Near enough the first day of having this phone & I have to say it is pretty damn awesome.
The screen is lush, colours look great, viewing angles are a hell of a lot better than the N4 screen, No yellow colour shift here! The screen just well pops!
The speakers are amazing, Watched lots of youtube videos, some tvcatchup & listening to google music in the shower, By far the best speakers I've heard on a phone & it rivals my friends usb speaker which is pretty damn decent!
The camera isn't too bad but because I am on Three I am running an older firmware.
The TV remote is damn awesome too, Got my friend good & proper last night, he was looking around thinking what the hell just happened. I couldn't hold a straight face
Now down to the software, The camera software is really good, One big improvement over the N4. I don't think I like the launcher, But blinkfeed is pretty nice I have to say. I'm going to try & hold out installing Apex for the moment. Some things I still prefer on stock Android though! The keyboard is OK going to keep a hold on that one for the moment but will eventually install the 4.2 keyboard I think.
Audio quality through the headphones seems a little bit better than the N4 was.
Battery life seemed alright, It came with about 70% on it & that lasted 12 hours, with lots of downloading, streaming, texting. Certainly seems a lot better than the N4 again for that.
So that is that for now. I am enjoying the device but I don't know how long temptation of going back to PA will last.