***** The Official Galaxy Nexus Thread *****

not an iPhone,
since its a nexus it'll get the updates sooner etc.
nice big screen will mean its ok for watching movies / tv on the move.
plus dual core has the grunt for playing games as well.

Yes, get one then, but that last point isn't really relevant. :p
Ahh fair enough.

Still think its a good buy, well that or a S2. I'm not really that clued up about what the "good" android phones are tbh
The S2 is a great phone and no doubt for some things it's better than the GN especially due to the S2 having a better GPU. I swapped my S2 for a GN recently and I like the GN much more than I did the S2. The S2 build isn't particularly refined and I am not a fan of TouchWiz, it's very crude, like it was created without much thought. The GN build is more refined and obviously ICS is a big step forward but almost anything would be more pleasing than TouchWiz.
SGS2 not Refined? What are you on about?

Just say you don't know how to make the most of it.
I'm not saying it's bad. It's a Samsung so I shouldn't expect much from a design or slick manufacturing point of view. Get it?

The GN is similar to the S2 but it's more refined and while it still looks like a Samsung phone it's obvious more thought went into it. I'm being a little too harsh on Samsung to try to get my point across so hopefully you get what I mean.

I didn't make the most of the S2 and neither will I with the GN but that is another matter.
Thanks Simulatorman. Chrome beta on the GNex works great and is so fast! Allows an unlimited number of pages to stay open. I like the Guardian description in their tech section: "With most activities moving off the desktop and on to the internet, a suite of tools such as gmail, Chrome and Google Docs, plus sharing services like Google+ and youTube" Google has "a daily visibility on Apple and Microsoft machines that no advertising spend could buy." "So much so that it no longer feels appropriate to refer to Google as a search giant." How about them apples!
Anyone know why Splashtop Remote Desktop HD isn't showing in the market on the GN?


Found this:

Seems like a bad decision for the GN?

Why is it a bad decision for the Galaxy Nexus ? Splashtop Remote Desktop HD is for Tablets not phones.
Chrome for android has sorted the double tap to zoom issue that the orginal browser had. It works much more like iOS now. Also forums are rendered to fit the screen, so no more endless scrolling from side to side.

I think I'm gonna use this as my default browser, though I will miss quick controls, full screen browsing, user agent switching and flash. Hope google can implement all of those soon.
Not sure I understand your terminology so I probably missed your point. But here is a thought: you can sync your chrome desktop to your Chrome on Android if you are signed into your Google account. For example, by tapping on the black star at the bottom of the menu screen you then tap Bookmarks and then Desktop Bookmarks and like magic, all your desktop bookmarks appear in the same order as on your PC (in my case a Chromebook). Then if you tap the up/down arrows you get the list of the most recent page you used on your desktop.....quite useful if you had to run off to a meeting elsewhere and then wanted to pick up what you were doing on your desktop right onto your mobile.

I am sure that this is not what you were asking but it was the best I could do as I did not understand your question too well. Hope it helps.
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