***The Official HTC Sensation thread***

I am! :D

I have to say, it does feel much nicer but its bloody heavy!

Also, thank god the power button isn't flush so you can press it easily, unlike the Desire HD :o
List of things to check robbo ;) :

Deathgrip - WIFI and cellular
Bootloader and Radio - S-OFF?
err err - bugs?
err err - thats it lol.
Aye, I'll get them all checked but pictures must take priority as there has only been ONE in this thread and a thread is nothing without pictures! :(






be interesting to see if you can notice the higher rez screen over gs2.

You certainly can. Its not a huge difference but websites seem to look considerably better on it. More so than I thought they would.

Death Grip issue

This doesn't seem to be a problem. If I'm fairly close to the router (within 10m) I can't seem to drop the signal at all, no matter what I do to it. It doesn't affect the mobile signal either.

If I go about 20m away and stand outside the building then it drops a bar (naturally) and then drops another bar if I smother the entire phone, but it still works. If I rest it on my palm, nothing happens.

The wifi signal in general is much stronger than the Galaxy S II, its fairly poor in comparison.

Maybe its a fault with some of the phones, its certainly not something I would have ever noticed unless I had been told about it.

Good news :)
Great pictures Robbo loving the look of it totally.

I look at the SGSII & for some reason it looks more & more like an iPhone in some ways, From the front most definitely. I've already had an iPhone so I want something that looks different & this fits the bill nicely.
sweeeeet! - Thanks robbo - confirms my findings with the deathgrip ;) and allays my fears lol.

Glad I stuck it out and waited instead of plumping for the LG 2x :D
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder... as they say! ;)

Personally I still prefer the Galaxy S II... but will still be interested in hearing Robbo's thoughts on this one!
Very nice, although I have tbh I think the back of the sensation looks pretty cheap and I actually prefer the way the GS 2 looks overall.

Be sure to get some pics of websites zoomed out on both as well and plus some nice colourful pictures being displayed on both etc.
I prefer the way the (when screen is off) screen on the GS2 blends in with the black border - looks way cooler. Sensation's screen is like my previous desire in that the screen has a greyish brown tinge which I don't like.
For anyone who wants to get their hands on the new Sensation, I have just received an email from Phones 4u (I am allowed to mention them on here, aren't I?) offering them for Free, from £25 per month - http://www.phones4u.co.uk/shop/shop_contract_details.asp?ItemKey=524167&cid=p4uemailjune

Only 100 minutes on that deal though, but they do have others available!

Shame the deals don't include any decent priced 18month contracts. My phones usually don't last me 2 months let alone 2 years!.

I'm going nuts here using a my wifes crappy ol nokia E50! - Wish buymobilephones would get a darn move on!!
Very nice, although I have tbh I think the back of the sensation looks pretty cheap and I actually prefer the way the GS 2 looks overall.

Be sure to get some pics of websites zoomed out on both as well and plus some nice colourful pictures being displayed on both etc.

The resolution difference is much more noticeable when using the phone in portrait, there is a smaller difference in landscape.

Small text is MUCH easier to read on the Sensation, absolutely no question about it.

Sorry for the poor pictures, I'm not good with an SLR camera and taking pictures of screens is awful. Remember, the LCD doesn't photograph as well as SAMOLED, it never has.

Both screens are on max brightness. The screen doesn't look anywhere near as washed out as it does in the pictures, I actually quite like it -





In the bottom picture for example, you can actually quite easily read the small text on the Sensation, but on the LED it is too sharp and distorted to read it comfortably.

So what's your initial thoughts then Robbo ?

Better than I thought it would be. HTC Sense is so much better than TouchWiz it's unreal. It doesn't do a lot more technically but it is infinitely more pleasurable to use.

I'll post a proper rundown later on, I need to test out the camera and what have you. ;)
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