If they have any sort of colour/contrast distortion at wide angles I will pass.
In theory they shouldn't do. The iPhone 4 screen for example has very similar viewing angles to the Galaxy S II/Nexus.
Putting my money on the Xl, 28nm with the same battery as the tegra which is 40nm.
This link here:
Indicates there being a "One XL" phone in the range.
Putting my money on the Xl, 28nm with the same battery as the tegra which is 40nm.
iPhone 4 uses IPS - which I don't think the HTC uses. However I was impressed with the SensationXL screen when I saw it first hand. Black levels are the only other short comings of LCD for me. I have noticed some ghosting/response lag on LCD's to which I hate when web browsing.
This isn't a brilliant example, but he often has the phone at an angle and the screen looks very good.
I don't really care about black levels personally as it's not something I ever really notice, despite being nice.
So this is all a waste of time if the One X isn't coming to the UK....
What's HTC's stance nowadays on locking down bootloaders and making it difficult for the dev. community in general?
Is the camera supposed to look like a rubberised plastic anus?
When all you have is a hammer everything starts looking like a nail.
Ah manthere goes my plan out the window. Duno If I like anything else now
why us only!!!!!!!!!!
and why does the quad have such a dismal battery.
I believe it' because Qualcomm's S4 has built in support for the the LTE which is of little use in Europe.