The Official Hearthstone : Heroes of Warcraft Thread

Just get to around 6-7 wins and you'll earn your fee back. It's not too hard to do if you're experienced.

To be exact: you are guaranteed to get more than 150G if you reach 7 wins, but you will not get 150G from one run if you don't go at least 7-3. You can average about 6 and still never run out of gold so long as you do your dailies and don't do more than one run a day, though.
Ok so Ive cracked open more than 20 boosters and still only got 1 legendary.
I thought they were going to change the legendary drops to one every 10 boosters?
Ok so Ive cracked open more than 20 boosters and still only got 1 legendary.
I thought they were going to change the legendary drops to one every 10 boosters?

No. Your pity timer for a set you've never opened before is set to 10 packs, but after that it returns to 40 packs.

Still, I opened 111 packs and got six legendaries: Druid, Mage and Shaman DKs, plus Lana'thel, Lillian and Benedictus. Got Anduin from the Prologue and crafted Uther, Arfus and the Lich King in gold. :D
I came off night shift last night, i **** you not i got two legendaries from the three free card packs. I came on here solely to brag :P
Must felt sry for me since I'm a terrible player.
Brand new to Hearthstone, I used to be a MtG player back in the day and I am going to give it a go for a little while to see how it goes. Just up to lvl 15 on the Mage so far. I assumed it was worth getting anyone up to lvl 20 to unlock brawls and then start working on other things?

I wasted a bit of gold buying packs before I realised that Arena was probably a better place. I only managed one win first time, then three on my second despite being a dumb f and changing half way through to a Murloc build that failed.

Now having to wait for a couple of days to build up gold for another run. Any noob advice would be awesome.
Beren said:
Any noob advice would be awesome.

Best advice for a newbie is to watch streams and learn from consistent legend players. Some people transition very badly from MTG. It looks simpler on the surface but it isn't. Board control and trading is more complex even though the games overall skillcap is slightly lower.

Not sure Arena is good for a newbie. Unless you're consistently getting 5 wins or more. Grinding gold from just playing the **** out of ranked is your best bet. Don't play casual you will lose more.

Check hearthpwn for some viable FTP decks though as the new exp has just released things are in a flux atm and we're in the greedy control meta until things settle.
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Not sure Arena is good for a newbie. Unless you're consistently getting 5 wins or more. Grinding gold from just playing the **** out of ranked is your best bet. Don't play casual you will lose more.

You won't go infinite in Arena unless you're going 7 wins or more (5 if you're getting quest rewards as well), but you do better than breaking even at 3 wins. It's also good practice on a level playing field so far as card collection is concerned.

If you're buying packs, buy single packs of each set until you get a legendary then switch to the next. You're guaranteed a legendary within the first ten packs of a set you buy, thereafter you're only guaranteed one every 40 packs. Start with one pack of Old Gods to get a free C'thun, then Classic, then sets in reverse order (Frozen Throne, Un'goro, Gadgetzan).
The arena is fun because it is level and you get to play with some legendary cards and insta deck creation - it is also a fast hard lesson in what a good and bad deck look like. I thought I could run a dragon/elemental deck and it sucked hard.

I bought the starter pack, but I wont pay more than that for a few weeks until I work out if it is a game I am going to want to stick with for a bit.

I will have a look at some 'casts. I am starting to do ok by creating a custom deck based on a classic deck and then fiddling slightly, but struggling with getting enough draw cards into my decks for late game and options early doors.
Just got to lvl 20 on my mage and the free pack every week for playing the Brawl is nice, though it seems like those decks are just so random it is very nearly a coin toss.
Just got to lvl 20 on my mage and the free pack every week for playing the Brawl is nice, though it seems like those decks are just so random it is very nearly a coin toss.

They are in this case. Other times you'll construct your own deck, or be given a non-randomised deck (usually with random outcomes, like the brawls that give 30 copies of a card that gives random cards). One brawl we had, you picked two cards and were given a deck containing 15 copies of each. It's a random mess, sometimes an enjoyable mess and sometimes not, and its main purpose is to give new players a pack and everyone else a way to complete the "Play 50 Hunter cards" quest.
IAM terriblea at this game but it's one of my faves. Down to 15 with control Paladin so far but tbh only ever got down to as low as 12 before. Maybe would benefit bfrom a game critique
Is it worth saving up the gold to play the single player story over either buying 7 packs or 4 tournament entries?
Is it worth saving up the gold to play the single player story over either buying 7 packs or 4 tournament entries?

You mean the Adventures? Those are 700G per wing, not for the whole thing. They're the one place in the game where it's better value to spend real money even if you have enough gold.

A lot of the cards are quite good, but a lot of them aren't. If you only play Wild you'll be able to craft the ones you need when they rotate out of Standard.
Has anyone managed to successfully obtain the Oktoberbrawl card backs on EU? I already had a twitch prime account, and I have enabled the blizzard link within the connection settings on twitch, but I still don't see the card backs in the client. I don't even see them as greyed out unobtainable backs either, but this was supposed to have gone live yesterday.
Currently at my highest ever rank. Not sure why but this month things seem be working for me. Shame it’s no win streak bonuses from rank 5, not sure I have the time to get to legend in the next 7 days.

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