*** The Official Google Nexus 7 Thread ***

Well I sorted my black screen problem. When adjusting the brightness I must have accidentaly put the brightness on the lowest setting. AND THEN COULD NOT SEE ANYTHING! I had to shine a torch at an angle on the screen and I could barely make out what I was clicking on. Stumbled through to the options and managed to put the brightness back up.
But why the hell do they allow you to adjust the brightness to such a low level that you cannot see nothing. Must be some sort of bug that needs sorting out ASAP!
Thinking about buying one of these, quick question - I know it doesnt have sd slots or anything, but is there any way to connect say an external hard drive or something?

Also from reading the last few pages, is it best to go for the C90 version?
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Thinking about buying one of these, quick question - I know it doesnt have sd slots or anything, but is there any way to connect say an external hard drive or something?

Yes, although a USB stick would be better due to the lower power requirement.

Without root, you can get read only access using an app called Nexus Media Importer and connect with an OTG USB cable.

With root you can get fully mounted read/write access using an app called StickMount and again an OTG USB cable.

My Nexus 7 is bluetooth tethered to my phone and whenever I'm out and want a data connection I just set it to use the bluetooth connection for data and bosh, 3G on my Nexus 7 without any additional cost or tarif.
Ok, thanks. If its not possible are the 7O and 8O versions still worth picking up?

Whats the difference between the versions?

The earlier models (C7O and C8O) were known to have faults with the screen lift. Then some started having issues with sound being not as loud as it should have been.

I have a C7O myself. It has a slight screen lift to it on the left and just recently the sound has not been as loud as it usually is. I want to send it off to get it replaced, but it will just be more hassle than it's worth. I have had it since end of July anyway and bought it from HMV.

Once parts become available to purchase, I will just buy the speaker driver itself and swap it out myself.

I love my Nexus and I can handle the odd niggle here and there. It has a case so the screen raise doesn't bother me much as it is not visible with the case around it.

People who have the C9O versions are more than likely to not have the issues I have mentioned. But it don't mean they won't encounter other issues. What those issues are, I don't know.

But that's the basis of it. I think.

It's the same with any new hardware device. You get those that will have issues and once the company realises this, they make sure the next batch are pretty much bug free as best as possible. Luck of the draw and all that.
I'm looking to get one of these soon (next pay day at the earliest), but during my research while having lunch I read that there might be some fairly drastic price cuts soon due to a rumoured 32GB version and to compete more closely with the Kindle Fire HD, which is a 16/32GB device currently at the same price-point as the Nexus 7 8/16GB respectively.

The thing is, I'm reluctant to spend up to £200 on a device with a rumoured price cut in the works, especially if I can get it for £40-50 cheaper. But... I REALLY WANT A GOOGLE NEXUS 7!!! :mad:
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I can't see many price cuts coming, when it was released analysis showed they were probably just breaking even on it.

I think its more likely you'd see a 10" tablet before a revamp of the existing unit to be honest, then maybe a 2nd gen 7" in a year or so.
I personally doubt there'll be much in the way of price cuts and the articles I just googled mentioned a new display provider (in a heavily caveated article referencing a known dodgy source so it's a shaky story anyway).

Assuming google don't see the need to sell at a loss they'll have to shave off component cost, most likely the screen which is already the weak spot in my experience. Using my nexus 7 straight after my ipad you really notice the washed out screen so I wouldn't want that to get any cheaper.

Plus everyone was pointing to the build cost as a reason for all the QC issues to begin with. Imagine it cheaper!

Finally, to the person asking about revisions, I've no idea which one I have but it was one of the ones the often mentioned e-supplier shipped out about a week early so it's launch stock.. faultless. No screen lift, no dodgy speaker.. nothing.
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