***The Official Gran Turismo 5 Thread***

That goes against the tweet from Kaz I posted earlier stating they were sorting out kinks with the game.

It will be interesting to see what Sony/PD say next about a release date, as should it not be 3 days after the original launch date if that's all it is?

Think it has to do with production cycles, they produce these titles in huge batches and then move on to the next product etc... Then they run off another batch a few weeks after, its all via a booking process. Although I do not know this for sure..!!

PD haven't got the game GOLD before they could send to production, and missed their slot. Now I suspect they need to wait, iron out the kinks is meaning PD haven't got the game ready..

Now, I think its Sony PR and wanting to delay the release of this after COD black ops, but Sony want this out for December for the christmas rush...

I can't help feel something is being kept back, and Sony are playing a longer game... If this game doesn't appear in December 2010, then its next year guys.

Lets wait and see... Fingers crossed this is a good game, and it gets released this year.. About the best we can hope for..
I didn't leave it out, the page I read this morning at Kotaku, only had that tweet on it. :)

Ahhhhhhhh so their likes your mistake. I recommend you dont go to Kotaku for GT related news. Funny because, is that not the same website that brought the revelation of exceedingly long loading times with a recent faked video. Something which they didnt even bother trying to accertain as genuine before posting about.

Kotaku seem quick to jump the gun like a tabloid newspaper just for the sake of getting clicks.

Read the full report on GT Planet its likely to be accurate or giving the most upto date account of things. Jordan does a good job running that site.

COD Theory Continues?
As for this whole Black Ops theory. The release for that game was announced on 30th April was it not?
GT5 still was penciled in for the same release window several months later in June at E3. So I dont see a connection of Sony fearing the release of COD with GT5. If so why would they of announced it for Nov 2nd about 1 week before COD announced release date?

Sorry guys doesnt make since....
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Didn't realise Kotaku were bad/had history of GT5 bashing. Only read it as another source to GT Planet last night and IGN this morning.

I dont go to it often but some say its more biased to X360 platform.
Cant confirm if thats the opinion of many however theyve done similar attention stunts before on the site just creating "situations" that perhaps arent confirmed or clarified.
I don't think it's worth putting huge conviction into second guessing what's going to happen..

All statements are deliberately vague and unconclusive IMO. Just wait and see.

E.g. Responding "I believe we won't keep you waiting until then" when pressed about a post Christmas release shows me that he still doesn't know for sure.. Why use 'Believe'? clearly he hasn't a clue..

Just look at past history and all the promises made/inferred/broken, you should just wait until it hits the shelves, nothing, I repeat nothing they say should be taken as any indication either way that this isn't all still up in the air..

Just think about it, if it was a 3 days missed window, Sony would know easily when the next window of release was available, and they'd re-issue a new release date almost immediately.. To announce a delay and then only have vague comments to say about it means they really aren't that in control of it in the slightest..

It could easily be a 2011 release, as it could be a December release IMO..
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PD dont publish the game or market it. Thats nothing to do with Kaz or his studio, maybe thats why he cant give the answers. SONY are the ones that decide anything to do with release date. Kaz would be a fool to make the 3 days comment if that was not the case and the game needed much more development time.

Its obvious its a corporate decision but not one that can instanly be changed. A world wide release has to have serious requirements in making that happen. You cant just transfer everything an extra few days.

For them its better to re announce a new date ASAP.
I don't think it's worth putting huge conviction into second guessing what's going to happen..

All statements are deliberately vague and unconclusive IMO. Just wait and see.

E.g. Responding "I believe we won't keep you waiting until then" when pressed about a post Christmas release shows me that he still doesn't know for sure.. Why use 'Believe'? clearly he hasn't a clue..

Just look at past history and all the promises made/inferred/broken, you should just wait until it hits the shelves, nothing, I repeat nothing they say should be taken as any indication either way that this is all still up in the air..

Just think about it, if it was a 3 days missed window, Sony would know easily when the next window of release was available, and they'd re-issue a new release date almost immediately.. To announce a delay and then only have vague comments to say about it means they really aren't that in control of it in the slightest..

It could easily be a 2011 release, as it could be a December release IMO..

I agree.

But i'm sure some people will be loving playing the detective on this one.

I have better things to do than waste my time on this fiasco and I won't give this game a second thought until it is in my hands.
COD Theory Continues?
As for this whole Black Ops theory. The release for that game was announced on 30th April was it not?
GT5 still was penciled in for the same release window several months later in June at E3. So I dont see a connection of Sony fearing the release of COD with GT5. If so why would they of announced it for Nov 2nd about 1 week before COD announced release date?

Sorry guys doesnt make sEnce....

I think COD was always set for November officially?

My guess is the PD just missed the going "Gold" date and now need to reschedule everything until they are good to go. As the "Gold" date should have been around now to get all of those copies printed. So there probably won't be a huge delay unless the problem why they aren't printing disk already is a major one! :p
I think COD was always set for November officially?

My guess is the PD just missed the going "Gold" date and now need to reschedule everything until they are good to go. As the "Gold" date should have been around now to get all of those copies printed. So there probably won't be a huge delay unless the problem why they aren't printing disk already is a major one! :p

The fact review copies are being delayed by a few weeks, and the fact that production schedules are well know at this stage, indicates to me that if it was something so simple, Sony would have been able to get a new date sorted before announcing the delay.

I mean, apparently the game is gold now, in Sony's hand (just 3 days late, we are well past the point it should have been blu-ray pressing plants to hit a November 2nd date), but review copies are going to be a few weeks late, and they can't given anything more concrete then 'should be before Christmas'?

It's still very much up in the air IMO, and I don't actually think the game is really gold at this stage..

I'm not bothered by this, I just have to look back at the farcical comments from PD/Sony over the last year or so on GT5 to know that whatever they say, it's best ignored, right up until the point people in the retail chain confirm it's in their warehouses..
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So according some sites and "inside info" Its all down to dem dirty pirates :mad:

Like I said it is manufacturing issues. I had it confirmed today.

The problem arose when SCE mandated SDK 350 on all games releasing after October, GT5 was about to go gold running on SDK 341, but it has been delayed by around a week so that they can update to SDK 350. This has caused a big headache for the manufacturing side, given how big this game is missing the gold date by even a week can cause a months worth of delay as slots are already taken up at this time of year for Blu-ray movies and such. So Sony had to find a 3 week slot big enough to make 7m+ copies of this and get them shipped out.

If you want to blame anyone, I would direct it at the pirates and hackers, SCE never had any real SDK restrictions before firmware 3.41 was compromised.

So it kinda makes sense but how come MOH already had 3.5 on the disk, well hope fully we'll get another date soon (so they can delay it again).
So according some sites and "inside info" Its all down to dem dirty pirates :mad:

So it kinda makes sense but how come MOH already had 3.5 on the disk, well hope fully we'll get another date soon (so they can delay it again).

the cynic in me is rarely wrong:/

maybe moh were aware of this requirement and had already built it in wheras gt had not.
So according some sites and "inside info" Its all down to dem dirty pirates :mad:

So it kinda makes sense but how come MOH already had 3.5 on the disk, well hope fully we'll get another date soon (so they can delay it again).

I don't believe that, I don't think Sony would want that information going out contradicting their official statement, it's just some guy on a forum essentially, and people are acting like it's gospel, perhaps he can get the new official release date for us too? ;) Why didn't they just tell the truth, if they said the delay was to ensure future firmware compatibility, and they had missed the blu-ray manufacturing slot, but will be out Dec 12th, we'd have nothing to be confused about, Kaz wouldn't look like an out of control, work shy, high maintenance celeb ;)

As you say, odd how MoH which went gold before GT5 was using the new SDK and PD where not? I don't think so..

Like yourself though, It's not a biggie to me, disappointing? Yes, but It'll be here when it's here..
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And so begins the endless, and utterly pointless, argument between those who think this is yet another step in the endless farce that has been GT5, and those who believe it's irrelevant and will defend the game to the death.

It's amusing :).

Regardless of how good the game is now, it will be ripped to shreds over even the smallest flaw.

And so it should be ripped to shreds if the game has a couple of flaws.(AI is going to be the biggie in the reviews) The words from KY has been to create the perfect experience. Impossible to achieve i know(I never expected perfection) but everyone involved says this game will raise the bar, etc.

To judge the game like any other is an injustice to GT5 and other "normal games" that take a fraction of the time.

We have been told that GT5 is like no other game, so it has to be treated as such.

I said i wouldn't buy GT5 unless it was the "the best game ever" and this was meant as tongue in cheek as "best game ever" is all about personal opinion.

Wont be day one for GT5 for me now, will more than likely get GT5 with a new 40+ inch 3dtv(got normal 40" sammie but next one HAS to be bigger) to play it on just before xmas. As long as some nice deal appears on 3dtv's between now and xmas.
I don't believe that.......

Actually hes right, see GT Planet:

"Here’s what was recently posted by Maximus – a respected moderator at the Blu-Ray.com forums with reported connections to Sony:"

"Like I said it is manufacturing issues. I had it confirmed today.

The problem arose when SCE mandated SDK 350 on all games releasing after October, GT5 was about to go gold running on SDK 341, but it has been delayed by around a week so that they can update to SDK 350. This has caused a big headache for the manufacturing side, given how big this game is missing the gold date by even a week can cause a months worth of delay as slots are already taken up at this time of year for Blu-ray movies and such. So Sony had to find a 3 week slot big enough to make 7m+ copies of this and get them shipped out.

If you want to blame anyone, I would direct it at the pirates and hackers, SCE never had any real SDK restrictions before firmware 3.41 was compromised."
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