I keep thinking about trying to learn guitar. I've probably asked about it here in the past. I go through this phase every now and then.
I did make efforts in my late teens/early 20s maybe but just let it go after a while.
I'm thinking now I may give it more time but not really sure what end result I'm after. Pretty much just to play some tunes I like for myself. I'd prefer acoustic, I think, but is that the best method for a beginner?
I don't have dedicated space at home to learn away from the family etc so I imagine it set time aside in the evenings once the kids are in bed. But if that's the case, would electric/headphones be the better approach?
There's so many online resources that I imagine it's definitely possible to self teach, it's just the discipline to keep going and practice often that I could end up struggling with maybe.
I was looking at a Fender CD-60S as a entry level option
If you are planning to play wen the kids are in bed then electric + headphones is a better option. Get the Fender Mustang micro and put that into the input jack and can play as silent as can be. You are probably looking at double the price of that Fender CD-60S when guitar+micro amp together though. like £130 for a Squier Strat and then £80 for the Mustang.
Thanks for the detailed response, I shall look into the items above!
I guess there's no "Wrong" choice between electric and acoustic in terms of learning?
Is there a specific Squier Strat to go for? I had a quick look and I see there's multiple variations?
A bundle with extra gubbins would be good
Electric is easier to learn (as a rule). Pick a Squier that you like the look of, if you can try it first in a store then that is even better.
I would avoid bundles, they are normally not great, you don't even need anything more than the guitar and Fender Mustang. Besides a pair of headphones which I am guessing you already have. Don't waste money on these bundles because all it comes with are a really cheap bag, a guitar cable that you don't need and an amp that is a bit rubbish that you don't need.
Appreciate the advice, thanks! Will give the whole Electric over Acoustic some good thought. But yeah I think for my use case, and not disrupting the family, then the electric may be the way to go for messing about in the evenings
Would personally recommend a boss katana can pick them up relatively cheap and can sell it on if you lose interest.
Also recommend the following site to kickstart your playing, helped me in the beginning to have some structure to my learning.
Thanks! Funnily enough I downloaded this sites app yesterday and had a watch of a few of the basic clips and it seems well done/easy to follow.
How long have you been playing since starting with them yourself? Stuck with it?
I like yourself started when I was around 18 but soon gave up due to lack of time and commitment.
Picked it up again late 20s so been playing on off for around 7 years.
No longer play it everyday but there's always a guitar in reach when I get the itch.
The HH is easy, that's a Humbucker pickup in the neck and bridge. The LRL, I'm less sure of. I know that IL stands for Indian Laurel, the wood type for the fingerboard, so maybe LRL is a variation on that?Still looking into the Squier series and think I'll go for one. However getting confused about the different pick ups etc that they have and am not 100% clear on which would be the best for starting out.
I like the look of the affinity range like this one
I noticed it has LRL and HH in the name. I'm guessing this refers to material and the pickups?