ;))

Look forward to having a go - your efforts are much appreciated thank you
Anyone notice a bug/wierdness with the AI on rewind sometimes? A few times when ive crashed into the AI at corners or whatever if i rewind it the AI car seems to crash/ go off the track any way. Coincidence or a little rewind bug i dunno, doesnt make any difference to the game TBH just wondered if anyone else had seen it.
was mucking about on one of the 10 mile hill climb / decent - managed a meagre 25,000 drift points after a couple of attempts in some kind of Ford

Just out of interest what are people getting in a single drift - 1,000, 2000 range or more like more than 4000? (my max is around 1300 or so, had a few 2200 but promptly hit a barrier lol)

I hope you dont have to win the race while aiming for the 100,000 achievement?

I did laugh when I looked at the rankings after crossing the finishing line and it said I was "in the top 96%) hahahaha (of course they are actual race times rather than drift points which is what I hoped t see)

edit - in regards to rewind, I hadnt noticed the above but it does seem as though there are only a certain amount of rewinds you can do per race (trying to rack up the drift points on a run the rewind button just stopped responding after about 5 - 6 )
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On drifts it varies, most shallow corners i'll see about 700-1900, depends on your car too, but on a god corner in a capable car you can easily hit 3-4k+ and string a few corners together for many times that! :)
I've been ignoring this game heavily because I've been playing Ballad of Gaye Tony. No more! :o
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