***The Official HTC One Thread***

So i finally saw one today at a phones 4 u shop in Westfield Shepherds bush. It was locked down ie couldnt really lift it up to have a play with it but it was on and you could tinker around with the settings.

Have to say it is one sexeh device, the silver alu front really looks the part. The screen is gorgeous to say the least and the speakers on it are pretty damn loud. Had a good chat with one of the guys there, said it wont be on sale for a few weeks yet but they have it instore so people could play around with it then pre-order if they wanted to.

As i said i thought it really looked nice but i wont be buying one as im pretty much bored with Android now. Even my S3 with my custom rom, which hasnt been updated for a few mths is getting boring for me.

So wont be getting one but for people that are looking for a nice looking phone with a gorgeous screen then this is one to consider.

I ended up walking out with a brand new black Blackberry Z10 sim free in the end, finally after a few weeks of waiting for the price to fall down and for the stores to be able to sell them..i managed to get one today so am a happy bunny:D
Oh wow....I can't wait for the HTC One to be released. The phone looks epic :D

All HTC need to do is support it with timely updates and NOT bring out a One+ in Q4 and advertise the hell out of it.

The only problem I have is that I really like the Silver version too but I ordered the black. I want to change to the silver but I'll loose my £53 discount voucher that I used on the pre order. Decisions :eek:
The thing is, there must have been a fair bit of a difference even when viewed in real life with his own eyes, otherwise why even bother taking a photo let alone making it out like there was a huge difference in the first place going by what he said? (of course one reason could be due to him being a massive HTC one fanboy :p) The photo probably just makes the difference even more visible though as you said due to exposure etc.

Until we get some proper comparisons or people from this forum get a chance to compare the one and one X in a dark room like that, we will not know for sure.

Some more camera samples:


Too hard to tell from those pics as they aren't the exact same (except for the blinkfeed card thing, one looks better imo), looks good though. The 1080P video recording looks very good! Notice the audio difference between the one and GS 3 too, GS 3 picks up a lot more background noise where as the one doesn't, of course this could be an advantage or disadvantage depending on how you look at it :p

Hopefully we will get some video comparisons like this one soon:

Had a quick look at the HTC one in P4u in the bullring, brum.

Really nice size from what I can tell, (it was clamped down), very slightly wider and thicker then the HTC One S and about a CM taller.

I saw in the gesture menu that you're able to set it up so that a long hold on the back button will act as a menu button press.

Notification LED is pretty similar to the HTC One S, so pretty rubbish.

The store rep had no idea when they are releasing it.
Had a quick look at the HTC one in P4u in the bullring, brum.

Really nice size from what I can tell, (it was clamped down), very slightly wider and thicker then the HTC One S and about a CM taller.

I saw in the gesture menu that you're able to set it up so that a long hold on the back button will act as a menu button press.

Notification LED is pretty similar to the HTC One S, so pretty rubbish.

The store rep had no idea when they are releasing it.

That's cool that there's a gesture menu so there's no need for alarm for HTC placing two buttons on the phone.

Shame about the LED though as it really kind of sucked on the HOS and I'm really spoiled by the nice, big, bright RGB light on my S3.
That's cool that there's a gesture menu so there's no need for alarm for HTC placing two buttons on the phone.

Shame about the LED though as it really kind of sucked on the HOS and I'm really spoiled by the nice, big, bright RGB light on my S3.

They should have made the HTC logo the 'Home' button and had the multi tasking button on the right, no idea why they didn't.
They should have made the HTC logo the 'Home' button and had the multi tasking button on the right, no idea why they didn't.

I just copied and pasted that info from XDA so no idea :D :p

LOL! After trawling XDA I think I found the reason why staff at the 3 store over at Islington are quite awful :eek:

hello Guys I have a update for this thread.

Three store islington angel - London has a demo unit however the guy is such a pr**k and won't let anyone play with it. He claims it is his personal phone when I know it isn't because I saw him in the morning but because I had to go somewhere i said to him i will come back after he said ok. When I went back he was on lucnh and I asked the staff they said I would have to wait for him to come back as he was the only one with the demo and demoing it to customers then when he came hes telling me its his personal phone.
I thought you know what let me leave it because the staff in the three store in islington angel are FOS anyway, no wonder when I walk past it is always empty and there is like 6 or so staff members sitting in there twiddling their thumbs or talking aboslute rubbish amongst themselves on top of that they are absolutely clueless about phones but that's another matter.

Also three store in Kilburn - London also has a demo unit thankfully they let you play with it. So far all the three stores that have the demo units they are not bolted down to anything, the staff members have it around their necks.
The 3 shop is very near my work will go in there at some point and sample some of their hostility sorry hospitality! ;) :D
Head Of HTC UK Says That There Will Be Just “One” Flagship This Year

Phil Roberson stated, in response to our question – “HTC One is the flagship device” “Last year we had the X and the S, where people had different personal preferences between the two” “We just said, let’s just create one flagship device for this year” We then reiterated the initial question for final confirmation: “So, there won’t be any more HTCsomething’s this year?” Roberson replied – “No; this is The One”.


Apparently this is what he says:

According to him, the reason why the HTC One is at 4.1.2 at the moment is that when they decided on a stable basis in 2012, there was no stable/good enough 4.2.x version of Android available - that's why they chose to optimize for quality instead of going for the newest Android version. He said there was of course the possiblity to wait for 4.2, but in their opinion there was no feature in 4.2 that would have justified the delay. He also said it was a bit bad timing. Coding the update to 4.2.x is a matter of weeks, the QA process takes way longer (internally, handing it out to operators, testing it again,...). In addition (and that's maybe news to you) they have to give the final version to Google themselves.

HTC One vs Sony Xperia Z - Ultrapixel Or Exmor RS Better? Camera Comparison
still considering this as my next phone, can anyone confirm how the 2 button seteup works compared to the 4 button setup of my desire hd? obviously the search button is gone, how do the other 3 work?
2 buttons; 1 is home and 1 is return

Hold home down for google now/search and double tap for multi-task window

Tweak to set the "menu" action for an app etc. when you double tap on "return"
That GSMInsider article is from the future! March 3rd apparently :)

Liking this more and more - the camera looks fine for mobile phone use - besides pics I take are rarely put anywhere other than on facebook or sometimes sent to friends but even then they might be downsized!

The pics no doubt look pretty sweet on the 1080p screen ...
The shop here has confirmed they are getting delivery of the silver model on 22/03 and the black model on 02/04.

Not that I'm getting one, you understand... :p
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