Hey guys and gals, I have gotten some information and audio recordings from some people in this thread. I am still awaiting another set of recordings as well.
From what I've heard, the problem is a known issue that we knowingly shipped with. Cracks and pops will happen under certain racing conditions, as will some occasional static when the processor goes over 100% usage. The most common cause of the small pops is rapid tire surface changes. Both Sebring and Amalfi are most likely to reproduce this issue as they have rapid changes to their tarmac driving surface (pavement seams and cobblestone). For those that want a basic technical understanding...one common cause is stopping a sound before having faded the sounds down to 0...in most cases because we need to restart the sound from its beginning.
We shipped those bugs because, frankly, most people cannot hear them. However, some people are more acute at picking out those audio artifacts and combined with stereo setups that might exacerbate the effect is likely what led many of you to this thread. I'm not trying to justify the decision we made, but to validate the above sentence, not a single reviewer ever called us out on those audio artifacts, likely because they didn't hear them. That doesn't mean we on the audio team don't cringe when we hear them, but as I said the decision was made to tune to the masses and increase our voice and dsp count improving the overall audio experience. Take some solace in the fact that you have excellent hearing and are very in tune with car audio.
All that being said, I am aware of a situation that could arise that might massively increase the frequency of these artifacts which is why I joined in on this thread in the first place. But as of yet, none of the information nor the audio recordings that I've been supplied have confirmed an instance of this other unrelated bug. So if you are getting a large occurance of pops and clicks that you think aren't related to tire surface change sounds, I'd very much like to hear from you. Once or twice a lap does not constitute a large occurance.
But as it is, we were not planning on fixing these occassional pops. We will investigate a low impact fix as that is prudent, but I'm giving no promises and the next patch could be a while in coming. Thanks for your input and help getting me the repros and feel free to PM me with concerns, questions and suggestions.