4.0.2 is availible to me now
All done now. As a side, i think the camera is miles better than my old phone.. Htc desire lol
Any noticeable changes?
Tbh,no, the one thing i hoped would be fixed isnt. None of the other things listed affect me, except navigation, which was very quiet, cant check that now
Was hoping data sleep would be kmproved, often i have grey wifi/mobile bars coming out of sleep
yeah just woke up and doing the update now
I have avis but no player, whats the reason behind no support for those?
Not got 4.0.2 yet but now have 4.0.3 on my Nexus S.
Are people recieving 4.0.2 OTA then?
Dialler/Contacts>Settings>Quick responses
Edit: I don't have 4.02 yet but it seems 4.03 will follow very soon after:
Dialler/Contacts>Settings>Quick responses
Not got 4.0.2 yet but now have 4.0.3 on my Nexus S.
just out of interest, how well does ICS run on the Nexus S compared to the GNex?
I got the update last night. Not noticed any difference!