***The Official HTC One Thread***

No wonder people are buying Samsung phones in their droves.

I really want HTC to succeed and really have a success on their hands with the HTC One

Yup, before the SGS2 there were no Sammy fanbois, HTC were the android kings as far as I was aware, Samsungs success is built on good powerful phones and word of mouth not advertising, the early adopters buy a phone then speak about it, the mass read and listen to those views and make their purchase based on that foreknowledge of late it has deservedly been Samsung taking the laurels on the all round merits of their product.
Yup, before the SGS2 there were no Sammy fanbois, HTC were the android kings as far as I was aware, Samsungs success is built on good powerful phones and word of mouth not advertising, the early adopters buy a phone then speak about it, the mass read and listen to those views and make their purchase based on that foreknowledge of late it has deservedly been Samsung taking the laurels on the all round merits of their product.

I've owned SGS2 and SGS3.

Me and Samsung are done, their phones are complete crap.
I've owned SGS2 and SGS3.

Me and Samsung are done, their phones are complete crap.

I've had an Apollo , Ace, Note and effectively an S3(sons) and a couple of Sam 7.7 tabs my current phone is a N4 my tab's a N7, even though I'm ultra happy with my faultless N4 I'll almost certainly buy a Note 3 or S4, I have zero fanboyism and was genuinely excited to see the HO and XZ but they seem to have let me down, though it's way too early to call as the HO and XZ both have very good aspects.
I've had an Apollo , Ace, Note and effectively an S3(sons) and a couple of Sam 7.7 tabs my current phone is a N4 my tab's a N7, even though I'm ultra happy with my faultless N4 I'll almost certainly buy a Note 3 or S4, I have zero fanboyism and was genuinely excited to see the HO and XZ but they seem to have let me down, though it's way too early to call as the HO and XZ both have very good aspects.

+1 I've had a Galaxy S through to the S3 and S3 LTE all were brilliant phones, yes I wish Samsung could've used better materials but you couldn't fault the build quality on any of the phones. The S3 LTE is an awesome phone and it can easily hold its own against any of the newer phones. Look at the S2 still going strong and Samsung continuing to support it.
I'm not a fanboy either, I just want the latest and best there is to offer and TBH I'm getting tired of Samsung devices and fancy a change.

I have a N4 and N7 too and both are fantastic devices but I am intrigued by the next generation phones. I really want Sony and HTC to succeed and challenge Samsung but if they're unable to then there's always the possibility that I'll buy the S4 again.
Explain yourself

Bluetooth that refuses to stay connected to anything for more than 15 seconds, returned multiple units due to this and in the end Samsung tried saying their Bluetooth was too awesome for my equipment and I should change it all. No problems with any of my other phones I've had. This affected S2 and S3

Every firmware release seemed to have at least one glaring bug that meant you had to spend hours on xda trying out the floods of beta firmwares in the hope said glaring bugs ever got fixed. S2 and S3

Touchwiz is the equivalent of baby vomit on your eyes. Bogey green, bright orange and black.. Really?

Flimsy plastic design that scratches like nothing else. (S3)
How many "average joes" will be buying a phone as soon as it is released? Not very many especially if they are tied into a contract (in fact the only people that seem to buy a new phone when they are in the middle of a contract are the likes of us here) and more importantly how many will be reading about these phones on internet forums like this? Again, not very many, if any.

Majority of people buy whatever it is that most people have or whatever they see the most of, just look at kids these days, they see that their friend got something new i.e. an iphone and straight away want one then.

Out of all my "average joe" friends, no one knows anything about the new releases (more so for HTC, sony etc. due to their crap marketing) and certainly don't know much about the phones in general, they just get whatever they like the look of and that is the "in thing" and/or whatever the "sales" people pitch onto them as soon as they step foot into the shop, which just happens to be a GS 3 or iphone all the time (due to the huge bonus's they get from selling those devices instead of other phones).....

Samsung's success is largely brought about by their marketing/advertising (even according to a source who works for Samsung, he said the same and you would certainly expect it to be, considering the amount of money they spent on marketing for the Samsung phones, after all they even had superb bowl ad and the Olympics), not because their rivals phone have issues, after all look at all the issues with the gs 3 in the thread here, sudden death (even with the "fixed" firmware), security issues (which I imagine would put more people of than a cosmetic problem, after all phones are used for banking/transferring money etc. these days) and the funny thing is whenever there seems to be issues with the gs 3, the news sites don't seem to jump on them and report them i.e. look at the sudden death issue, it took ages in order for news sites to start reporting it despite their being a huge thread on every mobile forum about it, if that were HTC, they would have been all over it straight away.....

This is why they are so successful:

- Samsung's marketing/ads are very much like apple now, they build the hype up perfectly, have their own show for the phone, don't concentrate on talking about the hardware side of things too much (since the majority of average joes won't have a clue about this or/and don't even care about it), more the software side (just like apple)
- everywhere I go, all I see are galaxy note/GS 3 ads and iphone ads, even on TV there are far more ads for them than the HTC phones
- walk into any phone shop and the galaxy and note phones have their wee own stand (some even have a big TV purely to show the phone of.......)just like the iphones, where as all the other phones by htc, sony etc. are bunched together
- all the news sites no longer do their typical android VS iphone articles etc. it is mostly GS 3 VS iphone as if to say that the GS 3 is the only android phone....
- the court cases throughout the last year or 2 between apple and Samsung only benefited Samsung a lot in the end
- Samsung don't release updated models or good mid range and low range phones and they most certainly don't market/advertise them as much as the flagship
- nowhere as much brand awareness/presence as Samsung
- everyone and I mean EVERYONE has a GS 3 or iphone so the majority of people will just get whatever everyone else has due to the popularity

And to add on top of that:

- the GS 2 was ahead of the competition at the time and so that give Samsung a good strong base to work from, HTC did have the desire and hero, which were pretty popular, however, they weren't that popular, well more so android wasn't popular then and how again, how much advertising was there for it? Hardly any.
- Read around the internet from people who have/are working in phone shops and some of the stories about what Samsung do in order to get their devices sold are horrific

Don't get me wrong, the GS 3 phone is great, but it isn't that "great" and certainly in my eyes isn't "better" than the competition.

HTC have tried to be better in the marketing area i.e. with their own show and also only concentrating on the design, software but it isn't enough, they need copy everything else in the list above (except the court case, otherwise that will be the end of them :p)

Now if I wasn't into phones and didn't read about the stuff on forums etc. I know which phone would be appealing to me more than any other phone....
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Eh the point for them is to sell more phones so why are you complaining in a way that they market their product? I mean that's the whole reason why they make a phone in the first place and it works so you should discuss HTC and Sony for their rubbish marketing not Samsung for doing good?? It's not our problem that the average Joe knows nothing about research.
I am not complaining about their marketing (more so complaining about them for copying apple :p), just saying that their phones are popular largely due to the marketing/advertising, not because they are "the best" phones or/and only phones worth considering like people make them out to be.

Again, my point is;

reason the galaxy series is "so successful" is due to marketing/advertising, nothing else.

Take that away and everything that happened with apple i.e. court cases and they would not have sold anywhere as many.


“Samsung’s focus on marketing was the main reason the company was so successful last year,” an anonymous source inside Samsung said.

“With its strategic Galaxy S3 and Galaxy Note smartphones selling tens of millions, the company doesn’t care too much about allocating a gigantic marketing budget," the Samsung source added.
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Copying Apple? Marketing has been around for ages Apple is not the first company to go heavy on it :) they may have been one of the first to go heavy in mobile phone market. If galaxy phones where rubbish they wouldnt have had such a huge fan base.. Overall they are the best 'package' you can get.. And on time with good stock! OneX plus?? Good phone but that's what one x should have been then s3 would have had some proper competition :) i want others to bring something big to the game but one they they are successful at is messing it up in one way or another and letting Samsung take the pie.. And they seem to get the best all around package right at the start.
The reason Samsung's advertising budget is so high compared to HTC is because they make tons of everything, the reason more folk bought the S2 and S3 is because they were widely and correctly acclaimed to be the best android phones in their price bracket, the reason so many bought the Note family is that Notes are epic, those three phones have brought in so much dosh that wise investment will probably make Samsung kings of android.
If the S3 LTE (for me) wasn't such a great phone I wouldn't have got one :p

Nexus - what have you been smoking :D

The only thing that stopped the S3 not getting ultra-mega status was the fact that the design wasn't as good as it should have been - and that's just a matter of taste. The rest of the spec + experience is hard as nails :cool:
Of course marketing has been around forever, but there are different ways of marketing and apple's was very unique, Samsung seen why apple products sell so well and have taken the same approach to marketing, therefore it is "copying" as they have taken their style and applied it to their own products, they could have come up with something different. HTC have also realised their mistake(s) and are trying to improve the marketing hence having their own show (although was crap) and concentrating on what the majority of people are more curious about, the user experience of the phone i.e. software, not the hardware "this is using a super fast snapdragon 600 quad core processor, which is the next up version of the snapdragon S4 pro and has a 417ppi level (or whatever figure its is) etc.", however, have still failed at it, their execution of it just isn't as good.

I didn't say the galaxy phones were "rubbish", they are great phones especially the GS 2, I am simply saying that they aren't as good as what everyone makes them out to be, over rated and over hyped in my eyes, however, most people will not admit that when they own said devices. I think the same for many other things, especially games i.e. COD and BF franchise.

If marketing/advertising wasn't a large part in doing well then why on earth would Samsung spend this much on it and intend on doing the same again for their next lots of phones?

Yes no denying the galaxy phones offer the best "package" but once again, how many people want/need a SD slot, removable battery (look at the iphones....) amongst better things like NLED etc.? The most important parts such as screen, performance, camera and battery (which the X is poor in) are all on par, one phone is better in a certain part whilst the other isn't.

HTC etc. phones have their own strengths over the galaxy phones too i.e. design/build/perceived quality, software (IMO) - more so the camera, browser and UI/design.

HTC didn't have any stock issues with the one X/S etc. and we won't know for sure about the one until it is properly released. But yes, low/no stock will definitely hurt sales.

As I said before, HTC could have the very best phone out there and be far better than the galaxy, but their marketing isn't up to Samsung's standards thus the galaxy phones would still sell by the truck load (people in the know like on here will know what phone to buy, but the average joes [the large majority of buyers] will not)


That is for the phones, it isn't covering their entire range of products (although a good bit of it would have gone on the superbowl and Olympics)


And another very important figure, the sales promotion expenses:


I.e. the RAZR HD, that is a better/more complete package than the GS 3 (only downside is the camera), yet look at how well it has done...... (although lack of concern for other markets aside from USA didn't help at all), but the large reason it didn't do well in the USA is due to marketing, again.
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there's no 'most important' as a package samsung devices always deliver the best when they are meant to, while htc, sony etc mess up on QA, hardware or something simple like an SD slot is not about the "need" its about having everything in case you even come to the "need" and s3 for e.g. has everything that generation of phones could offer! :)

its the same as saying a car only needs 4 wheels, sterring, a box to sit and an engine?!

what apple did was advertise big time at the start their grew their brand big time and now everyone knows about the "iPhone" what samsung is doing is exactly the same make GALAXY as big as an "iPhone" so when people talk about "the galaxy" you will know exactly what it is and at first it will cost a lot but later on they will be able to lower their budgets and people will simply buy the device knowing it is the "galaxy" the same way they buy the iPhone knowing it is the complete thing and its a brand they can trust or have experience with.. yes they had the "death" bug but hey even the magic iPhones have some bugs this is completely normal.

but building up the hype-ish(Htc) and then not delivering(stock/hw issues) is not the right way to go, specially when you're on the "edge" as htc is.
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It will only get worse for HTC, Sony, Motorola and LG unless they pull their finger out and make a phone that has no silly flaws that should have been ironed out by now.

Once you make a great phone with no big flaws, then you get recognized. The One doesn't have massive flaws but 2 stupid ones.

Those MEGA STUPID Nav buttons and no 64GB version for UK/US.

2 things even a toddler wouldn't ****-up. But hey, It's becoming a HTC trademark.
Ok, why did the iphone 5 do so well still, despite having issues with chipping then (which was widely reported) amongst other problem, iirc battery issues?

What about all the issues that the galaxy phones have, which are far more worrying i.e. the security issues with the root expose thing, dialing a number and resetting your phone or something, lock methods being bypassed, sudden death (which affects pretty much every single GS 3/note II unit and again how many average joes will know how to update their phone using kies? Not very many and if they do, good luck to them using kies.....)

If I was an average joe and not fully aware of the ins and out, those issues would sound a heck of a lot more worrying than cosmetic/hardware problems (which can be fixed quickly enough by getting a replacement). The one X did have poor problems with screen flex etc. but what about the other phones i.e. one S (which was highly praised by every review site and only had the chipping issue [only the black model] and weaker signal than other phones)?

And that is my point, you can't say that QC issues etc. are a problem as to why HTC etc. do poor and why Samsung are doing superb (because hardly any "average joes" [the "target market" hear about the issues as they won't be visiting forums/sites like this), as if it was, then everyone would be put of the galaxy brand more than HTC etc.

As for customer service, it seems to come down to who you deal with and how lucky you are, HTC seem to have improved recently going by the experiences that people here had with sending their one S/X away whilst others haven't, same for Samsung with regards to the sudden death issue, some have had a nice easy service whilst others haven't i.e. mrk and his GS 3

Do the average joes know about the hardware stuff i.e. pros and cons of dual core krait VS quad tegra 3? All they will hear is "oh did you say quad, awesome!" They hear that device has 8MP camera, they'll think "oh camera must be really good" they aren't going to know about the one X having a aperture f2.0 lens with an image sense chip let alone what that means, HD screen (sounds good), same for the rest.

Why do iphones do so well (most people I know who have one, get the 16GB as the rest are too expensive) and they have no SD slot, also iirc the nexus 4 has done extremely well too yet it doesn't have SD slot. People can live with 16GB/no SD slot, especially the average joes as they won't be throwing a ton of films onto the phone as well as their entire music collection etc. (I still see a lot of people using dedicated MP 3 players, ipod touch these days)
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and if the rumors are true and they actually mess up the availability of it then thats it for them and "the one" especially when the s4 is announced on 14th of march!

because the apple and iphone as a brand is HUGE everyone knows what an iPhone is and since so many people have one some chipping issues will not scare them away! :)

the deal with "galaxy" phones is that they sell in tens of millions so finding flaws like that is a hackers wet dream! :) and who aims for small? no one cares about the little "phones" like one s everyone want a bite of the big guy which in this case was the s3 and iphone 4/5! yes the flaws were bad but everything gets fixed it is simply impossible to get everything right the first time :)

if you was an average joe you wouldn't know about the issues, you hear them from the mobile blogs and forums where average joe does not go :) and these issues will be overlooked unless some big butt news paper picks them and hurts the brand a bit.

why htc do poor is marketing, stock and image! they simply don't get it right :) samsung is a plastic pos in a lot of peoples view yet it sells like coke does and not many people care about the plastic and they actually thank god when they drop it and it doesn't break! :)

as i have said is not about the need its about having it! :) if i had a choice to get a phone from htc with same specs and no sd slot or get a phone from samsung with same specs and sd slot i would get one from samsung because it is a complete package, because i don't know what i will need the phone in the future and because its always good to have the basic(in my eyes an sd slot is a basic thing) in a FLAGSHIP phone and not take the pee like htc does and release the 64 gb version to some random continent.. or instead of pwning the scene and winning some share back by releasing the "dna" world wide they went on and pooped on their own heads by not releasing it everywhere.. like who the hell is in charge? a dog?
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Yup, if the delay/shortage issues are true then that is going to severely hurt the sales, just like what happened with the nexus 4, people got fed up and got something else instead and there were no other new big phones being released either, especially not any that are going to steal all the limelight/attention like the galaxy phones (another point, look at the amount of comments on every Samsung galaxy article [even the smallest of things] and compare it to something on HTC, sony etc. [a big news worthy item] WAY more views)
Its the same problem again, HTC wont have this phone out worldwide before the S4 is announced, and by then its game over. No one really knows about the HTC One, but almost all my family members know that the S4 is being announced on the 14th.

And the S3 was better then the HTC One X (Tegra) mostly due to HTC dropping the ball on software, it was slower then even my s2/4s and it had really crap battery life TBH. If they had the Sense 4V+ that is optimized for Tegra I think it would have done much better. They also released the One S which is so close to being the best HTC phone at the time, much better design/build, better SoC, just worse storage/screen. It was a very confusing lunach and it just not simple to the user. With Samsung you know what your getting, the s3 or Note(if you want a bigger S3).

That and Advertising, Samsung advertise there phones, it doesn't push specs, it just shows the experience, and the experience is a really good one to most users. I saw just that 1 HTC ad where the guy was sky diving and recording video, and that was on for a few weeks :S.

I really think all these OEMs need to up there game, or it really well be just Samsung and Apple left.
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