First I should say I haven't actually rooted mine yet, and in fact Desire #3 (first two were defective and SLCD) is waiting at the post office for when I get back London on Friday.Thanks.
This might be a stupid question: and it probably is, but anyway. If I eventually root my phone (looking likely soon with Unrevoked), what situation exactly do I put my phone in in terms of software updates (Android)? Can I carry on getting OTA system updates as and when (ok I'm sure they are less frequent now then they were when I had my Magic), or will I need to flash it with an updated image?
I've been keeping abreast as when I'm sure I have a working one will probably root.
I believe most if not all custom roms disable OTA updates as they would overwrite your custom rom and return you to an unrooted state. They may also update HBOOT to a new and unrootable version.
You'll need to manually flash updates as they become available for your preferred distribution.