Onscreen is not the problem - I prefer them offscreen.
Its the layout and the lack of multitask button - Instead we get a useless HTC logo plonked in the middle and have to do the riverdance with our fingers to get multitask. No menu shortcut either so you might get the massive 3dot menu bar in some apps.
All an unnecessary faff just because HTC are incompetent fools that just like to mess with everything.
Ah I see. Yeah it was strange how it turned out the HTC logo wasn't actually a button at all. It means that at whatever design meetings they had, they must have all agreed that that was the best possible place to have the logo (or that they needed to have it on the front fascia at all), which is puzzling.
And yeah the 3 dot menu... I guess with off screen buttons, still occasionally then needing the 3 dot menu ON screen as well must seem really counter intuitive. Hmm HTC!