***The Official HTC One Thread***

After reading the last 5 pages...

To a lot of you who do keep up to date by having the latest phones evry 6 months (it seems), this won't be too big of an update but think of the others who are stuck in contracts for 2 years, I'm coming from a DHD :eek: To me this phone is immense :D

(My contract ended in Octoer and I've been waiting all this time for this phone to be announced - must refrain from impulse Nexus4 purchase - must hold firm - hold - hold! - dribble)
Right, apps that still have the 3 dot button on the bottom:

- ex dialer
- whatsapp
- airdroid
- angry birds star wars
- cartoon camera
- es file explorer
- fat and aging booth
- first aid by british red cross
- fotodanz
- gensoid emulator
- imediasharelite
- lapse it pro
- NPC&VLC remote
- My o2
- N64 emulator
- o2 priority moments
- o2 wifi
- power toggles
- Playstation mobile
- scanner radio
- snesoid
- snowstorm
- sound meter
- speedtest
- steam

If there isn't a way of accessing the menu via some gesture/tweak and that evil 3 dot menu button is still there, then unfortunately I will not touch this phone at all! :(

Regarding storage, it comes down to the end user, 16GB is plenty for me, can store over 1000 photos including 1080P recorded footage and slow motion recordings and still have about 5GB left, have over 80 apps installed including lots of games i.e. angry birds, contre jour, dead trigger, mayhem etc. and still have something around 1.5GB available. I could also free up the majority of the 10GB partition as I back up all the photos/videos taken each day to my PC.

The only time people seem to need a ton of storage is because they throw their entire music albums (probably FLAC......) onto the phone, which consumes the most i.e. some put 32GB onto their 64GB SD slot, although do these people listen to all that music in a week? heck even in a month? I doubt it very much, in fact I am willing to bet that only about 10GB at the very most of that music is listened to in 1 month, so why put every single song on in the first place? Organise what you want on your phone i.e. songs that you actually listen to.... and put the rest on google play music.

And then if you root and flash custom ROMs etc. then backups could take a fair amount up.

Yes, it is stupid to not have a SD slot or/and to offer the 64GB option here and no doubt it will hurt the sales again but for the majority of people, 16GB is enough let alone 32GB, look at all the iphone 16GB owners......

Can get 32-64GB flash drives (that are tiny enough) for pretty cheap and a small USB OTG cable for about £3.

Works perfectly, can play back 1080P files just fine as well as anything else.
I might have to give in to to Samsung and look at the note 2

Maybe it is won'thave same issues .

The 3 dot menu thing "might" not be a problem any more as the htc one series phones have been out for ages now and as time went on developers did remove it so now there might only be a few apps that have it, I'll disable the tweak on my S and see which apps still have the 3 dot menu button there and report back.

The multi-tasking thing is very annoying! Thankfully this app will help though:


But I wish they had on screen buttons, so much more flexible than hardware buttons :(

You don't know what the battery life is like yet! :p

The DNA battery is pretty damn good, better than the majority of phones aside from the likes of RAZR HD/MAXX and note II.

And the "one" has a more power efficient CPU chipset, smaller screen, bigger battery (280mAh more!) and for all we know, sense V5 could be better optimised for power efficiency....

If you want a removable battery, then your only option will be Samsung phones, which you don't want/like, so not much choice! :p

I don't like the look of sense V5 either, should have kept it the way it is currently but changed the colour scheme to a more stock android look.
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I still have over 8 gig free on my DNA , I had a 64gb card in the gs3 with loads of films on and never watched one of them.
I still have over 8 gig free on my DNA , I had a 64gb card in the gs3 with loads of films on and never watched one of them.

This surely isn't relevant though, as not everyone is the same...

You can very easily fill up 16GB (it's more like 11-12 anyway), you don't even need that much music to soon eat away a good chunk of it.

I think more people than not could live with 16GB, plenty would be fine with 32GB, but these days you need at least a 64GB option. Anything less is inexcusable.
This surely isn't relevant though, as not everyone is the same...

You can very easily fill up 16GB (it's more like 11-12 anyway), you don't even need that much music to soon eat away a good chunk of it.

I think more people than not could live with 16GB, plenty would be fine with 32GB, but these days you need at least a 64GB option. Anything less is inexcusable.

i thought i could live with 16 but the more i think about it the more i like the option of 32gb/sd slot..

i currently have s2 + 8gb card

both are full.. card has 200mb left

phone less than 50..

i looked at things i could remove but i dont feel like moving my pics of the phone or removing games.. or deezer files..

i need 32gb to be happy and this why i still haven't got an n4 in my hands.

Can get 32-64GB flash drives (that are tiny enough) for pretty cheap and a small USB OTG cable for about £3.

Works perfectly, can play back 1080P files just fine as well as anything else.

Yup - that works for me. I share it between the touchpad (16gb) and my Desire HD (also 16gb sdhdc card).

Dropped the upgrade team at Vodafone a message yesterday about upgrading early (upgrade date is 31st March) and I'm on the list to get a HTC One the day of release :-) Staying on my £35/month contract but swapped 300mins (so from 600mins to 300mins) for an extra 500mb data (so now 1gb).

I can still apply my 20% HP employee discount as well :-)
Can't fit this on a 16GB (no FLAC)!

And how much of that do you actually listen to in one month, heck in 5 months? :p

Granted I am not into music like others i.e. I very rarely listen to music and if I do, I would be lucky to even listen to half of what I listed in 1 month! But no matter how big of a music person you are, I find it impossible that you would even listen to half of that in 1-5 months?
Maybe not, but do you really need 6 days worth of music on your phone?

Yes, or at least half of it. How do I know what I'm going to want to listen to, what if I'm not at a computer? :p

If I have half of that on 12/13GB of storage, then I've got barely any room for a few films/apps, etc. You can see how these things can be an issue.

We've all identified the fact that more storage isn't expensive to include. 64GB should be an option, and 64GB is generally going to be fine, even for power users.
Aside from the OTG solution, I'm normally connected to wifi 95% of the time so when I want to watch a film or listen to some music I just stream them from my media box over the 'net - yup - 1.5tb of storage directly accessable from my phone ;-)
Yes, or at least half of it. How do I know what I'm going to want to listen to, what if I'm not at a computer? :p

If I have half of that on 12/13GB of storage, then I've got barely any room for a few films/apps, etc. You can see how these things can be an issue.

We've all identified the fact that more storage isn't expensive to include. 64GB should be an option, and 64GB is generally going to be fine, even for power users.


i listen to music depending on my mood, so yes i do like to have all my music in one place so i can listen to w/e i want not w/e is on my sd card at this moment.

32GB should be standard these days and 64gb as an option but SD slot is the easiest way here.. just make a phone with 16gb internal and include an SD slot.
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