***The Official HTC One Thread***

Bizarre! This morning my One shows a notification that the Kitkat update is available. I get in from work and connect to the WIFI and run the update but it fails. I then try to run the update manually and it says the phone is up to date even though it is on 4.3 not 4.4.2. I've tried a reboot etc but makes no difference. Anybody got any ideas?
Just asked HTC what the issue is re my post #6223 and was told:

"The current release of Android 4.4 (KitKat) software has been temporarily taken off line. As HTC are committed to quality and providing the best customer experience possible we made this decision. This is temporary so please stay tuned over the next few days for a new release. We appreciate your patience."
That's interesting... I wonder how long we will have to wait now for a new release.... and for it to be "approved" by all the service providers?
I am on Three and did the update last night at about 6pm and as most of you have said
I have not noticed anything major that has changed either but I do now have a problem
the vibrate feedback seems so weak that its like its not even turned on.

I know this is not a major issue but it is very annoying as it worked fine before the update
and now it just seems to be not there.

anyone got any ideas?
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My kind of battery usage using Paranoid Android & STi_Kernel-v.19EX6 :)

Says mobile idle for some reason but there was a lot of Google Music usage as well as Telegram. Always on Data network & Auto Brightness.
Still have no clue who thought Boomsound was a great name Lol. But I'm really excited/worried too see what HTC release, hope the leaks are fake, the One looks amazing and they some what ruined it.
Phones gone in for repair :( 2 days now and never realised how much I used it lol.

Hopefully it's only something a chimp could mend? My HTC One without warning froze, then crashed and went into an uncontrollable boot loop on Christmas eve. We are now in March and it still does it. Despite whatever I say they simply reset it from the boot menu and send it back. Often times it will boot and appear to be OK. It will sit quite happliy booted but the moment you do anything with it like running through setup, it crashes and goes into boot loop. I can and have done this a few times and explained as much to support. But no, they reset it and send it back :confused: :mad: This is a phone that is less than a year old, is locked and unrooted in other words stock. HTC sent me an email last week .... "How did we do?" :eek: I wonder if they really want to know? :rolleyes:

Anyway I'm not giving up and it'll be on its way back again next week. In the meantime I've bought another phone and any interest I had in the upcoming HTC One M8 or any other HTC phone is now zero. It's a shame as the HO was a damned fine phone - when it worked.
yay mines off for repair for the 4th time......... getting fed up now, problem is theres nothing else I want to replace it with :( I have to admit though there returns process is pretty painless but its been one thing after another with mine, this time the speakers are totally crackly, and not only at higher volumes
yay mines off for repair for the 4th time......... getting fed up now, problem is theres nothing else I want to replace it with :( I have to admit though there returns process is pretty painless but its been one thing after another with mine, this time the speakers are totally crackly, and not only at higher volumes

Last time I got my HO back and noticed when it booted it the top speaker had gone a little crackly. This was the least of the problems as it then went back into boot loop. What has been wrong with yours? Mine has been back for this freeze/crash/bootloop issue several times and is still faulty. The returns process is painless and support nice enough but they seem unable to grasp the problem and repair it :mad:
Last time I got my HO back and noticed when it booted it the top speaker had gone a little crackly. This was the least of the problems as it then went back into boot loop. What has been wrong with yours? Mine has been back for this freeze/crash/bootloop issue several times and is still faulty. The returns process is painless and support nice enough but they seem unable to grasp the problem and repair it :mad:

I've had numerous no simcard/ signal problems, microphone problems when using handsfree sounded like I was underwater, that was the last fault and they replaced loads of bits apparently including the rear housing and for some reason although I haven't been handling it any differently its scratched to buggery within weeks, and it now also has a little dent in it. If they replace the back again I will definitely be putting it in a case, but not my htc one flip case as that allowed bits of grit and stuff in which marked the previous one too.
Well Kit Kat has improved my battery life.

However its broke the outlook app, it now simply says no connection whether I am on wifi or 3g.

It also has not fixed the disappearing send button when in landscape mode for texts and e-mails. Not quite sure how I can fix that now!
Late to the party but got one of these bad boys, such a good phone. Only drawback is that it's slippy as hell in my hand, had a couple of close calls and frantic catches. Are there any must have cases which aren't bulky and don't look like something a child would carry around?

Never liked phone cases and haven't used one in years but I think I'm going to need one before I ruin this phone. Ta :)
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