A guy last night used a paladin deck against me that was based around buffing up two mana addicts then one turn killing me, i didn't expect it so couldn't counter it properly, bet he felt good
So I just started playing a couple of hours ago. Got the start mage to lvl 10 then went on a 1-12 losing streak and though **** it this sucks.
But I went to the forums and had a browse and started playing a priest deck, only had 10 of the default cards to start with but went 6-0 so that got my confidence back up. I managed to buy 3 packs for gold so far. I got Doomsayer Epic from one pack, but no idea if it's worth using in my deck? It has 0/7 but destroys all minions on the board at the start of my next turn and only costs 2 mana.
Any thoughts?
Oh and this is my in progress priest deck, shamelessly copied from a forum.
I don't yet have all the default cards, only level 7 maybe?
Ah not got that yet, but I just disenchanted an extra card and got a bonus 95 so I made 2 cards, Ironbeak Owl and Lightspawn, I'll keep sunfury protector in mind for the next card.
Doomsayer is more of a mage card (paired with frost nova). Priest is a tough deck right now, it's the worst by numbers (loses to everything in the majority) and against rush decks you're food. I wish you good luck
Cheers Myshra I'll keep at it. Have to say, never played a card game before and thought I wouldn't enjoy it, but it's really quite relaxing to play (at my level )
No problem. It's probably worth noting to newer players looking at this thread that Arena and Ranked while looking similar, play nothing like each other. In ranked you can guarantee the other side will have removal and that most classes will have their usual class spells (Paladins have 2 truesilvers, equality etc...) so you play for the turn/turn ahead compared to Arena where you can't guarantee a thing and need to play more for position of the next play (except for T7 vs mage).
Trump, an exceptionally good arena player/very good ranked player is the most popular streamer on twitch and is great to watch if you want to get a hang of things. He's such a nice person it's hard to not like his stream. Make sure you do the unique quests too for starter gold: http://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Quest
Turbo edit: Trump did some starter decks for all classes new people might find useful. This isn't to say you shouldn't build your own with netdecking but to get you going for the first few days, these will give you a bit of a headstart then using the default decks. http://hearthstoneplayers.com/starter-deck-for-all-9-classes-by-trump/
So I went 9-0 in casual with my starter Priest deck, my friend added me and invited me to a duel where upon I was smashed in the face with a high damage output hunter lol I realise now my skills are not yet sufficient
Seriously though the UTH buzzard+/hyena+/cultmaster combo is solid so long as you don't base you whole deck around it... Add in 2 hunter's marks which can sometimes ensure the hounds can also wipe the board if required. I love it - one of my most successful decks. Especially because of the hounds + buzzard (+ hyena? I forgot) only costing 2 mana each - you can pretty much guarantee the combo will work in most cases
In other news - I *finally* got some legendary luck with my packs... In the space of 2 or 3 packs I got a golden bloodmage thalnos, Alextrasa, and Gruul
Any thoughts what I should DE and swap Thalnos for? I already have those above plus Ysera... Maybe Rag?
Okay i'll give the UTH combo deck another go, probably tried it when i first started and failed it so never returned to it
I'm rank 12 atm, control druid is really working for me, chucked in a force of nature and savage roar for good finishing potential, they usually don't expect that.
Used this to get from 25-10 very quickly. Turn 7: Timber Wolf + Leeroy + UTH has won me an obscene amount of Ranked games
Prefer Warrior for the higher ranks in the current meta. I'm sure I could have hit 5 if Diablo 3 hadn't stolen away my life recently. I don't have an iPad but am looking forward to the influx of extra players and the ease of accessibility it will bring. I can see many a bloke playing it on the sofa while the missus watches X-Factor et al
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