Dear customer,
We have to inform you that your touchpad accessory order (Touchstone charging dock and/or Bluetooth keyboard) will be cancelled.
This is due to the limited stock we had on TouchPad accessory and we could not fullfill all orders.
Please accept our apologies that we were not on this occasion able to meet your requirements satisfactorily.
Any payment already made by you for these items will be credited to your Paypal account or to your credit card.
Please be advised that we will not be receiving further stock of TouchPad accessory products to offer as an alternative and our Store Teams will not be able to advise any differently.
Please do not reply to this email as this mailbox is not monitored but contact 0845 604 2921 or email us at
[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>
The HP Store is continually available for your computing needs, and we look forward to welcoming you back in the near future.
HP store team