The Official Hearthstone : Heroes of Warcraft Thread

I had already come to the conclusion with the change to this years line up (3 Expacs, 0 Adventures) that I wont put any more money into the game. I have spent around £400 on cards since the start of the game and I refuse to put any more since they nerf all the cards and retire them so I cant play them in standard any more. Blizzard are being a bunch of money grabbin ***** with this game and they should be ashamed of themselves, these price increases are the nail in the coffin for me.
I'm a super casual player. I paid for Nax with gold and I bought each adventure with money but I haven't bought any cards ever. I wasn't interested in dumping a load of money into this (or any game - £400?!), so my decks have never been competitive at all. I'm still missing loads of cards, I mostly lose casual games to the meta decks at the time with legendaries etc.

I don't like the idea of 'rotation' and Wild format, and I am a big player of RL card games so I am aware of the concept. So that put me off spending any money to not be able to use the cards. Now the removal of new adventures, which I enjoyed a lot as a casual player. The increase in card price, although I never bought them before - I certainly won't be in the future!
Sunk loads of hours into this, but only ever paid for the final wing in BRM and everything else through gold. That said, most of my decks aren't competitive.
Think i will be sticking to wild after this price increase, £1.50 for 5 virtual cards **** that. And them removing Classic cards from Standard at a whim is annoying as well.
I had pre-ordered the next expansion but I got a refund after I heard this. If you actually think about it, paying for these cards is daft anyway. I'm probably put about £100 into it over a few years so I haven't invested massively. If the hikes were small then I could tolerate it. If they also decreased prices when the currency was good for them then I could also tolerate it. But increases this large are just ridiculous and they don't deserve my custom. I'll still play, but I won't be paying for anything!
Ive changed to wild format because of this, cant be competitive in standard anymore with out a big cash injection, its the first time i haven't pre ordered.
There is absolutely no way people should be paying for packs anymore. The game just doesnt require it at all. The stale meta will always be there and within one week of an expansion coming out you know the cards that are essential, 90% of the rest are junk. You can get a lot of gold, packs, dust just by playing a few games every day.
Man, 3 games. Face Warrior, Face Hunter, Face Shaman.

I guess its back en vogue.

Edit: Also not buying any more packs. Price Increase or not. It makes sense that they've finally changed the "free pack" for winning Brawl to the latest expansion... knowing they'd be pushing people to invest more and with price hikes mysteriously arriving days later.
Anyone tried playing in new expansion? Not sure how i feel but some of the stuff seems OP, ive completed rogue quest on a few occasions on turn 4 and prepped out quest = auto win.
Have played for 6 hours of the new expansion... Not a huge fan as decks seem very cookie-cutter and I hate the fact they made the quests class specific and legendary... Why not design the quests so they could be run in any class as this would make for far more possibilities even if not all were viable?

I have been mostly playing purify priest (ancient watchers, the new plant, faceless shamblers etc.) with some handlock too.
Blizzard's problem is they seem to design decks rather than cards. Most cards only work with one deck and not having all the synergy cards means like using an alphabet without vowels. I mean what deck can you just take good cards and put them together these days? Things like Handlock of old or Ramp Druid.

Nowadays you're forced to do gimmicky elemental decks or quest decks forcing you to use all the same cards. There is very little innovation in the game.
They increased the prices because the revenue has been growing along with the number of players, so far. The number of players is now stagnating or even dropping so they've gone into the "squeeze the whales for cash" mode.
Have played a few hours with the expansion now but I've got mixed feelings. None of my old decks work any more in standard and I only had enough dust for 1 legendary so I crafted the warlock one which is cool but forces me to play the same game every time. I can't play any of the other heroes now as I don't have their legendaries/quest cards so I'm a bit stuck.

Also - is there an easy way to tell which cards in an existing deck are no longer valid in standard?
Bloody quests are op , quests getting complete on the third round and it's over by then when all the other characters are 5/5.
As a control paladin i can't compete, also mage quest if beyond annoying seems like I'm winning with board control all game however they keep you at bay with all the freeze spell, then they use a secret in two consecutive rounds to stop face from taking critical damage. By then she has the quest was done and boom, time warp and infinite fireball.
Paladin quest is a joke too.
Started playing this again last few days. I have unlocked all the heroes and currently building a deck for my Hunter. I have only had reward cards and 2 packs of cards I got with my 200 gold. I do the daily quests, like win 3 games, kill 100 minions etc. Nothing like the quests you guys are doing and ny cards are no where like what have either. I am still learning this game and my solo play on normal is good and rarely lose against the AI. I will try the next difficulty later to how I do against the AI then. Play mode is good. I have probably won same as I have lost all on casual so far. Is it worth going to play ranked at all?

I did have a squeaky bum moment yesterday. I was down to 2 health and the other player was on 20+ iirc. It was my last go before he would have killed me and I just played the cards I was saving for a big hit. I had 2 big minion beasts on the board, played my all beast have +1/1 increase, also played 2 more beasts plus a +2/2 to any card and some other one inc the drake that has damage increased equal to cards in my hand/board so it ended up with something like 14/4 when I played it the player clicked his 'well played' emote and 'wow' one too. Then I crushed him lol. I really wished I recorded it somehow. Would have made for a good Youtube video :P
Played for the first time since last year yesterday. Streaked straight to Rank 11 with no new cards on the first day of the season. Just like riding a bike.
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