***The Official HTC One Thread***

Why do iphones do so well (most people I know who have one, get the 16GB as the rest are too expensive) and they have no SD slot, also iirc the nexus 4 has done extremely well too yet it doesn't have SD slot. People can live with 16GB/no SD slot, especially the average joes as they won't be throwing a ton of films onto the phone as well as their entire music collection etc. (I still see a lot of people using dedicated MP 3 players, ipod touch these days)

iPhones sell in 3 capacities - that is the difference. If they want 64GB, they can have it. What happens when someone really want's 64GB on the One? They start looking elsewhere and lose a ton of business because they haven't sold enough for the phone to become widespread and mega popular.

When you get the ingredients properly right then your product gets sold, more people see it and then it spreads. Samsung got all the key ingredients right and it caters for a lot more people. Add to that they make a unique selling point like the SAMOLED that a lot of people love.

HTC screwed up the ONE X's mass appeal by putting Tegra 3 in it, laggy software, poor battery life and a smaller battery, no 64GB option, camera that sticks out half a mile and poor marketing. It's all their own fault.

The One is in a lot better position but still has silly flaws.

EDIT: HTC have made their own bed here by releasing a the poor device that was the Sensation. The SGS2 just mullered the competition and that was the key turning point. If HTC had a equal phone to the S2 then they wouldn't have been in this mess. They got lazy and inturn got burnt big time.
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The thing about SPE is that the more units you sell the higher your expenditure goes because each unit carries its costs so your promo cost goes up with sales.

Back in the S2 days I'd go out and folk would be talking about their new phone which was better than an apple that could browse like a PC blah blah blah that kind of word of mouth is gold.

When I came here researching phones all of the non Samsung threads were full of woe signal loss, chipping, carp batteries or screens or slow clunky bloat the Sammie threads by and large weren't full of moans.

A £500 flagship phone has to tick all the boxes or at least make a showing in all categories if it is relying on a stand out feature ie camera rather than being a true all rounder, so far it looks like the XZ and the HO aren't ticking all the boxes, it remains to be seen whether they have stand out features.
Ok, why did the iphone 5 do so well still, despite having issues with chipping then (which was widely reported)

Because you can buy an apple and if its borked apple will sort it no quibbles, if you have an iPhone 5 it grants a certain cache aaand the old reason everyone knows that androids are for nerds who like to tinker and "learn" an OS, that can be hard ya know, so they go with safe easy cool apple gladly handing over their cash towards apples ridiculous profit margins.

Looks like Sammy learnt another thing off apple the way they handled the sudden death issue no quibbles return even if the phone was rooted or had been wet.
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HTC did the exact same with the one s and its chipping issues:


and iirc they had the same thing for one X devices that had the screen flex problem or something?

And people who returned their one S for some problem ended up having their chassis replaced as well as a new screen (with a very quick turn around time) within a few days turn around time. And this fix (smoother/more rounded edges) was done within a couple of months, iirc apple didn't admit that there was a problem and just said all phones are prone to damage/scratches :rolleyes:

As I said ina previous post, some people didn't have such a pleasant experience with returning their gs 3 that died from the "software" issue i.e. mrk and his GS 3


Many people encountered the same on XDA.

and then what about all the people that recently had to return their GS 3 for certain reasons not necessarily related to the sudden death issue and have got it back only for it to remain the same or in some cases even worse?

It comes down to luck and who you deal with.

Apple are far better in this area though, every company can learn from them.

The first and good android phone by samsung was the GS 2, it was ahead of the competition by miles in every area except the software in terms of design/UI and perceived quality and as I said most certainly did give Samsung a very good strong base to start from compared to htc etc.

The GS 1 had many problems, look at all the lag fixes it had, battery issues, GPS problems and the support was awful for it.
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iPhones sell in 3 capacities - that is the difference. If they want 64GB, they can have it. What happens when someone really want's 64GB on the One? They start looking elsewhere and lose a ton of business because they haven't sold enough for the phone to become widespread and mega popular.

When you get the ingredients properly right then your product gets sold, more people see it and then it spreads. Samsung got all the key ingredients right and it caters for a lot more people. Add to that they make a unique selling point like the SAMOLED that a lot of people love.

HTC screwed up the ONE X's mass appeal by putting Tegra 3 in it, laggy software, poor battery life and a smaller battery, no 64GB option, camera that sticks out half a mile and poor marketing. It's all their own fault.

The One is in a lot better position but still has silly flaws.

EDIT: HTC have made their own bed here by releasing a the poor device that was the Sensation. The SGS2 just mullered the competition and that was the key turning point. If HTC had a equal phone to the S2 then they wouldn't have been in this mess. They got lazy and inturn got burnt big time.

Tegra 3 was fine.
One X's battery life was similar to the S3.
The One X was a better built phone.
The One X had the better screen in most reviewers eyes.

It's hard to explain why the SGSIII out sold the One X by such a margin as it's certainly not because it's a vastly superior phone. I would guess it was partly down to how good the SGSII was compared to the competition- it was still one of the best Android phones by the time the One X was released. So Samsung had a lot of instant adopters making the S3 a hot ticket and people seem to buy what there friends/colleagues have. At work nearly everyone has an S3, all bought soon after each other, while I was out with my friends last weekend and nearly all of them have iPhone's.
If the S4 underwhelms, a bit like last years one if I am to be honest, and the HTC One reviews well then things might turn around very quickly for HTC.
Why the different perception of HTC and Sam's similar efforts with similar phone problems?

Perhaps it comes down to what the owner feels about their phone, from my point of view most S3 owners love their phone so they're grateful to Samsung and perhaps HTC owners are a bit angry at yet another niggle, just thoughts though as I only own Samsung AV at the mo, My tab n phone are both Google, I was dang happy with my Note though:D

Definitely not a fanboy though if the phones had been up to it I'd have bought either one of them, neither Sony or HTC have any excuse they could both have gone that tiny bit further.

I agree with both of you that there's not much difference between the top three flagships but apparently that little bit goes beyond the tipping point in consumer appeal, with last years offerings, this year it's still up in the air..
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Whereas the first One X I got was perfect and has been since I got it when they first came out.

As was mine, but considering just how bad the QC issues were I'd consider us both very lucky. They were very widespread.

I've owned SGS2 and SGS3.

Me and Samsung are done, their phones are complete crap.

What utter tosh. All you've done in this thread is paint yourself as a huge HTC fanboy.

Getting in a massive stress because people have QC concerns, and rightly so - as people have pointed out.

because the apple and iphone as a brand is HUGE everyone knows what an iPhone is and since so many people have one some chipping issues will not scare them away! :)

the deal with "galaxy" phones is that they sell in tens of millions so finding flaws like that is a hackers wet dream! :) and who aims for small? no one cares about the little "phones" like one s everyone want a bite of the big guy which in this case was the s3 and iphone 4/5! yes the flaws were bad but everything gets fixed it is simply impossible to get everything right the first time :)

if you was an average joe you wouldn't know about the issues, you hear them from the mobile blogs and forums where average joe does not go :) and these issues will be overlooked unless some big butt news paper picks them and hurts the brand a bit.

why htc do poor is marketing, stock and image! they simply don't get it right :) samsung is a plastic pos in a lot of peoples view yet it sells like coke does and not many people care about the plastic and they actually thank god when they drop it and it doesn't break! :)

as i have said is not about the need its about having it! :) if i had a choice to get a phone from htc with same specs and no sd slot or get a phone from samsung with same specs and sd slot i would get one from samsung because it is a complete package, because i don't know what i will need the phone in the future and because its always good to have the basic(in my eyes an sd slot is a basic thing) in a FLAGSHIP phone and not take the pee like htc does and release the 64 gb version to some random continent.. or instead of pwning the scene and winning some share back by releasing the "dna" world wide they went on and pooped on their own heads by not releasing it everywhere.. like who the hell is in charge? a dog?

Mr 'passive aggressive smiley faces' going overboard! :p


HTC and Sony for example have to compete in a phone market which is controlled by Apple and Samsung. In order to fight these two giants you have to do these things right:

  • Ensure your phone ticks all possible boxes and doesn't have any stupid, niggling flaws
  • Ensure QC issues are minimal
  • Ensure you use all of your marketing budget to extremely good effect
  • Ensure your phone is easily to get hold of, or people will get an alternative

At the moment, Sony have messed up the first point in my opinion. HTC have gimped the storage options a bit and done that stupid thing with the front buttons. Aside from that the reported lack of stock issues are very bad, and any QC issues will pretty much ruin their mainstream success of this phone. Which is a crying shame as it seems very good and the only viable alternative for people who don't want plastic fantastic.

Time will tell with advertising but the past would suggest neither Sony nor HTC are very good at it. HTC have sponsored all the football but having a HTC One sign at all the games doesn't really do much for me... considering people will assume it's referring to the One S & X.

Such a stupid, terrible name.
As was mine, but considering just how bad the QC issues were I'd consider us both very lucky. They were very widespread.

What utter tosh. All you've done in this thread is paint yourself as a huge HTC fanboy.

Getting in a massive stress because people have QC concerns, and rightly so - as people have pointed out.

Mr 'passive aggressive smiley faces' going overboard! :p


HTC and Sony for example have to compete in a phone market which is controlled by Apple and Samsung. In order to fight these two giants you have to do these things right:

  • Ensure your phone ticks all possible boxes and doesn't have any stupid, niggling flaws
  • Ensure QC issues are minimal
  • Ensure you use all of your marketing budget to extremely good effect
  • Ensure your phone is easily to get hold of, or people will get an alternative

At the moment, Sony have messed up the first point in my opinion. HTC have gimped the storage options a bit and done that stupid thing with the front buttons. Aside from that the reported lack of stock issues are very bad, and any QC issues will pretty much ruin their mainstream success of this phone. Which is a crying shame as it seems very good and the only viable alternative for people who don't want plastic fantastic.

Time will tell with advertising but the past would suggest neither Sony nor HTC are very good at it. HTC have sponsored all the football but having a HTC One sign at all the games doesn't really do much for me... considering people will assume it's referring to the One S & X.

Such a stupid, terrible name.

Samsungs phones are tacky looking crap with constant hardware issues, deal with it.

I haven't owned a HTC since the desire as my last few phones have been Samsungs, hence my opinion although I'm currently running a Nexus 4, as the S3 and its flaky Bluetooth would have ended up killing me on the roads.

The S3s screen is a blue tinged pixilated mess also, if you can't see that then may I suggest it is not me who is the fan boy.

By the way only Internet 'tards tend to start throwing the word' fanboy' around as they can't deal with others opinion.
Samsungs phones are tacky looking crap with constant hardware issues, deal with it.

First part, opinion. Second part, false and applies equally to all manufacturers anyway.

'Deal with it?' Err... :confused:

I haven't owned a HTC since the desire as my last few phones have been Samsungs, hence my opinion although I'm currently running a Nexus 4, as the S3 and its flaky Bluetooth would have ended up killing me on the roads.

So you kept buying phones you don't like? How odd.

The S3s screen is a blue tinged pixilated mess also, if you can't see that then may I suggest it is not me who is the fan boy.

You are the first person I've seen mention it, let alone call it a 'mess'. Talk about hilarious over-exaggeration.

By the way only Internet 'tards tend to start throwing the word' fanboy' around as they can't deal with others opinion.

Hah, I must have hit a nerve. I'm certainly not a Samsung 'fanboy', I don't like the word either, but it fits you perfectly, unfortunately. I'm pretty sure everyone in this forum can vouch for that, having read the things I post. Conversely your posts appear to be worthless little one-liners, accompanied by nonsensical rubbish such as "blah blah blah DEAL WITH IT"... :D

Your behaviour isn't anything new though, you've got your heart set on a HTC One, it's up there on a pedestal and you'll try and defend it as much as possible against any and all criticism. Always happens.
First part, opinion. Second part, false and applies equally to all manufacturers anyway.

'Deal with it?' Err... :confused:

So you kept buying phones you don't like? How odd.

You are the first person I've seen mention it, let alone call it a 'mess'. Talk about hilarious over-exaggeration.

Hah, I must have hit a nerve. I'm certainly not a Samsung 'fanboy', I don't like the word either, but it fits you perfectly, unfortunately. I'm pretty sure everyone in this forum can vouch for that, having read the things I post. Conversely your posts appear to be worthless little one-liners, accompanied by nonsensical rubbish such as "blah blah blah DEAL WITH IT"... :D

Your behaviour isn't anything new though, you've got your heart set on a HTC One, it's up there on a pedestal and you'll try and defend it as much as possible against any and all criticism. Always happens.

Ok, I'll bite, which post in this thread paints me as a fanboy so much it drove you to be an Internet tard and use the word fanboy which you say you don't like but it was the only word you could think of to prove your point.

The S2 was a better phone than the S3 by the way, and I put up with the Bluetooth issues which were made worse with the S3.

I'm not a fan of AMOLED, an opinion formed from owning a phone with it then comparing it to another with IPS which imo is far superior.

Deal with it.

Start throwing the word fanboy around and you'll get nothing but contempt from me as it just says that you can't handle the opinion of others.

Deal with it...
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Ok, I'll bite, which post in this thread paints me as a fanboy so much it drove you to be an Internet tard and use the word fanboy which you say you don't like but it was the only word you could think of to prove your point.

It's the combination of your posts, they paint you as pro-HTC and anti-Samsung. Slating Samsung products with little one-liners and implying any bad press the HTC One gets could be due to the person writing it having an agenda... Surely you can see the impression that gives. Maybe it's just your extremely abrasive manner.

Also, attempting to insult me (over a phone) ironically makes you what you are calling me, heh.

The S2 was a better phone than the S3 by the way, and I put up with the Bluetooth issues which were made worse with the S3.

What do you mean? It most certainly wasn't better...

I'm not a fan of AMOLED, an opinion formed from owning a phone with it then comparing it to another with IPS which imo is far superior.

I agree.

Start throwing the word fanboy around and you'll get nothing but contempt from me as it just says that you can't handle the opinion of others.

Yes, it did seem to touch a rather large nerve.

For the record, I have an iPhone 5 and I'm probably going to get a HTC One as well, so I must be the worst Samsung fanboy ever. ;)

Last thing, this is a discussion forum, not a 'post your opinion and ignore it' forum.
It's the combination of your posts, they paint you as pro-HTC and anti-Samsung. Slating Samsung products with little one-liners and implying any bad press the HTC One gets could be due to the person writing it having an agenda... Surely you can see the impression that gives. Maybe it's just your extremely abrasive manner.

Also, attempting to insult me (over a phone) ironically makes you what you are calling me, heh.

What do you mean? It most certainly wasn't better...

I agree.

Yes, it did seem to touch a rather large nerve.

For the record, I have an iPhone 5 and I'm probably going to get a HTC One as well, so I must be the worst Samsung fanboy ever. ;)

Last thing, this is a discussion forum, not a 'post your opinion and ignore it' forum.

My opinion of Samsung is from owning a couple of their products and them actually going backwards in terms of quality, and yes I did fall for the marketing on the S3 and it turned out to be a steaming turd of a phone.

You mention you are an iPhone owner... I don't like pigeon holing people, but it probably explains the I'm holier than tho vibe you are giving off.

I have pre ordered the One, and I'm looking forward to it.... What do expect?
My opinion of Samsung is from owning a couple of their products and them actually going backwards in terms of quality, and yes I did fall for the marketing on the S3 and it turned out to be a steaming turd of a phone.

That's an interesting view. Is it just because of the bluetooth problems and the 'horrible screen', are you sure your phone wasn't faulty?

You mention you are an iPhone owner... I don't like pigeon holing people, but it probably explains the I'm holier than tho vibe you are giving off.

Haha, I expected that. Too predictable. ;)

I own more than just one phone.
Kiss and make up ;-)

I've already pre ordered this phone but I'm feeling more put off as the days go by... If they're delivery delays I could be tempted to cancel and just stick with my self repaired Desire... Trusty old phone

The things I'm being put off by are:
Delivery delays
Images of some build issues
Menu button
Confirmation of warranty voiding if rooting. I know not much of an issue if you know what you're doing.
Generally just negative vibes at the moment.

I've got a great deal so I'll stick with it for now.

PS, do you guys sleep.... Times between posts
Kiss and make up ;-)

I've already pre ordered this phone but I'm feeling more put off as the days go by... If they're delivery delays I could be tempted to cancel and just stick with my self repaired Desire... Trusty old phone

The things I'm being put off by are:
Delivery delays
Images of some build issues
Menu button
Confirmation of warranty voiding if rooting. I know not much of an issue if you know what you're doing.
Generally just negative vibes at the moment.

I've got a great deal so I'll stick with it for now.

PS, do you guys sleep.... Times between posts

The delivery delays aren't confirmed.

Nor are the build issues.

The menu button is re-mappable (hopefully).

I wouldn't worry too much at the moment, and you should definitely replace your Desire, I don't know how you can still be using one! :eek: :p

This will be an outrageously big upgrade.

You always get 'negative vibes' like these on a phone launch (and many other products too), we'll see how things go.

- Evil never sleeps. :p
The delivery delays aren't confirmed.

Nor are the build issues.

The menu button is re-mappable (hopefully).

I wouldn't worry too much at the moment, and you should definitely replace your Desire, I don't know how you can still be using one! :eek: :p

This will be an outrageously big upgrade.

You always get 'negative vibes' like these on a phone launch (and many other products too), we'll see how things go.

- Evil never sleeps. :p

I've said it before but a Desire running a custom ROM is a very capable phone! It just needs a bigger screen. I'm not expecting a massive leap in everyday performance with a new fairly unoptimised phone. I do obviously understand how much better the hardware will be.

I'll phone P4U in a bit and find out about my order and then update here.
I've said it before but a Desire running a custom ROM is a very capable phone! It just needs a bigger screen. I'm not expecting a massive leap in everyday performance with a new fairly unoptimised phone. I do obviously understand how much better the hardware will be.

I'll phone P4U in a bit and find out about my order and then update here.

I think it will be quite a bit faster at most things, especially web browsing etc.

Even then you aren't taking into consideration things like the quality of the screen and the camera/video performance.
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