Is there a brain dead easy way to flash my YAKJUXW phone to YAKJU ?
Right, I've decided I'm going to flash 4.2.1 (if the imagine is available yet?). I have the OTA but I can't live with the laggyness. Why would an OTA update perform worse than a fresh image? It annoys me greatly. I bought a Nexus device so I wouldn't have to do this faffing around. Anyway...
What options do I have for saving and restoring my data/apps. Do I just plug it into my PC and save all the folders/files?
Nope, because most app data resides in the /data partition that isn't accessible unless you have root access.
Seeing as you're going to flash a factory image, you're going to have fastboot and adb setup, so the easiest way is to use the adb backup command.
Guide here. Only I would use adb to restore the back up if you're not going to root the device after or don't have Titanium Backup.
I would take a copy of the sdcard folders too, just in case the adb backup doesn't include them.
Anyone around the Gatwick area want to flash mine to Yakju for me? Looks like a minefield![]()
Anyone around the Gatwick area want to flash mine to Yakju for me? Looks like a minefield![]()
Got itThanks for the push in the right direction, the Toolkit made it a lot more simple.Now running 4.2.1 Takju
Thanks again guys![]()