The only things I really want improved with the S is screen size, res. pretty happy with everything else currently so a small tablet would in some ways be better for me when I think about it, sure the one and GS 4 bring nice improvements in the majority of areas, main ones for me being the one's speakers, camera overall and both devices screens (especially the GS 4 screen ), but its not like the one S and other last gen. phones are slouches in the likes of the camera, battery, performance etc. department and for me, not worthy of the £380+ price tag (baring in mind, the one S is worth hardly anything now especially when mine has those wee nicks from the drop ), in order for me to give that much money, it has to be a good/very noticeable upgrade overall, if you know what I mean. Bit like how I am with my PC, only upgrade when I really need to!
Of course if the X or/and nexus 5 are amazing and even better than the one and GS 4 then I might change my mind