***The Official HP TouchPad Thread***

Hunter said: "The sheer scale of interest in the discounted products took us a little by surprise. We are now working on ensuring everyone that owns a webOS device has a positive experience."

Who is running this company? Do they not realise people love a bargain :p
Get NomNomNom - its sooo pretty!

Thanks, this is much nicer than that Mosaic app. Though it seems to suffer from some annoying lag/pauses when scrolling left and right through the stories. Do you find that on yours too?

Unfortunately sluggish performance seems to be a fairly common feature of webos apps (and my touchpad is overclocked with the preware patches).
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Am I right in thinking no-ones managed to get AVIs playing back on this whilst not connected to a network yet?

Nope, I think the full version of the KalemPlayer app should but it's about £6 so I can't be bothered to test that theory :p

Hopefully they'll roll out .AVI support at some point, seems a ridiulous omission.
Thanks, this is much nicer than that Mosaic app. Though it seems to suffer from some annoying lag/pauses when scrolling left and right through the stories.

Unfortunately sluggish performance seems to be a fairly common feature of webos apps.

It seems to be caused by the OS itself and not the apps, hopefully HP will sort it with an update :)
Nope, I think the full version of the KalemPlayer app should but it's about £6 so I can't be bothered to test that theory :p

Hopefully they'll roll out .AVI support at some point, seems a ridiulous omission.

I'm not a great programmer, nor have I programmed in c++, but I'll see if I can look into developing a basic AVI player.

Or maybe a decent programmer could come a long and help us out :p

[EDIT]https://developer.palm.com/content/api/dev-guide/pdk/media-handling.html#playing-video That looks really helpful actually, it can handle those 3 codecs by default so all you need to write is a UI layer, hmm....
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Nope, I think the full version of the KalemPlayer app should but it's about £6 so I can't be bothered to test that theory :p

Hopefully they'll roll out .AVI support at some point, seems a ridiulous omission.

it does, I completely agree, and TBH, it may be a deal breaker for me if one doesn't come out soon :(

I tried an MP4 file on it and it looked rubbish.
so if I am up to date

there is no mkv player or other decent free file format player
the official case is sold out
update the Os,
get the tweak pack? Havent done that yet!

is there a decent ebay app?
I'm using Kalemsoft Media Player (Beta) on my tablet (found here - http://kalemsoft.com/betas/) and their server on my computer.
I'm not really sure how it works, all I know that it does work and is very quick. Once you select the avi on the tablet it opens up almost immediately.
It's worth trying. You need to install the beta through WebOS on your computer.

Thanks :) Will try that later on and let you know if it works OK. O've been using tvsersity via flash and it's extremely laggy so hopefully this will be the better option.
How do you do that?

Have you sorted out Preware yet?

If so it's as simple as this -

  • On Preware's home screen, type "Govnah" and hit enter.
  • Select "Govnah" and "Install".
  • If you have not yet installed a replacement "Kernel", on Preware's home screen, type "uber" and hit enter.
  • Select "UberKernel" and "Install".
  • Restart your phone as prompted.
Have you sorted out Preware yet?

If so it's as simple as this -

  • On Preware's home screen, type "Govnah" and hit enter.
  • Select "Govnah" and "Install".
  • If you have not yet installed a replacement "Kernel", on Preware's home screen, type "uber" and hit enter.
  • Select "UberKernel" and "Install".
  • Restart your phone as prompted.

Thanks, yeah I've been messing about with preware. I'll give it a go. :)

Uber, just comes up with No Packages Found?

Ignore that, I'm an idiot....
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How do you do that?

If you have the Preware installed, its simply a case of downloading the Uberkernal add in, then downloading an app called Govnah also found in the Preware section, you just open Govnah and click on the profile, there should be a second option to select which is the overclock.

If you haven't installed preware yet, there's a link to a simple guide in the first few pages of this thread.
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