*** The Official HTC Desire (Bravo) Thread! ***


What's the best app for being able to remotely wipe your phone if you lose it.

I haven't worried about until now. Left my phone in a shop today!! Fortunately someone had the sense to ring the number stored under Home and its now back in my possession.
HTC will enable HTCSense.com for Desire by Xmas and that allows wiping I hear, will be worth keeping an eye on that as it will be free as well.

You know that kitchen for themes:


See for the this part here:


You have to choose your ROM, I am not on any of those ROMs, so what do I do? :confused:

Asked on samdroid as well, and some guy said just don't change boot animation (which I am not going to do anyway), and click on next then upload your framework and flash it.

Just want to be sure :)

So what do you think? Just do what he has said?

Can anyone with a Desire who had a Magic before tell me which phone is better at keeping mobile reception? Especially in places where the signal may not be that good. Some phones will be better than others in weak signal areas and I was wondering what the Desire is like compared to the Magic. I have the Magic atm but have the desire to get a Desire and I'd like to know if the Desire, being newer, is better at keeping a signal. :)
I get better reception at work on the Desire than the Magic which was running Cyanogen. I upgraded handset and kept same simcard/network.
I get better reception at work on the Desire than the Magic which was running Cyanogen. I upgraded handset and kept same simcard/network.
Nice once Khaaan! I'd be keeping the same sim card/network because I'm thinking of paying up the rest of my contract and upgrading to a Desire. Would love an AMOLED one but one of those would cost me £400+ on Ebay or 2nd hand and I believe my contract, up in May 2011, would cost me less than £180 to end so there's very little financial reason to spend £200+ more than I need to in order to get an AMOLED Desire when I can spend less than £180 to get a Desire albeit with an SLCD screen. :p
The SLCD screen is not bad at all, you'd only notice the obvious differences side by side with an AMOLED one, it's a better screen than most other non LED screen handsets though that's for sure :p

Well, except the iPhone 4 but that's a smaller higher res screen so should be clearer!
Are the original Desires worth that much of a premium then? because I have one! - might sell it to fund the Nexus II (dependant on specs)

Anyway, does anyone know of the best ROM for video recording? or can recommend any settings/apps?

Reason is that on Leedroid, the 720p recording picture quality was good but the sound quality is rubbish - or is that to be expected on all Desires since they have only one microphone?

Right, only just tried flashing this custom theme using the kitchen thing now.

But for some reason the text is still black, even though I chose a black status bar at the start etc.

Also the wee green android bot in the notification tray is cut off as well.



What do I do? :confused:

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Ok, got the black text sorted, now white :D, just took the services.jar from another theme with a black status bar and put that in the framework folder, but still can't get that green android bot in the bottom right corner to show fully :(
Well I cocked up the transfer of my stuff from 4GB MicroSD to the new class 4 16GB MicroSD.

All sorted now, but I had to install a fresh copy of LeeDroid (2.2e) and then restore most things from backup. Shame I can't back up my custom icons and items in FolderOrganiser since I spent ages getting that just right :(
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