***The Official HTC One Thread***

As far as I know, it's not arrived UK yet. Following a thread on XDA it's just some countries in Europe. Should be any day now though for us to get ours (and probably even longer for those with network branded HOs).
A nice video about the new stuff here: http://www.androidcentral.com/htc-one-android-42-update-video-walkthrough

Looks great, but I feel disappointed with the widget lockscreen. Apparantly according to XDA you can't choose Dashclock either (very limited widget choices appear), and even if you could, you can't get rid of the stock HTC clock at the bottom...

Smudge, how are you finding the camera? The main problem I have with the 1.29 one at the moment is that it seems to take it's time focusing (the GE version focuses really fast on the other hand).
So it turns out you can use the sense camera on the GE ROM, I've took a couple of pictures with each camera I'll upload them later on.

Only thing missing now is the IR. I'm happy now basically the best of both worlds.
Emmm correct me if I am wrong but wasn't the 4.2.2 update supposed to be rolling out like 1-2 months ago according to HTC...........

BTW don't be surprised if some of the branded network phones gets the update before the sim free phones, seems to be a common occurrence with android these days..... :o

Looks like a great update though!
A nice video about the new stuff here: http://www.androidcentral.com/htc-one-android-42-update-video-walkthrough

Looks great, but I feel disappointed with the widget lockscreen. Apparantly according to XDA you can't choose Dashclock either (very limited widget choices appear), and even if you could, you can't get rid of the stock HTC clock at the bottom...

Smudge, how are you finding the camera? The main problem I have with the 1.29 one at the moment is that it seems to take it's time focusing (the GE version focuses really fast on the other hand).

Focusing seems instant! I tapped the screen on the dogs in the pic and it made the noise but was faster than the noise took to play, although the focus looks to be in the back of the pic.

If I get time ill try and take a better pic.

Emmm correct me if I am wrong but wasn't the 4.2.2 update supposed to be rolling out like 1-2 months ago according to HTC...........

BTW don't be surprised if some of the branded network phones gets the update before the sim free phones, seems to be a common occurrence with android these days..... :o

Looks like a great update though!

Well I know with Samsung phones it's the case...

And let's be honest, HTC is usually slow in updates... They probably abandoned the One S to shift more staff to the high end phones to focus on updating them "on time".

Just got this phone and wondering what is the best recommendations for a Case?

Poetic Atmosphere, brilliant case ;).
Well I know with Samsung phones it's the case...

And let's be honest, HTC is usually slow in updates... They probably abandoned the One S to shift more staff to the high end phones to focus on updating them "on time".

Also with HTC, it happened with at least 1-2 updates for the one S/X, iirc the sense V4.1 update and the JB update.

Well if that is why then LOL! As they aren't any better/quicker :D :p

But supposedly the reason they abandoned the one S is because of the S3 version not being able to run sense V5 well (or qualcomm not providing certain stuff) so they thought "hey lets just abandon the one s S4 as well and annoy even more customers" :rolleyes:

But we all know the real reason(s):

- it forces some people to buy their new phones
- saves time and money

Apparently they are reconsidering the sense V5 update now though, I wonder why.......


They have received non stop hate & disappointment in the comments section across every news site, even by some of the journalists/reviewers so if they are smart and know what is good for them in the long term (especially with their profits/market share currently........) then they will quickly change their minds, although personally the damage is done either way imo and I can't see them changing their mind as they didn't with the desire HD, sensation etc. And with the desire they caved in but it wasn't a complete official version.

It is such a shame that they do this with certain key devices as overall they are the best OEM when it comes to updates.

PS: it would be great if all you one owners (and any one else tbh) could sign this petition and get your friends, family etc. too as well as this isn't necessarily just about the one S but about HTC in general and not trying to pull this move of again in the future with more than capable devices
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Already signed it a few days ago ;). It's a pity since the One S is still a very capable phone. Couldn't they just update the S4 version first and then test around to see if Sense 5 plays nice with the S3 version? Although to be honest HTC got themselves in this mess anyway releasing multiple variants of the same phone...
Thanks :)

You see, that makes too much "sense" (pun intended :p :o) for HTC to do that :p Besides, they have usually taken their sweet time with the S3 version.

Indeed! What drives me mad:

- zero support after 7-8months! Last update was at xmas (I have received a total of 3-4 updates and only two of them have been "big" updates)
- not even stuck on the newest ICS update = 4.1.2
- HTC said sense V5 would come to the ONE S, one x, xl etc.
- no good/reasonable excuse at all for leaving it behind especially when the one XL is the exact same phone except for screen res. and NFC!
- google partnership with htc etc. is a load of **** Knew from the beginning that wouldn't fix/improve the android update area at all!

I also have to laugh at what HTC said before they released the HTC one series last year, something along the lines of we aren't going to release as many devices this year due to confusing customers, disappointing them and it also means that we will be able to provide better support i.e. faster and more updates along with longer support.........(can't find an article on this but it was said just as they announced the one series)
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Sense Camera:


GE Camera:

Both running off the GE ROM.

Hmm to the update thing, I'd be peeved if it was the top of the line phone not getting updates but a mid range (i know it was basically the same as the One-X) Phone i'm not really going to complain about, Maybe it is because of the two different versions that they have decided not to bother with it. It is poo but I would never ever buy a mid range phone from any of the manufacturers.

Looking at both of those photos they aren't too great are they lol.
sense camera looks better to me there but indeed, they aren't "great", really need to see the full size shots though! :p

Regardless of it being given the "mid range" tag & price, they should support it for at least 18-24 months/provide 2 big android base updates (since that is how long most contracts are and cause of the google/OEM partnership to support mobiles for at least 18 months), especially when:

- HTC don't have to do much extra work at all since the one xl is pretty much the exact same phone except for screen res. (and even then, I am sure that they have sense V5/4.2.2 sorted out for the new desire phone [qHD res. as well])
- phone hasn't even received a full year of support/updates and has only received 1 big android base update (jellybean), imo every android phone should receive at least two + stuck on old ICS

Even if they provided the sense V5 with 4.1.2 that the HTC one is currently running, it is better than nothing, although still highly annoying since the one XL will be getting the newer sense V5 with 4.2.2........

If only these companies stopped saturating the market with 5+ android phones (so far) each year, maybe they could provide more updates and in a timely manner for at least 2 years.
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