*** The Official HTC Desire (Bravo) Thread! ***

tried it, does the trick but for some reason, it really really slows down launcher pro.

scrolling was delayed by about half a sec and made it feel sluggish as hell. couldnt take the widget off either. had to uninstall the app then remove the 'error loading widget' thing.

any other suggestions for a 4x4 calendar widgy?


android agenda is perfect.

now just need a news widget. buzz doesn't do it. doesn' work on launcher pro it seems
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Hi guys,

I've not kept with phones at all, and had a go on a friends desire lastnight and loved it

i'm a tad confused by the topic title

*** The Official HTC Desire (Bravo) Thread! ***

So the Desire that is out in the market now is the Bravo?
i'm very tempted to buy one wanted to make sure that there is 1 version of the Desire out there :D before i spend £285 - £300
There is only 1 version mate, Bravo was its alias before launch.

Ahh thanks for that info :)

my current phone is a c902 - SE so you can defo tell im not upto date with phones :D lol

my mother has an iphone which ive always liked.

But when i tried my friends Desire lastnight i was shocked how quick it was and had some nice features :D i just hope that it doesn't go outdated that quick
I've got ROM Manager stuck on "Downloading" in Market - if I cancel the download, Market FCs, then when I reopen, it's the same. I've forced a stop of Market, rebooted. How else can I get it to carry on with the download?
i clear market data, then force close the market when i get apps stuck downloading (happens all the time). it then starts again fresh and works for me
OD 3.5.x Blackbar with Sense icons and super circle version D is anyone wants it


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