***The Official HTC One Thread***

Supposedly stores that have a demo unit:

London, Bond St - P4U
London, Bond St - 3 Store
London, Islington Angel - 3 Store (ask to use at your peril! )
London, Kilburn - 3 Store
Birmingham, Bull Ring Centre - P4U

Also, apparently the phone might be released earlier than expected due to the GS 4 announcement..........

Awesome, I just been made redundant so I might pop down tomorrow to see when I can pick one up.
Some guys comment on the two (taken from XDA) as well as a comparison of the screens:

I had a possibility to compare HTC One and HTC One X side by side. I couldnt believe my eyes - 8MP camera of HTC One X couldnt even match up, HTC One photo is soo crisp and cristal clear and ..ohh, ahh. ISO rating goes up to 1600 but when comparing at ISO 100, photo is absolutely few times brighter than HOX.

Now the screens. I really like my HOXs screen. But than I compared it at full brightness with HTC One.


Not a great photo in terms of quality obviously :p But look at the difference between them! :eek:
That is quite a difference! Makes the HOX screen look totally naff (which it isn't, and it's pretty bright too).

I'm getting cold feet, reading about htc's bad customer service and QC. :(

Well, early QC on the One X was terrible but it's not normally too bad.
I'm getting cold feet, reading about htc's bad customer service and QC. :(

I think they have improved their customer service as quite a few people had to send their one S back a few months ago due to some problem (can't remember what) and they had a very quick turn around time and they also replaced the chassis with a brand new one as well as a new screen.

Just comes down to who you deal with really.

For example Samsung can be great, however, there are many bad reports about them too especially regarding the sudden death issue and blaming it on water damage thus not repairing it unless you pay them i.e. what happened with mrk's gs 3

QC is a concern with them though, hopefully they have learnt from the one S and one X though as that severely damaged their sales too, give it a few weeks till some people have got their hands on one and see how things like issues, signal etc. are then decide :)

Plus I think a lot of the problems were brought about due to them rushing the one series out to beat the GS 3, they quickly fixed the issues with the S/X in a couple of months with software updates and new batches
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Sounds good that they might bring the launch forward - want to get my hands on one of these too badly! Question is will the black one be available at the same time as I would prefer it methinks!

Am very tempted by the 3 offering for this - will have to call T-Mobile and ask about the One and see what they can do for me.
Not a great photo in terms of quality obviously :p But look at the difference between them! :eek:

lol enough salt?

that HOX has the gay htc energy saver mode on too. Any there is no way the difference would be that stark when someone who know's how to conduct a fair test does so.
lol enough salt?

that HOX has the gay htc energy saver mode on too. Any there is no way the difference would be that stark when someone who know's how to conduct a fair test does so.

I think you're probably right, the difference looks too ridiculous to be real.
Good point about the power saver as that does reduce the screen brightness (assuming he has enabled the screen saver option for it?)


Nope, he didn't have the screen brightness saver option selected.

I don't use power saving for anything but cpu downclock, I forgot to mention that.

both phones are at the highest brightness, the thing is that HTC One is so much brighter that camera automaticaly lowers exposure of picture and makes HTC One X so dark.

HTC One has absolutely one of the best screens out there! No doubt!


More of his "thoughts" on the camera:

The reason why pictures taken with HTC One looks better then with HTC One X:
1. HTC One has optical stabilization, which means even if you move just a little bit, image will be still so it will not be blurry and have more details. The difference between HTC One and HTC One X is similar as in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9q8k7KnMUe8&feature=youtube_gdata_player

2. HTC One lets more light in so it can produce more detailed picture. "the more the light = higher shutter speed = less blur = more detail". At same conditions HTC One X lets less light in so it needs slower shutter speed and creates blurry pictures.

3. HTC One has 4MP widescreen, and HTC One X only has 6MP if you are shooting widescreen so HTC One X actually has only 20% more MP than HTC One which has nothing to do with image quality. It only matters when you crop the image but again, if you crop image from One X that is just a bit bigger but has less light, slower shutter speed and almost always some blur the results are ..lets say "not useful for cropping".

4. HTC One has ISO from 100-1600 and HTC One X only has 100-800. Again that means HTC One lets more light in and image has more details and is not blurred that much. But high ISO means more noise on the other hand. Comparing ISO 800 between the phones = more noise on HTC One X and also less light - double minus.

So what are actually MP good for? Cropping. Period.
when you hit certain number of MP, it has no effect if you still raise them up. It is like a gas in a car..car needs some gas to run, if you give him more gas it will be heavier and consequently less efficient and slower but it will still run as if it would have "just enough" gas. But if you have a faster/sports car it will require more gas - like the "big" cameras with bigger sensor size can have more MP.
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Were the whites ever that yellow on a HOX?

Still need better soruces for confirmation Nexus - but if it is true I'll be damned.

The HOX's max brightness was something like 550cd/m2 - that's properly bright.

S3 is 330 and I hardly ever have it on more than 60% and the iPhone5 is around 640.

Having that much brightness is great for outdoor sunny viewing - one thing I dislike about SAMOLED's. Though we do live in the UK ;):p
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From the X that I seen, nope (EDIT IIRC, quite a few of the first one X's displays had a very bad yellow tinge, so perhaps his is one of them?). But compared to a newer/better display, maybe they are that bad in comparison to it then??? i.e. the whites don't look bad at all on SAMOLED (especially the one S) when by themselves but next to a LCD screen like the one X/nexus 4, iphone 5, it is very noticeable then.

Maybe his X display is just poor :p After all, every display can vary in a number of areas.

Good in depth review:


Phone is sooooooo sexy looking :cool: Really like the silver model tbh....

Screen just looks epic too.

The photos look really good there in terms of colours/lighting, although the indoor/lower lit ones aren't good, not as amazing as what htc made it out to be though but it is hard to compare when you have no other photos by other phones :p I really hope review sites like gsmarena etc. will be getting the final units i.e. final hardware and final software as if it isn't and the quality is nowhere as good as what it could be, it is going to hurt HTC badly! Will wait for user photos from here etc. before I truly judge the camera quality! :p Besides the same could happen as what happened with the 920, crap quality in reviews when released but once the software updates came out, the quality improved vastly.

The 1080P video looks very good though, very smooth, stuttered a bit and the cars going by had a blur effect in the night time one though.

All in all, very impressed!

Shouldn't be long till the other reviews come in now :)
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That review!

Such drool-worthy industrial design. Well done HTC. :(

Camera seems decent - nothing special - but plenty good enough. Could be improved too.




  • Looks - and surely feels - awesome (front looks better on the silver model in actual pictures)
  • Camera/video decent
  • Fast - futureproof
  • Epic screen
  • Battery life sounds very good
  • Nice size
  • Good sound/speakers
  • All the connectivity bells and whistles

As long as 32GB is fine... this should be an amazing phone.

Let's see you beat that, Samsung. :p
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HTC need to get this phone released now imo so they got a good jump, if they leave it until the GS4 unveiling they could miss out on a lot of customers.
I was trying to read the review but my polish isn't up to the job for such a technical subject :D seems like they were very impressed with it though!



HTC need to get this phone released now imo so they got a good jump, if they leave it until the GS4 unveiling they could miss out on a lot of customers.

Yep, needs to be available by the end of next week. Bet you it gets delayed instead. :o
Those pics make the phone look very nice overall. Though I don't think I'd want a silver phone ultimately.

Did HTC every explain why they messed with the buttons?
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