The Official Hearthstone : Heroes of Warcraft Thread

Ooh, really? Im very much interested in this! Any linkies please?

Is table top simulator any good? I saw an Xwing Miniatures Mod for it the other day which looked fantastic.

Well, for example here's a workshop mod that just has 21 decks to play with:

I was a bit skeptical about Tabletop Sim initially - a few friends I play with a lot online had bought it and were saying it was good so I went for it... It's certainly one of those games where the actual game itself is quite basic, but it allows for a lot of possibilities and if that's something you can get behind and enjoy then it's really good

We've played Magic a fair bit recently but also stuff like Game of Life, Trivial Pursuit, Jumaji, there's tons and tons of mods on the workshop
Mind blast isn't really OP. I would never pick that card in a deck unless its something gimmicky for fun. Mind Control isn't either, you just have to play around it.

Considering you don't know the name of the cards I'm guessing you are new? Probably shouldn't call cards OP until you understand the game :p

mind blast is op when facing the otk priest. Velen + Thalnos + Mindblast = 12 Damage to the face.

but yeah in reality its not OP.
Yeah thats what I meant by gimmicky decks, i like playing the velen/emperor otk combo and doing 20 damage in one turn, but its not OP.
Dammit - I lost to a mage this morning in a game I should have definitely won but completely mis-played...

My key mistake - he had a secret out which I was 99% positive was ice-block and I had just hit him down to 2 health; I had the Eaglehorn bow in hand but decided not to hit him and trigger the secret (I guess my thinking was I might need the bow for removal, maybe, I don't even know, totally stupid)...

Instantly regretted hitting "End Turn" and that was all he needed to finish me off -> I was already on 15 from an earlier Alextrasa, but had a buffed Highmane and Houndmaster on the board... On the turn I didn't activate the secret he fireballed me in the face, which meant the next turn I couldn't finish him off no matter what I did leaving me setup perfectly for Pyro

What an absolute grade-A boo-boo that was :p
bit of playing and ive changed up some cards a bit.

2 x Equality
1 x Ironbeak Owl
2 x Knife Juggler
2 x Sheilded Minibot
1 x Wild Pyromancer
2 x Muster for Battle
2 x Aldor Peace Keeper
2 x Truesilver Champion
1 x Blessing of Kings
2 x Consecration
1 x Defender of Argus
2 x Piloted Shredder
1 x Harrison Jones
2 x Quartermaster
1 x Loatheb
2 x Sludge Belcher
1 x Sylvannas Windrnuner
1 x Dr. OP
1 x Lay on Hands
1 x Tirion Fordring

this is the current decklist. still not sure on the BGH cut though
Finally an incentive to actually play past the rank 20 barrier hehe

Sometimes I just forfeit to stay at 18-20 as you see better decks there instead of every 2nd game being hunter.
Well ive been using your deck Joel. Took out 1 owl and 1 acolyte. Stuck in a defender and blessing of kings (love this card... thinking of putting two of these in).

Generally heading in the right direction. Currently at 17. Was playing a game today when I was in complete control.

Then suddenly drops a Ysera and the game just changed direction. Ysera is just a silly card. Hate it (but love it).

I actually love this deck. Its really fun to play :)
Well ive been using your deck Joel. Took out 1 owl and 1 acolyte. Stuck in a defender and blessing of kings (love this card... thinking of putting two of these in).

Generally heading in the right direction. Currently at 17. Was playing a game today when I was in complete control.

Then suddenly drops a Ysera and the game just changed direction. Ysera is just a silly card. Hate it (but love it).

I actually love this deck. Its really fun to play :)

glad your enjoying it. it got me to rank 15 so far (after 24 matches i have a 63% win ratio) i just feel its lacking something and i cant work out what.

what rank did you finish on last season? i seem to remember you generally seem to get quite far in the seasons, how many times you hit legend if at all/whats your best rank?

mine is rank 8, but this was way back not long after beta, its a whole different ball game now. i think i could most likely get to rank 5/6 if i stuck at it but dont think ill ever hit my goal at legend (which is saddening) :(
glad your enjoying it. it got me to rank 15 so far (after 24 matches i have a 63% win ratio) i just feel its lacking something and i cant work out what.

what rank did you finish on last season? i seem to remember you generally seem to get quite far in the seasons, how many times you hit legend if at all/whats your best rank?

mine is rank 8, but this was way back not long after beta, its a whole different ball game now. i think i could most likely get to rank 5/6 if i stuck at it but dont think ill ever hit my goal at legend (which is saddening) :(

You give me more credit than I deserve bud :) But thanks.
Last season I didnt really play much, was just too busy. I got to 17 I think.
Never hit Legend, best Ive achieved I think is rank 5 or 6? (I think 6).
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Going to keep playing my giantless handlock/demon control deck to get golden warlock then most likely on to paladin after I finish gold warlock.

I'm on like a 7 win streak rank 13 atm going to finish around rank 5 this season for the rewards on ladder.

Used to always finish at rank 5 or better every season but havent done so for a few months since I'm in a different country studying but this will all change with cool rewards at the end of season.
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Used to always finish at rank 5 or better every season but havent done so for a few months since I'm in a different country studying but this will all change with cool rewards at the end of season.

Note that those rewards cap at rank 5, so there's no point grinding further unless you're going for Legend.

The new Tavern Brawl is a hoot. Every minion of 2cc or greater gets a Shredder-style deathrattle when played from your hand. Note that this doesn't work on the modal Druid minions, minions summoned with Mirror Entity (although they will copy the deathrattle on the triggering creature) or minions that have had their cost reduced below 2 somehow (so be careful with EmpT).
August Tracking

My Paladin Deck -

2 x Equality
2 x Ironbeak Owl
2 x Knife Juggler
2 x Sheilded Minibot
1 x Sword of Justice
2 x Muster For Battle
1 x Acolyte of Pain
2 x Aldor Peace Keeper
1 x Big Game hunter
2 x Truesilver Champion
2 x Consecration
2 x Hammer of Wrath
2 x Quartermaster
2 x Sludge Belcher
1 x Avenging Wrath
1 x Sylvannas Windrnuner
1 x Dr. OP
1 x Guardian of Kings
1 x Tirion Fordring

Still don't have Doc OP

Traded in my brawl pack for the standard 40 dust yesterday

Not playing the RNG that is arena atm as i'm waiting for the new packs (oh and I'm poo at arena lol)
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