***** The Official Galaxy Nexus Thread *****

Its amazing how many of us have upgraded from the desire to the nexus.

Not really.

We all probably bought the Desire on 18 month contracts around the same time back when it was THE android phone to have. Our contracts have come to and end and we've upgraded to the current top dog.

Logical. :p
my desire contract was one year ,after that it took me roughly 6 months to decide if i wanted a sgII or the sensation
then nexus came along ,to make it easy on me .lol
Orange still aren't showing it on their website or under 'coming soon'

Think I'll end up ditching them and switching to someone else, think my Desire its on its last legs.

Edit - any good deals floating around at the moment? Using QuidCo and P4U, I can get a Nexus for £20 then £26/month, but because I'm currently with Orange but taking a new deal from Orange, they tell me I can't port my number using my PAC?
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Orange still aren't showing it on their website or under 'coming soon'

Think I'll end up ditching them and switching to someone else, think my Desire its on its last legs.

Edit - any good deals floating around at the moment? Using QuidCo and P4U, I can get a Nexus for £20 then £26/month, but because I'm currently with Orange but taking a new deal from Orange, they tell me I can't port my number using my PAC?

I suppose you could swap it to a PAYG sim, then swap it back to your new orange sim?

Not sure if that would work though, can't see why not.
Like many of you I got a Desire when they were "Top Dog", I got mine on a 24Month contract though sadly... runs out in May I think.. cant wait for an upgrade :(

Wonder what will be around come then..
Orange's purchasing department really do need a kick in the **** Orange are always the last one to get new phones and not by like days by like months.
Sometimes this phone does weird things!

Like the LightFlow apps suddenly decided to blink red and green randomly... I end up looking for texts, etc to see nothings there!

Just restarted my phone, seems to have helped... but still!

Anyway, still the best phone I've ever had!
I suppose you could swap it to a PAYG sim, then swap it back to your new orange sim?

Not sure if that would work though, can't see why not.

My Desire is Orange locked, so it'd need to be an Orange sim, putting me in the same situation?
EDIT - seems Orange are "aware" of this and you can't port back within 2-3 months, its to stop customers taking advantage of these 'new' customer deals??

Orange's purchasing department really do need a kick in the **** Orange are always the last one to get new phones and not by like days by like months.

They need time to find loads of uninstallable ***** apps to fill the memory with ;)
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Like the LightFlow apps suddenly decided to blink red and green randomly... I end up looking for texts, etc to see nothings there!

Mine was doing this a lot, so I've removed LightFlow. Kinda pointless if the damn thing is always flashing :(

When I have the original N1, I bought TrackBall Pro, but that only works on ROM's patched to allow it, so I don't think I can use it yet.
I suppose you could swap it to a PAYG sim, then swap it back to your new orange sim?

Not sure if that would work though, can't see why not.

Just an update on this - apparently some people have had success in allowing O2 to keep their number on another contract with them, so I think I'll have to give Orange a call and see if they'll offer me the same courtesy.

Alternatively, I'll just get a new number instead of messing about.
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