*** The Official HTC Desire (Bravo) Thread! ***


I come bearing good news :)

I was partly right with the 2nd tab bit, well the fact that it's the first tab :p

Menu on ALL contacts tab (1st) and then View and choose the groups to show/hide.
Ah, you're a scholar and and gentleman, Khaaan.

However, this discovery raises a further query. Sorry about that.

If I click on Menu > View I get to View Contacts. From there I have the following options:

Only contacts with phone numbers [unticked]
SIM (0) [unticked]
Google (382) [ticked]
Show auto Gmail contacts [unticked]
Phone (0) [unticked]

But I should be able to select which sub-group in my Contacts that I synch with the phone. My Hero could do this - why can't the Desire?!

However, I have discovered something interesting. If I head to Contacts in Gmail, I'm running at a total of 287. But if I add in those under My Contacts and Starred in Android (Android being the group I used to synch to my Hero) that adds up to 382...

So, why is my phone picking up on the My Contacts group?
It's because My Contacts is used as a global group and it will always pick that up. What you need to do is create individual groups in Gmail and sync only those groups.

It sounds tedious but it's a logical approach that works quite well.

My contacts for example are in group categories, I don't use the default group names, instead using custom ones like so:

The Starred in Android group is used as a frequently called style group only so only people I call most often go in there (as well as their parent group).

This makes sorting and syncing contacts on the phone easier because I can choose to sync only the groups I want.

Basically all you need to do is organise your contacts a bit!

Once you've created custom groups you can then uncheck My Contacts and only check your chosen groups. Keep Starred in Android separate, use that how I use it on mine, frequent people only and have another group just for phone contacts if you don't want to combine all contacts from Gmail with Android too.
It's because My Contacts is used as a global group and it will always pick that up. What you need to do is create individual groups in Gmail and sync only those groups.

It sounds tedious but it's a logical approach that works quite well.

My contacts for example are in group categories, I don't use the default group names, instead using custom ones like so:

The Starred in Android group is used as a frequently called style group only so only people I call most often go in there (as well as their parent group).

This makes sorting and syncing contacts on the phone easier because I can choose to sync only the groups I want.

Basically all you need to do is organise your contacts a bit!

Once you've created custom groups you can then uncheck My Contacts and only check your chosen groups. Keep Starred in Android separate, use that how I use it on mine, frequent people only and have another group just for phone contacts if you don't want to combine all contacts from Gmail with Android too.

unless im wrong you cant stop it syncing all your contacts if they are in 'my contacts' in gmail or any group you create
you can untick my contacts and just tick the groups you create though.

In gmail custom group contacts will always show in "My Contacts"
Just ordered my desire ..,. Andriod here i come, 17.18 a month after cashback + 50 off on quidco
Free phone
512mb web
Unlimited text and landline

I've just ran the Alpha S-OFF HBOOT patch, worked really well and was simple to do :)

Ran it with Teppic74's rooted 2.10 with optional add-on ROM :)
you can untick my contacts and just tick the groups you create though.

In gmail custom group contacts will always show in "My Contacts"

im not quite with you. my understanding is all contacts listed in 'My contacts' will sync over, there is no way you can just have 'friends' for example, its all or nothing. and if you have other contacts outside of 'my contacts' they wont sync over, however there email addy will be available on the phone if you search, just not listed as a contact.
This is why I said create custom groups instead of using the default ones, those you can choose what to sync and what not. This is how I've been doing it for ages and it just works.

I did also say it seems tedious but it's logical once you get your head round it.
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