***The Official HTC One Thread***

Looks like the well respected Paul O'Brien has sourced himself a black HO judging by his tweet.

We will know for sure how the device is like in the hands of a proper and thorough blogger!

Yes, he's worked extensively with them on R&D among other things!

Obviously couldn't get his point across about the capacitive buttons though. :( :p

Oh wow I didn't know that. You learn something new every day :D

Maybe he was unavailable when HTC decided to put the HO together :p
Regarding the three button menu.

In the hands on that followed the announcement there was an option to map the back button to long press menu.

Those in Germany who have received theirs from O2 have reported that on xda, that option isn't on their phones.
Yep, I'm not writing it off at all at the moment. As I've already said it wouldn't be a deal breaker for me personally.

However, forgetting the phone, we should never just 'settle' for technology as it is; otherwise nothing will improve at any great pace.

For as long as I can remember people have always popped up like the chap above and said things like "just take a proper camera etc etc" which is utter nonsense and since then, phone cameras have improved massively. They can improve a lot more, too.

I don't disagree, I would LOVE this new tech in the same physical hardware, but explain to me how that is possible? Phones are comically thin as it is, but you want a bigger overall sensor to accomodate this new tech? It's not going to happen without going to a larger overall phone. This has been done already with the Nokia.

I personally don't want a fat phone. That's my preference. If you can accept it, then you may well be in luck in the future and have a slightly larger phone with 8+ "ultrapixels" tech. I have no doubt that the pictures would eclipse the One in detail and ability to be printed larger. That's great, but you had to except a larger phone.

In the end, this all comes down to physics. You can't force more light into a sensor (without flash), so without making the sensor bigger, how do you get more light?

But for my purposes, I am welcoming the improved low-light peformance against MP.
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Sorry to say, but that 3-dot menu will be a deal breaker for me. Having no software menu bar is one of the reasons why I'm wanting to get a HTC phone. Absolutely absurd that almost 10% of the screen is wasted on this bar.
Onscreen is not the problem - I prefer them offscreen.

Its the layout and the lack of multitask button - Instead we get a useless HTC logo plonked in the middle and have to do the riverdance with our fingers to get multitask. No menu shortcut either so you might get the massive 3dot menu bar in some apps.

All an unnecessary faff just because HTC are incompetent fools that just like to mess with everything.

I don't know why they didn't make the logo the home button, but I'll get used to it I reckon.
[SKR]Phoenix;23920471 said:
I don't disagree, I would LOVE this new tech in the same physical hardware, but explain to me how that is possible? Phones are comically thin as it is, but you want a bigger overall sensor to accomodate this new tech? It's not going to happen without going to a larger overall phone. This has been done already with the Nokia.

I wouldn't consider the HTC One to be comically thin, I mean, it's 9.3mm. Notably thicker than an iPhone 5 at 7.6mm.

Are you saying it's impossible to use the same 'setup' the 920 uses for the sensor in the HTC One? I don't think it is. I think it's easier/cheaper for HTC to chop the megapixels in half. They've then attempted to spin this into a positive.

I think sarge78 previously mentioned it would have been possible (he knows :p) - so it's all on HTC:

Apparently it's the optical image stabilisation system, but I think Nokia just build a **** heavy/big phone. :D The HTC system is smaller but less effective.

It's actually the same size sensor as most 8MP designs like the Lumia 920, iPhone 5, HOS, GS3 etc (1/3.2" with 1.4 micron pixels) The N8 and 808 are the ones with big sensors.
[SKR]Phoenix;23920471 said:
I personally don't want a fat phone. That's my preference. If you can accept it, then you may well be in luck in the future and have a slightly larger phone with 8+ "ultrapixels" tech. I have no doubt that the pictures would eclipse the One in detail and ability to be printed larger. That's great, but you had to except a larger phone.

In the end, this all comes down to physics. You can't force more light into a sensor (without flash), so without making the sensor bigger, how do you get more light?

But for my purposes, I am welcoming the improved low-light peformance against MP.

I think you (and perhaps others) think I'm talking about the PureView 808 when I'm talking about sensors. That has a huge sensor and is a very large phone. So fair enough, but it's 40 odd megapixel and head and shoulders above everything else.

The 920 is a fatter than average phone (10.7mm) but I don't think that's purely down to the sensor. Even if it is - Apple managed to make the iPhone sensor considerably thinner for the iPhone 5 while retaining - no - marginally improving image quality as well as low light performance.

It can be done, they just haven't bothered. Perhaps if the phone was 7mm~ it would make more sense.

Anyway, all of that will pale in comparison to this:

Regarding the three button menu.

In the hands on that followed the announcement there was an option to map the back button to long press menu.

Those in Germany who have received theirs from O2 have reported that on xda, that option isn't on their phones.

This immediately makes buying the phone impossible unless an update comes out to fix it pretty damn quickly. Even with a remap, long pressing the back button is hardly perfect either.

Such failure all for a stupid HTC logo on the front that nobody wants. :(
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I don't think it will be back in any official ROMs as it stands, it's obviously been removed for a reason.

There are older OTAs on XDA so these should have it for those who want to downgrade and I'm sure the option will be in every custom ROM.
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This could well be my next. I've got a SII and by and large I've loved it and don't mind touchwiz that much. However, I like to be a bit of a contrarian at times and reward good design... the leaks of the SIV don't fill me with massive amounts of lust where as The One does, even if it's camera is a tad ****e.

Just wondering - with the reports of shortages and what not - do phone prices always go one way (down) on contracts post-launch?

I'm 1 month away from being able to request my PAC code from T-Mobile (need to move to O2 or Voda due to non-existent reception in my new place).
From O2's website: Pre-order by 4pm Thursday 28th March and get your phone on launch day - Tuesday 2nd April (while stocks last. Mainland UK only. Check the website for availability). Orders after 4pm Thursday 28th March may be delivered on Wednesday 3rd April.
That doesn't sound good, it is just O2 though and network stock is always a bit sporadic.

Then again, places like Clove generally only inform you of delays at the last minute.
Hands On Review - Techradar

"Hands on reviews' are a journalist's first impressions of a piece of kit based on spending some time with it. It may be just a few moments, or a few hours. The important thing is we have been able to play with it ourselves and can give you some sense of what it's like to use, even if it's only an embryonic view."

From a P4U online chat:

"The good news is your order is looking great. We have a despatch date set for the 15th but hoping to get the handset delivered on the 15th March. As soon as it is despatched, you will receive an email confirmation. Your order will be with you within 3-5 working days from the despatch date."

So if they're hoping to get it delivered on the 15th March and it takes 3-5 days... surely it should be dispatched today or tomorrow? Unless they mean they're hoping to get it delivered to themselves on the 15th March, they certainly claimed previously it would get to me on the 15th.
I just checked the shop here and the release date has changed to: 01.05.2013


They got the One X and S out slightly earlier than the UK too so that's a concern.
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