***The Official Gran Turismo 5 Thread***

8 Aug 2003
Confirmation of the delay


"Game Delay

Sony delayed the global release of the “Gran Turismo 5” car-racing title for its PlayStation 3 a second time because of production problems, it said yesterday.
The company had planned to sell the game on Nov. 2 in the U.S. and Europe and the following day in Japan. “Gran Turismo 5” is the biggest exclusive game this holiday season for Sony and about 56 million copies of this game series have been sold since its debut in 1997.

“There has been a small, minor delay in terms of the last stages of getting the game released but we remain very confident that the game will be released before the end of this year,” House said."

Ohhh, drama, will it be out before end of year....
Seems a little like making good of a bad situation to me and fueling the hype/anticipation for the game.
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11 Aug 2006
Pembs, Wales
Maybe the delay is because they want to add the same anti-piracy feature MOH just released with, not being able to be played until the latest FW is on the PS3?


Production has been delayed as SCE mandated SDK 350 on all games releasing after October, GT5 was about to go gold running on SDK 341, but it has been delayed by around a week so that they can update to SDK 350.

Anti-piracy features added therfore playtested again.
18 Oct 2002
West Yorks
looks like sony is going to force all developers to require the new firmware to play the games.

yes you can have a hacked PS3, but it wont play any news game, ever, and you wont be able to go on-line, ever

This should at least mean that all new games like COD etc.. should be hack free on the PS3.
8 Aug 2003
It better be... missing Christmas will cost them a lot of sales.

Yeah Ive read lots of little childish antics with messages like "Im going to cancel" or "Im going for standard version if its not out for ......" Man how childish. I dont see how a small delay effects the persons original purchase decision.

Ive no worries either way, when its here its here, waited this long and it seems like no time since waiting for E3 to start in June for news of the game....

Personally I doubt very much it will release in 2011 though, if the reasons for the delay are not BS.
I'll go for Fri 26th Nov and Fri 3rd Dec as my guess.
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22 Mar 2007
Yeah Ive read lots of little childish antics with messages like "Im going to cancel" or "Im going for standard version if its not out for ......" Man how childish. I dont see how a small delay effects the persons original purchase decision.

Ive no worries either way, when its here its here, waited this long and it seems like no time since waiting for E3 to start in June for news of the game....

Personally I doubt very much it will release in 2011 though, if the reasons for the delay are not BS.
I'll go for Fri 26th Nov and Fri 3rd Dec as my guess.

I agree, I think people will still buy the game regardless of whether it is out before or after Christmas. The fact that lots of people have posted such angry and disappointed comments shows how much they still want the game. A small delay to what has already been a massive development cycle isn't going to suddenly change people's minds about buying it.
28 Jun 2005
On the hoods
Yeah Ive read lots of little childish antics with messages like "Im going to cancel" or "Im going for standard version if its not out for ......" Man how childish. I dont see how a small delay effects the persons original purchase decision.

Ive no worries either way, when its here its here, waited this long and it seems like no time since waiting for E3 to start in June for news of the game....

Personally I doubt very much it will release in 2011 though, if the reasons for the delay are not BS.
I'll go for Fri 26th Nov and Fri 3rd Dec as my guess.

It's not necessarily the cancelled pre-orders or whatever that they have to worry about, it's Christmas gifts. Lots of people will be bought GT5 for Christmas if it's out in time. If not, it'll be Black Ops or whatever else big is out between now and then.

The dedicated fans will make their purchases eventually, whenever it is released, but it'll cost them in the more "casual" sales.
8 Aug 2003
Im not an expert in sales,marketing,distrubution.

However I dont think this will have too big of an impact on sales at all. Even if it released a week before Christmas in a mad rush. I just cant see the game not making pre Christmas release.

If somebody buys game (B) instead of what would have been GT5 then when reviews and media, internet hype all begin to appear it will just fuel such people to reconsider buying the game again, even if its a little later. People get money at Christmas and if indeed it released too close for some parents to get it in time Im sure little Johnny will get it on Boxing Day or soon after.

Although I submit to Sony that everyone that has preordered the Signature Edition should get a free 3DTV now :)
24 Aug 2006
looks like sony is going to force all developers to require the new firmware to play the games.

yes you can have a hacked PS3, but it wont play any news game, ever, and you wont be able to go on-line, ever

This should at least mean that all new games like COD etc.. should be hack free on the PS3.

Sad thing is people will have a go at sony and not the hackers who have only "good intentions". A week or 2 delay is ok so long as those cheap **ts don't pirate the game.
12 May 2005
looks like sony is going to force all developers to require the new firmware to play the games.

yes you can have a hacked PS3, but it wont play any news game, ever, and you wont be able to go on-line, ever

This should at least mean that all new games like COD etc.. should be hack free on the PS3.

Well you can't blame them for this can you? I mean, anyone expecting to play PS3 games or any game for free should be stopped.

I put my cash down to play PS3 games, so should everyone else. I know if you can't afford to buy the game and copy it it won't be a lost sale, but those who can afford and don't buy, then thats a lost sale.

If the delay is only due to getting addtional copy protection in place, then fine.!! I expect to see the game as Mr Latte says.. Around the end of November, start of December. In time for my Birthday... Hmmm I'll drop hints to the missus for a birthday gift.. lol
12 May 2005

Just got my email from Amazon about it being delayed but out before christmas.

Best be out before the 15th, it's my 21st :(

to be 21 again... Ahh memories. Hitting past 37 this year, getting closer to 40 so i''ll be play GT5 for the first time when I have the big four o...!! lol

I'm hopeful it'll be released this year. Thing is, I really do not know what to expect from the game, its had so many changes and features added or removed, I have no idea what to expect... Hopefully a damn fine racing game..:p
22 Oct 2002
Near Cheltenham
Gamestop (USA) have put up a 1/1/2011 date..

I know shops can't be trusted for accurate info, but this directly would prevent people pre-ordering that wanted it for Christmas, which is highly unusual, surely Dec 2010 would be a much better placeholder?.. If shops are getting nervous about this year, what are they hearing from their retail supply partners?


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22 Oct 2002
Near Cheltenham
I wouldnt worry what american retailers are saying, according to these the games coming out on the Wii.


LOLz.. good spot..

I don't obviously believe anything until it's official, and even then with a pinch of salt, but it's some news..

And on that note, I see that some interview yesterday noted a confirmation that weather is dynamic, and track temp etc will affect the physics, which is nice to know..
8 Aug 2003
I doubt it, thats a saturday

Pointless speculating it much further, we have to wait for Sony confimation.
Isnt the official launch party still on October 26th in Madrid?

If so its likely we will get more info etc then.

As for news plenty of news and info on GTP particulary about "Blitz" report.
Interesting comments made by him and others...
28 Jan 2007
Wilmslow, Cheshire
Mother F........er!
I took delivery of my G27 AND new PS3 on Tuesday for the games room JUST for this game, having not read or even noticed this post untill now i feel Cheated! i could have bought the missus a new hand bag or something (yea right).
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