***The Official HTC One Thread***

I've got my HTC One (black). It's almost flawless. There is a tiny "gap" (if you call it a gap" at the top where the back meets the front. I'd estimate the "gap" is 10% of a millimeter). It's very small - it's not something you'd (or I) would return the phone for.

This phone is amazing.

Consider this: I am upgrading from a Blackberry 9000. So to me this feels like going from a Ford Focus 1.6L Ghia to a Mercedes S500.
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Got mine last night. I love it.

One annoyance tho is the settings button at the bottom of some apps. It takes up quite a bit of screen with just a black bar!
Did some bartering in town, here's what I got:

- Free HTC One (Silver)
- £70 Cash Back
- £36 PCM for Unlimited Texts, 900 Minutes, 1GB data on Orange.

The £70 cash back effectively takes the PCM payment to £30. Informed Orange of my PAC code so bye o2. On hold to o2 now waiting to cancel my contract. :)
Put the Revolution HD 7.0 ROM on earlier. Very nice.


Thing that always narks me about Android is that the only version that has a battery percentage available as stock is TouchWiz. Why AOSP or Sense doesn't have this option is beyond me.
Did some bartering in town, here's what I got:

- Free HTC One (Silver)
- £70 Cash Back
- £36 PCM for Unlimited Texts, 900 Minutes, 1GB data on Orange.

The £70 cash back effectively takes the PCM payment to £30. Informed Orange of my PAC code so bye o2. On hold to o2 now waiting to cancel my contract. :)

Don't cancel, using your PAC code is all you need to do. If you explicitly ring up and cancel you might lose your number
So because I'm on a 24 month contract, phones 4u can only offer me 24 instead of the 18 month I want. I don't know what to do because I want to keep my number but the contract I want is on the same network :(
I cant believe how good the speaker quality is for a phone :-)

What cases are you guys getting?

I've ordered the official htc case with the 3 colours on it just now to get it protected but Ideally Wouldn't mind a pouch so that when I'm using it there no case showing off its beauty.

Q - I used an online site last night to upload an mp3 crop it then use it as a ring tone but when I put it in the ringtones folder and choose it in the device it sounds like it has echo. did the same thing with the s3 when I had it and it was fine.... any ideas?
I love listening to podcasts and this phone makes it a dream. It sounds like the person is in the room with you on loudspeaker!
Considering I don't want to go for an 24 month contract anything better than the Dialaphone 47£pm & £49 upfront with £50 cashback or Dialaphone £36pm for 18months & £50 cashback (I know they have the cashback by redeption also but not sure how much I can trust them on that).
Am looking to unlock the Bootloader via HTC Dev and root, install a custom ROM (looking likely that it will be Revolution HD).

Install tbalden's kernel to enable the HTC logo and then the xposed apk to get rid of the horrible 3 dot menu.

I've never rooted and installed a custom ROM on a HTC device before, and reading through everything it's certainly mind boggling but do-a-ble.

Certainly easier on a Samsung device, that's for sure :eek:
Look for the all in one tool kit and guide stoosh, a lot easier. But yeah, Samsung devices are a lot easier :( although supposedly quite a few GS 4's have been boot locked :eek:
Look for the all in one tool kit and guide stoosh, a lot easier. But yeah, Samsung devices are a lot easier :( although supposedly quite a few GS 4's have been boot locked :eek:

Cheers Nexus, found one over at XDA, (Hasoon's all in one kit) Am really mulling over whether to unlock the bootloader, it's quite scary as I haven't messed around with a HTC device before. Was reading that the S4 has a locked bootloader, the natives are certainly not happy! :eek:

While I'm at it, am also going to try and root and install a custom ROM on my Nexus 7, it's really quite buggy and slow and stutters a fair bit on 4.2.2 :(
Yeah think that is the same guy who provided one for the one S! :D Have been tempted many times to use it :p

Personally I CBA with faffing around with the root etc. stuff these days and personally don't really see much need for it any more unless you absolutely have to have some app that requires root or change the theme or something.

Yup, Samsung sure are ****ing all their loyal fans of, first not brining the exynos version and now they are supposedly brining it at some point, then releasing a water proof version in a few months time and now this......

That is tegra 3 for you! :D :p From my brief use with a nexus 7, I found it pretty smooth and quick! Should try a factory reset first, works wonders! :) :p
Yeah think that is the same guy who provided one for the one S! :D Have been tempted many times to use it :p

Personally I CBA with faffing around with the root etc. stuff these days and personally don't really see much need for it any more unless you absolutely have to have some app that requires root or change the theme or something.

Yup, Samsung sure are ****ing all their loyal fans of, first not brining the exynos version and now they are supposedly brining it at some point, then releasing a water proof version in a few months time and now this......

That is tegra 3 for you! :D :p From my brief use with a nexus 7, I found it pretty smooth and quick! Should try a factory reset first, works wonders! :) :p

There's a number of advantages of rooting the HO, I want to enable the HTC logo and get rid of the dreaded 3 dot menu, anything else is a bonus! :D

You have some serious strong will power not to root your HOS, I would've caved in long ago! :p

Personally I think that Samsung have become arrogant to the point where they know that their loyal fans will buy anything from them without hesitation and they're now doing what they want, with the recent stunts that they have been pulling, they're in danger of alienating their followers :eek:

I forgot that the Nexus 7 was Tegra 3 :o No wonder it's stuttering and chugging along, thanks for reminding me.

First thing I did was a factory reset and it's still the same, I'll definitely root and install a custom ROM to stop the slowdown. Apparently there's a revised N7 being announced at the Google I/O will probably just end up buying that in the end. :cool:
Personally I think that Samsung have become arrogant to the point where they know that their loyal fans will buy anything from them without hesitation and they're now doing what they want, with the recent stunts that they have been pulling, they're in danger of alienating their followers :eek:

That's not true at all IMO, people are fickle and will simply buy what they perceive to be the best. I seriously don't think people go around saying they will only buy a Samsung :p.
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