Also where is the download for flash 10.1 on the market. I get no results from searching.
is it not just built into 2.2?? iplayer works for me out the box
Also where is the download for flash 10.1 on the market. I get no results from searching.
Hmm still on Opendesire here and I'm tempted to go back to DeFrost because the battery life isn't so great on this ROM as it's 18% right now and I think the display has eaten most of it (54% reported).
Perhaps I will also try this:
is it not just built into 2.2?? iplayer works for me out the box
Maybe I just read that it was an app on the market. Cant use iplayer over H, as its says its only available to 3 or voda.![]()
Ok, have adjusted bookface and twitter to sync every 4 hours. Gmail and the rest are all set as they should be I think.
I have got 3G Watchdog at the moment, is netcounter better ?
Have signed up for appbrain. What is the mobile url for it though as havent installed it yet.
yeah over 3g, but before you could not get on the site if i remember rightly
Forget that I just checked for an Update and now it has appeared!
Anyone noticed any improved battery life?
After the latest Vodafone debacle I've decided to go ahead and root my phone, but was wondering if it was worth waiting for my new sd card to arrive first or do it now and copy the data across later.
212: what do you mean? cases, apps?
you either need to backup your card stuff and use that, i recommend getting a spare card as you will need to have the gold card in the device when you do future OTA updates