***The Official Forza Motorsport 3 Thread***

This may be true, but for me forza is pretty much the only game i really enjoy for the 360

I lose intrest in the rest too quickly

(coming from someone who owns only a 360 .. )
I do not think this vid has been posted.
Have a look at it in high res it is very good.

The guy driving the car is pretty good and in the second half of the vid the speed and smoothness of the game is amazing.

The guy driving is actually largely AI.!!!

T10 for demoing the project seem to have the ability to do the ultimate one button driving, by letting AI take over when they want to, I've noticed this with a lot of their demo's, when they suddenly look up from the screen, and start 'panning' around the car whilst miraculously still following the suggested line..

I have to say that it look great (as does it's competition!), I think the problem is the annoying marketing rhetoric that is annoying! and if they would just let the game do the talking, without all the 'definitive' rubbish, there would be far less 'backlash' from the internetz..
From this Tuesday we will see fortnightly screenshots/details according to the Twitter feed. Should be seeing new cars and a track next. Looking forward :D
I don't think people realise how much people were into tuning and painting in FM2.

And i can't believe the people criticising T10 for providing these features.:confused:

Exactly keeping up with the tuning was intense. I was playing forza 2 daily and just keeping up with the hot lapping times was hard work. One month i was ranked in the top 20 on mugello in A class and the next month being ranked 150 ^_^. People constantly getting more grip from tuning, better gear settings etc. I used to spend weeks tuning 1 car doing hotlaps till it was perfect to race with it online.

This is the main reason at least for me why GT5 couldn't even be half the game for me.
I was actually hoping they would keep their regular friday pitpass reports with details of cars/tracks in there...

I mean, having to wait 2 weeks between 'news' , how will we cope :D

Oh, and more screen shots just been released! (Well just 2 pretty boring ferrari/aston ones)


Thanks for the heads up. I hope they keep the info coming.


This is the main reason at least for me why GT5 couldn't even be half the game for me.

Have they confirmed it isn't going to have configurable settings on all the cars for the full game then :/

GT1-4 all had fully customisable cars and I can't see why GT5 won't be the same. I believe they have only said it won't feature in the PSP version.
Those 2 new pics are a little odd, and no doubt from some 'test' version they are messing with
1. The ride heights are so wrong, they are on stilts
2. The 'chrome' around the Astons windows is not chrome any more..

The other media shots of these cars is OK, so I guess this is just from some 'test' build or other..
Have they confirmed it isn't going to have configurable settings on all the cars for the full game then :/

GT1-4 all had fully customisable cars and I can't see why GT5 won't be the same. I believe they have only said it won't feature in the PSP version.

The physics engine is no where near the mark of what the forza 2 one was (The F3 one is to a even higher standard). Changing the settings was far more simple for me anyway. You just never get the feel like you do with forza. I haven't played GT5:P so don't know if they have improved it at all.
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Those 2 new pics are a little odd, and no doubt from some 'test' version they are messing with
1. The ride heights are so wrong, they are on stilts
2. The 'chrome' around the Astons windows is not chrome any more..

The other media shots of these cars is OK, so I guess this is just from some 'test' build or other..

Maybe some numpty changed the ride height in settings?
Those 2 new pics are a little odd, and no doubt from some 'test' version they are messing with
1. The ride heights are so wrong, they are on stilts
2. The 'chrome' around the Astons windows is not chrome any more..

The other media shots of these cars is OK, so I guess this is just from some 'test' build or other..

I think the DBS is going round a right hand bend pretty fast, so it looks a little high on that side.
It also seems the 'chrome' might actually be correct too, it seems you can get the DBS with/without chrome, so when you choose the colour of the car, the de-chromed one may be in there somewhere!
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