LOL Chill guys, if I gave you a list of the number of phones I have, would you slate me 2?
- BTW Thats because I work with them, M3100's, Tytn II's, HD2's, nokias, TP2's, HD7's, blah blah. You name it I've either had it or got it. Currently I like the Optimus LG2x! Nice IPS panel, tegra 2 - nice package but very iphoney like.
HOWEVER, I don't find a need to overstate the downsides of a phone over and over and over and over again like Robbo does. Theres a difference between making a point and constantly stating the same over and over again (especially without having had one) - I've got two colleagues with one and actually did a sim swap with my colleague today to get a feel for the HTC Sensation.
Speed of the thing was darn amazing! - No bugs, I looked out for everything mentioned in this thread and all the others on XDA - Not one bug found (not long enough to soak-test tbh though) - But in terms of screen jerkiness, wireless signal loss - not a single bit. I covered the whole back of the phone and definately no loss of signal - if anything I think I got slightly more as my body was starting to be used as an antenna lol! Camera worked spot on (albiet I'm not much of a picture taker!).
Comparing directly to my current work HTC Mozart - Its almost similar in dimensions albiet slightly longer. Build quality felt exactly like my Mozart (which I really like). Build quality on the LG2x is awesome aswell, with the SGSII lagging behind them all. Now I've had chance to play with the three contenders - SGSII, Sensation and LG2x - I've defo got my heart set on the Sensation - I much rather prefer a phone with high useability (Sense is gorgeous and much more smoother than previous Sense versions) than one with super specs but low useability.....I dislike Touch wiz with a passion and the LG2x has too much of an iphone feel to the OS.
There you go, mini review comparing what I had to hand from the newest contenders.
NOW - back on topic - HTC still havn't announced or released an unlocked bootloader for the Sensation. They've got till 20th June for me to cancel my pre-order if they don't lol in which case I'll go for the LG2x.