***The Official HTC One Thread***

3 photos! Bare in mind that these aren't the best conditions now to show this off and supposedly the units aren't the final version so the camera should be better with the proper retail units:




Looks pretty good there


in theory, while you will be sacrificing some detail in well-lit environments, you should be getting better low-light results. Add the super bright F/2.0 lens and you should be getting the smartphone with the best low-light performance in business. And since you would be downsizing many of your images anyway, this seems like a fair trade to us. As long as the HTC One delivers on those promises, that is.

As it turns out the shots are pretty good, considering the less than perfect environment and their per-pixel detail is much better than any of the smartphones we have recently reviewed. It’s not quite able to come close to the performance of the Nokia 808 PureView, but that one has a sensor 6 times as big as the HTC flagship.



Hmmm, just remembered, what about the menu button? With the one S/X you have a tweak so when you hold down on the multi tasking button you get the app menu, but if you don't have that option enabled it means you have the evil 3 dot menu button on the bottom!!!! (developers need to remove it) :mad: Deal breaker right there for me


wow! Excellent image cymatty to show exactly why Samsung brain washing marketing is so good now! :p
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Not counting on samsung changing the design;

- have used glossy plastic since the gs 1
- have had the hard home button since the gs 1 and it has been confirmed that they won't get rid of it
- all their other products are following a similar trend to the pebble/nature style
- the majority of people seem to like it or not be bothered considering how many gs 3 have sold so why change something that isn't broken?
- Taking apple's attitude :( :o

Sure the gs 4 will have sd slot, removable battery, better battery life, some great features and as for camera, it is too hard to say, the one series VS the GS 3 was very close, one phone won some scenarios whilst the other won in other areas.

Apart those wee things, everything else will come down to personal preference.

I can't see Samsung moving on changing its design either. Like you mentioned on this forum they've become like Apple in many respects.

The plastic fantastic design will not change, but if it ain't broke why fix it?

Everywhere I go I see people with a S3, it's not like I'm knocking Samsung's success but even people who don't have a clue about phones are rocking the S3 and no doubt Samsung will be rubbing their hands with delight as they plan to ship over 100 million S4 phones when it's released.

Different strokes for different folks, sure HTC lost out with the Sensation vs S2, again they claim close with the HOX but no one could ever have predicted Samsung's run away success when it came down to the S3.

It all comes down to a matter of taste in the end and Samsung have loads of cash to spend when it comes to advertising and marketing.

Think about it, other than the football matches how many HTC adverts have you seen on TV?

I can easily recall the cheesy music for the S3 advert that appears almost on a regular basis on TV. It's like David vs Goliath when it comes to Samsung vs HTC.

We all know that when the S4 is released everyone will go out and buy the phone, those who chose to be different will go for the Motorola X phone or HTC One, or even the N4.
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We need some context for camera output. :D

Hmmm, just remembered, what about the menu button? With the one S/X you have a tweak so when you hold down on the multi tasking button you get the app menu, but if you don't have that option enabled it means you have the evil 3 dot menu button on the bottom!!!! (developers need to remove it) :mad: Deal breaker right there for me

Good point... double tap back? Click your heals three times? Voice activation? What a joke, haven't they learnt anything from the menu button fiasco from last year?

I wonder when/if the HOS gets upgraded to Sense 5?
Yup stoosh, HTC VS Samsung in marketing, htc aren't even in the same league, just can't compare them, as I said in another thread:

- Samsung's marketing/ads are very much like apple now, they build the hype up perfectly, have their own show for the phone, don't concentrate on talking about the hardware side of things too much (since the majority of average joes won't have a clue about this or/and don't even care about it), more the software side (just like apple)
- everywhere I go, all I see are galaxy note/GS 3 ads and iphone ads, even on TV there are far more ads for them than the HTC phones
- walk into any phone shop and the galaxy and note phones have their wee own stand (some even have a big TV purely to show the phone of.......)just like the iphones, where as all the other phones by htc, sony etc. are bunched together
- all the news sites no longer do their typical android VS iphone articles etc. it is mostly GS 3 VS iphone as if to say that the GS 3 is the only android phone....
- the court cases throughout the last year or 2 between apple and Samsung only benefited Samsung a lot in the end
- Samsung don't release updated models or good mid range and low range phones and they most certainly don't market/advertise them as much as the flagship
- nowhere as much brand awareness/presence as Samsung
- everyone and I mean EVERYONE has a GS 3 or iphone so the majority of people will just get whatever everyone else has due to the popularity

Even if Samsung were to bring the exact same phone as the GS 3 out again but with just a 1080P SAMOLED screen and everything else wasn't as good as the HtC one etc. it would still sell far more devices than either the htc one, xperia Z etc.

Unfortunately for htc, sony etc. to stand a chance, they just have to what Samsung did, copy Apple.

Regarding advertising, only ad I remember is the sky diving ad, which I liked :p :o But.........it was only ever for the one X, what about the one S and V and was very rarely on TV????

Give me the job of being in charge of HTC's marketing/advertising and I bet you I could get them back on top! :p
Good point... double tap back? Click your heals three times? Voice activation? What a joke, haven't they learnt anything from the menu button fiasco from last year?

Lol! :D

Maybe double tap both buttons and then hold down on both for 10 seconds???

I wonder when/if the HOS gets upgraded to Sense 5?

Doubt it, but if the XL etc. gets the update then no reason why it shouldn't. If they do bring the update, not expecting it to hit any time soon.

Besides don't like the look of sense V5. All I want is 4.1.2 to improve the battery life, to be able to expand the notifications with just a swipe down, option to remove that stupid power notification thing.
Besides don't like the look of sense V5. All I want is 4.1.2 to improve the battery life, to be able to expand the notifications with just a swipe down, option to remove that stupid power notification thing.

The power saver notification is still there :( Hopefully they'll move it to the quick settings menu in 4.2. If any stupid persistent notifications are still in 4.2 then the HOS is going in the bin :D

I wouldn't mind the new multitasking window, much better than the silly 3D effect one per screen thing we have now.


The power saver notification is still there :( Hopefully they'll move it to the quick settings menu in 4.2. If any stupid persistent notifications are still in 4.2 then the HOS is going in the bin :D

I wouldn't mind the new multitasking window, much better than the silly 3D effect one per screen thing we have now.




Yeah the new MT window does look better!
The one thing that puts me of when I look at that spec list (same goes for other phones) is the android version = 4.1.2 :( :o

Don't care about 4.2 as it doesn't really bring anything new, but for god sake, how can it take so long to bring such a small/easy update to other phones??? I have got most of the new features on my S already from using 3rd party apps! If KLP is as big of an upgrade as it was for ICS then I dread to think how long it will take for other devices to get it, maybe a year again or even longer........ :o

This is why a nexus 4 is still extremely tempting.......

4.2 was borked and a power hog on Qualcomm processors ... Google have only just fixed it.
They mention stereo speakers in the press conference. Is it stereo when you have the device horizontal? How do the speakers work if you have them held vertically?

Is the HTC logo a physical/capacative button (home) or just branding? Weird design choice as I am sure the HTC logo is normally at the top of the phone (like other manufacturers as well?)

I like it, sexy looks, powerful and great screen. Battery should be fine too, the buttons issue is minor.
No battery access and no sd? Those are 2 thinks I thought it wouldhave .

Takes last doubt away for me.
I always need a replacement battery before I get rid of my old phone.

Awaits Google X
They mention stereo speakers in the press conference. Is it stereo when you have the device horizontal? How do the speakers work if you have them held vertically?

Is the HTC logo a physical/capacative button (home) or just branding? Weird design choice as I am sure the HTC logo is normally at the top of the phone (like other manufacturers as well?)


The HTC logo is just that - a logo. It doesn't do anything.
This phone looks very promising, very nice SoC, great build, design is starting to slowly grow on me, more of the black version the the white. Camera should be amazing too, hope HTC markets the crap out of this so they don't just lose to Samsung without even putting up a fight.
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