***The Official HTC One Thread***

The sliver one looks more classy than the black one and if its as scratch proof as that video shows why would you need a case, not used a case for ages now on my phones.
The current plan I'd be after is £42, bit pricey! Annoying how you don't really get any benefits for staying with the same network anymore.
im waiting for p4u to turn up with vodafone 12 month plan for ~50/month with free phone.. they do this with xperia Z
Indeed stoosh :( :p

If I do get one, there is no way I would get a case for it! :p

Serious dilemma Nexus....If I cancel my pre order with Rainforest, there's a good chance that I won't be able to redeem my voucher if I were to order the silver one instead. Should I take the risk? I'm extremely OCD and the job that I do there's a good chance that my phone might take a hit or two so the phone goes into a case of some kind!

are you two turning gay.. ;)

Metrosexual Mate! :p
Since you will be putting it in a case anyway, I wouldn't bother worrying what colour you go for! :p

Could always contact amazon and see what they say, perhaps just swap your order around for you :)
Well after my initial uncertainty about the phone I find my finger hovering over the checkout button as its payday today, do I, don't I :D
I'll put money on by the end of the evening I'll have pressed the button.
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Guy doesn't have a clue :p

Every other site/video (by better reviewers too) so far has stated how amazing the sound (in terms of loudness and clarity) and screen (viewing angles, colours, sharpness) are compared to all other phones.

If the screen is anything like the one X (which it should be going by the DNA reviews etc.), then it will be better than the xperia Z in pretty much every area.
Guy doesn't have a clue :p

Every other site/video (by better reviewers too) so far has stated how amazing the sound (in terms of loudness and clarity) and screen (viewing angles, colours, sharpness) are compared to all other phones.

If the screen is anything like the one X (which it should be going by the DNA reviews etc.), then it will be better than the xperia Z in pretty much every area.

+1 Every single video and picture I've seen the HTC One screen and sound is breathtaking to say the least.

The guy in the video should be put down and as he obviously doesn't have a clue.

Maybe dialaphone have been sponsored by Sony to sell a certain amount of Xperia Z phones?
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