I would like to try a Sensation am I going to get slagged off for it also , I am a bit like Robbo like to try new phones I can't see a issue with it, i don't drink and smoke so what money I have goes on toys .
What's the difference from someone with a high end pc spending £500 on a new card when he doesn't need it as his last card was high end only a few months ago, overclockers forums people are enthusiasts really who like there tech.
Interesting that the edge of the screen curves in - thats a pretty unique feature I ain't seen on any handset before. I'm assuming to keep the main screen from being scratched when flat down - but surely the curved edges then take the grunt of a fall for example?. Anyone dropped one yet? lol - i'd be interested to know how it survived....
gorilla glass can be scratched and smashed when dropped.
Gorilla glass scratches, so easily you might not even know what caused it.
Get a screen protector, take it from someone who learned the hard way.
Gorilla glass scratches, so easily you might not even know what caused it.
Get a screen protector, take it from someone who learned the hard way.
I still have no idea what you did to scratch your screen but 'nothing' was certainly not it!
I stand by the fact you don't need a screen protector unless you are quite rough with your phone, or like to throw it at beds of nails for example
Feel free to stand by that fact but at the end of the day it was in my suit trousers pocket with the screen facing my leg and nothing else in the same pocket. By lunchtime that day a scratch had appeared.
Nothing notable happened to it. There's also loads of stories around the net of people having the same experience. All it takes is a piece of grit that's tougher than the screen to make its way into your pocket and it to have a chance to be brushed up against the screen.