***** The Official Galaxy Nexus Thread *****

It's 4.2.1 - fixes the issue where the month of December isn't available as a month in the birthday date picker, within the people app.
I know I'm probably just being daft but that new lock screen is really putting me off my phone. :(

Edit: Fixed

Edit 2: Not fixed actually. Now I'm left with the gimpy new clock as I can't replace the widget.
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Weird 4.2 bug on mine, when I add more than one contact to am SMS in the stock messaging app it converts to mms?, massive bugbear atm, not got 4.2.1 yet
Flashing an image

Right, I've decided I'm going to flash 4.2.1 (if the imagine is available yet?). I have the OTA but I can't live with the laggyness. Why would an OTA update perform worse than a fresh image? It annoys me greatly. I bought a Nexus device so I wouldn't have to do this faffing around. Anyway...

What options do I have for saving and restoring my data/apps. Do I just plug it into my PC and save all the folders/files?
Right, I've decided I'm going to flash 4.2.1 (if the imagine is available yet?). I have the OTA but I can't live with the laggyness. Why would an OTA update perform worse than a fresh image? It annoys me greatly. I bought a Nexus device so I wouldn't have to do this faffing around. Anyway...

What options do I have for saving and restoring my data/apps. Do I just plug it into my PC and save all the folders/files?

Nope, because most app data resides in the /data partition that isn't accessible unless you have root access.

Seeing as you're going to flash a factory image, you're going to have fastboot and adb setup, so the easiest way is to use the adb backup command.

Guide here. Only I would use adb to restore the back up if you're not going to root the device after or don't have Titanium Backup.

I would take a copy of the sdcard folders too, just in case the adb backup doesn't include them.
i gave it another shoot yesterday and flashed 421 image from google's site, notice that the JOP40C is not there anymore. Well, it maybe a placebo effect but this image is miles better than the last one, even my BT works, i havent noticed any lag...will report back in a week. I'll give it another shoot
Nope, because most app data resides in the /data partition that isn't accessible unless you have root access.

Seeing as you're going to flash a factory image, you're going to have fastboot and adb setup, so the easiest way is to use the adb backup command.

Guide here. Only I would use adb to restore the back up if you're not going to root the device after or don't have Titanium Backup.

I would take a copy of the sdcard folders too, just in case the adb backup doesn't include them.

Wow, that tutorial came out today. Nice find! I'll give it a go. :)

@Iraklis F.C. Glad to hear 4.2.1 image feels smoother.
Anyone around the Gatwick area want to flash mine to Yakju for me? Looks like a minefield:(

you can use the tutorial at XDA, its like 3 mouse clicks. Use the toolkit http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1392310

and then the tutorial is this http://leemn.wordpress.com/2012/02/01/galaxy-nexus-upgrade-to-official-roms-yakju-build/ scroll down toi see the tutorial using the toolkit. Basically you are unlocking the bootloader, then download the image you want, there is an option in the toolkit, and then you just click to flash the image, the rest is taken care by the toolkit.

Remember that you need to have a backup of your sd, pictures, mp3's and stuff because you will loose everything.

If you find the courage to proceed :D, i suggest the latest 4.2.1 JOP40D or JZO54K 4.1.2 version. Here you can find all the images for the Gnex https://developers.google.com/android/nexus/images
Anyone around the Gatwick area want to flash mine to Yakju for me? Looks like a minefield:(

Honestly, it's dead simple. Just download the image, unzip, put phone into fastboot and run the .bat file.

Also, flash it to Takju as that's the Play Store version that gets updates that little bit quicker.
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