***** The Official Galaxy Nexus Thread *****

4.0.2 is availible to me now

All done now. As a side, i think the camera is miles better than my old phone.. Htc desire lol
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Any noticeable changes?

Tbh,no, the one thing i hoped would be fixed isnt. None of the other things listed affect me, except navigation, which was very quiet, cant check that now

Was hoping data sleep would be kmproved, often i have grey wifi/mobile bars coming out of sleep
Tbh,no, the one thing i hoped would be fixed isnt. None of the other things listed affect me, except navigation, which was very quiet, cant check that now

Was hoping data sleep would be kmproved, often i have grey wifi/mobile bars coming out of sleep

Any way you can check if divx/avi videos still play using a 3rd party app? If that's a no, i'm going to hold off on the update until it's introduced back in as that's what i'm using the phone most for these days.
How do i turn off call forwarding, things only gone and turned itself on and i can't find it in the settings menu.

Nvm turned itself off?!?!
just out of interest, how well does ICS run on the Nexus S compared to the GNex?

The GN is faster and smoother (not unexpected). It runs very well on the S and feels nice and quick, certainly a great improvement over 2.3.6. People will be very happy when they get ICS.
Are there any good battery apps or tips to extend battery life? Im finding the battery life to be poor on my Nexus. I unplugged it at 1pm and im currently at 60%. Ive turned bluetooth, dync and dropped the screen to about 25% brightnesz and its still sucking batter life like no other phone ive had.

The radio ROM made a massive difference to mine. KK1 seems best, KK7 terrible (half the battery life) and KK9 (current) is in between.
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