*** The Official HTC Desire (Bravo) Thread! ***

What's the battery life like on LeeDroid? thinking of giving it ago myself! :)

That im not 100% on yet as ive only had it on for a few days i took my phone off charge at 7:30am this morning and its still showing 80% in fairness i dont think ive even made a call on it today and have used it very little since i got home, it has however been connected to the work wifi all day recieving emails etc
I have all kinds of tea, I am tea man, extraordinaire!


Proper tea
Last night I thought my electric blanket was on. It wasn't, it was my desire battery. Stuck, charging on 80% with DeFrost 4.6 and new Radio.

It seems to have resolved itself after a reboot but keep an eye out for it as I'm not the only to report it.
I think I'll save updating it for the time being then.

After 1d 2h 55m my battery is on about 45% :D

Plug it in at night and take it off charge the next morning, I can get toughly 2 days average use (for me) out of it.
What kind of settings\ROM you using? I've got my CPU underclocked to 255-825, running DeFrost and it was running at 66% by the time I got into work (listened to 1 22 minute mp3, and checked email\played a few games of Abduction and was off charge from midnight last night)
I uninstalled SetCPU as it ended up msking little difference to battery on latest ROMs and radio.

My battery is on 63% right now, I watched various youtubes in bed last night and forgot to leave it on charge, have browsed sites in bed too and played music wirelessly.

I've also done some installing and stuff in the morning.
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I'm currently leaving my phone charging up to 100% and unplugging in the morning at 7am. I usually end up down to around 30% by the time I get home from work at around 6pm. I thought this was alright seeing as I use it frequently during work hours and have my Exchange mail pushed to it. Keep bluetooth and GPS switch off but I use wifi fairly frequently.
Oh yeah, black bar fans will like it that in DeFrost CM Settings there is a preset black theme available too which keeps the transparent dropdown tray:


I'll add my circle battery as soon as the kitchen is back online :p
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