Is it worth dusting Hogger?
The amount of disconnections I'm getting in this is severely testing what little patience I have; especially when I'm playing arena and given a loss because of it. Though the latest bug of winning an arena match and been given a loss topped that for a moment.
I have been staying away from Arena since launch as the game is more buggy for me since then. The Beta was more stable last September than the version we're playing now. I guess Blizz just can't sort out some of the bugs like they thought they could.
Turn 2? Wouldn't that be 4 mana with innervate? He costs 6.
He might have seen pre edit when I did say 2. Which is posssible with 2 innervates though unlikely.
had some guy wreck me yesterday had a shaman who played a few minions i couldnt clear it, he rockbittered and gave a minion windfury then blood lusted and one turn killed me haha.
Golden commons DE into 50 dust, 10 more than a normal common takes to create. I wouldn't bother dusting them unless they are currently a "changed card" due to a patch in which case they are worth a ton and you should DE them immediately. Lore Walker Cho is not a popular card due to his effect on both players, you can either take the chance that they might fix him in a patch later or you can dust him now for an epic.
There's probably a deck that can play him but as he can be removed fairly quickly and spells are more common around the midgame, I don't see him being popular aside from some crazy defensive deck.
theres a 100g reward for getting all the free cards from levelling up as well.I recommend you play all characters til level 10 in practice mode, see which one floats your boat and take that out into the world. I did not do this, as I love druid and just started with that and went from there.
When you get non-basic cards (i.e. not the ones you earn by levelling to 10) you can decide to disenchant them (if you don't like them, or have more than you need, for example). This gives you "dust" which can then be used to make cards you DO want.
If you do your daily quests (these will become obvious) you get gold - this can be used to either buy cards (100g) or do arena (150g) and since the minimum prize for arena is a pack of cards, I tend to choose that.