***The Official HTC One Thread***

Just sold my Nexus 4 for £150 and ordered a black HTC One from Amazon :)

Will I be able to transfer any settings from the Nexus automatically, or will I need to do it manually? (contacts etc are synced with Google account so they should be fine, but I'm wondering about app settings, saved images etc)
Just download the "RUU_M7_UL_JB_50_HTC_Europe_1.28.401.7_Radio_4A.13.3231.27_10.31.1131.05_release_310878_signed" RUU & execute it on your PC then follow the instructions. Make sure you backup anything you need off the device as it will wipe it. I don't think I S-ON'ed & relocked the bootloader until after I did this.

download: http://bugsylawson.com/files/file/1822-ruu-m7-ul-jb-50-htc-europe-1284017-radio-4a13323127-1031113105-release-310878-signedexe/

Thanks. Just got round to doing this and it worked great. I'm now on 1.29.401.12. I haven't got round to re locking the phone or s-on again yet, but i haven't rooted it yet either.
Good selection of cases here >> 10 best HTC One cases: top protection for your new HTC One

I just went with the HTC One Double Dip Flip, cannot feel the phone even getting warm when using that, plus it protects the front nicely.

Link >> http://www.carphonewarehouse.com/phone-accessories/htc-accessories-all/htc-one-accessories/buy/HTC-ONE-FLIP-CASE-BLK

Got mine for £10 from Carphone Warehouse, just haggle with them if it's more expensive! lol :)

Did exactly the same, took a bit of effort but got the same deal, I like the case but unfortunately I have somehow managed to get some grit/ dirt into the back of the case which has got stuck between the back of the phone and the case causing a few scratches which have revealed the silver alu underneath :(

Just unlocked and rooted my HTC One, now using Android Revolution v12 + ROMCleaner v3.0 to get rid of all the bloatware.

Did you do that without HTCDEV?
(As posted into the mobile backgrounds thread) My background:

The notification centre of 4.2.2 (personally love it, with the top left tile being my twitter feed):

I currently have something eating my battery, but I do suspect that it is me. My battery app doesn't show it as me keeping it from deep sleep as I often look after about 10 hours (like now), and that is what I suspect it to be.
Going to test it out more tomorrow!
I finally 'bit the bullet' and ordered one from Vodafone this afternoon!

When comparing various plans I found it very interesting to calculate the total cost over a 24 month period, especially when comparing the SIM free (and buying the phone up front) option, with that of entering into a phone + air time contract, possibly with an up front payment, especially as I am not looking for unlimited minutes, and will be quite happy with 300 per month

I found variations of up to £100 which rather surprised me, but I was promised that my new phone will be delivered tomorrow, so my main concern now is that it will be free od any quality control problems which some buyers have experienced.

The first thing I will be checking is the build date etc., as mentioned earlier!
I've made sure what you have said there Nexus, is done, again.

I'll be testing it out tomorrow, so I'll see whether its back to normal.
Did exactly the same, took a bit of effort but got the same deal, I like the case but unfortunately I have somehow managed to get some grit/ dirt into the back of the case which has got stuck between the back of the phone and the case causing a few scratches which have revealed the silver alu underneath :(

Did you do that without HTCDEV?

I used HTC Dev why?
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