***The Official LG Nexus 4 Thread***

Dear god. Can people not wait a few weeks to save a couple of hundred of pounds? Seems like complete madness to pay a single pound more than its price from the Play Store, unless you absolutely 100% need it.

Even if I sold my other smartphone, I'd pick up a cheap £10 Samsung phone from Tesco and use it for a few weeks until it becomes available again.
Dear god. Can people not wait a few weeks to save a couple of hundred of pounds? Seems like complete madness to pay a single pound more than its price from the Play Store, unless you absolutely 100% need it.

Even if I sold my other smartphone, I'd pick up a cheap £10 Samsung phone from Tesco and use it for a few weeks until it becomes available again.

Sarge is a billionaire Arab - he could end world poverty if he wanted to.

2 instock at my local O2 - Here I come :D
Dear god. Can people not wait a few weeks to save a couple of hundred of pounds? Seems like complete madness to pay a single pound more than its price from the Play Store, unless you absolutely 100% need it.

Even if I sold my other smartphone, I'd pick up a cheap £10 Samsung phone from Tesco and use it for a few weeks until it becomes available again.

I'd agree with you in general but since I got a tax rebate this morning the price is not an issue. It would have been otherwise.

Then of course there's no guarantee I'd get one this side of Xmas, because you can be sure the same thing will happen next time the phone comes into stock because of the silly price, Google wallet will meltdown. Also, I may not even be available to try when it does come back into stock as Google will probably send emails out too late again. Finally, if I have a problem with the device I have a local shop to sort it out.
Dear god. Can people not wait a few weeks to save a couple of hundred of pounds? Seems like complete madness to pay a single pound more than its price from the Play Store, unless you absolutely 100% need it.

Even if I sold my other smartphone, I'd pick up a cheap £10 Samsung phone from Tesco and use it for a few weeks until it becomes available again.

I understand what you're saying and I intend to do just that. However after the debacle that is Play store and Google's atrocious handling of orders I can relate to people turning to other sources in order to get their Nexus 4.

I got burned by Google on launch day and they haven't exactly filled me with confidence as each of their launches have been hampered by some form of disaster.

Then there's the question of availability it's not a given that Google will have enough phones to fill back orders and new orders as well. A high probability suggests that even the second batch will be sold out within an hour of it reaching the Play store. You could end up waiting quite a while for a Nexus 4.

If I had extra money I too would head to the O2 store and pick one up but two things are stopping me and that's my S3 which I'm really happy with at the moment and the lack of funds. Otherwise the Nexus 4 would be great to have.
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Oh yea I have no doubt that the phone is definitely worth more than its retail price on the Play Store. It is crazy good value.

Problem is, people buying it at like £400+ are never going to see the return on the money if they try to sell it in the future. Of course I know you can't really sell a phone for the same or more than what you paid (excluding iPhones, and the situation now, I'm talking next year). The price will always be £239 or £279 or lower. Paying anymore than that now and you are instantly out of pocket but a lot if you try to sell it on in a few months (for whatever reason you'd want to).

Its just odd to me paying stupid amounts over the actual price of the phone just to get it sooner. I should have corrected the "100% need" to "100% want". Never actually need these things.
Its just odd to me paying stupid amounts over the actual price of the phone just to get it sooner. I should have corrected the "100% need" to "100% want". Never actually need these things.

Some people love their phones and want the latest to play around with couple that with an extra £100 for what to some people can be less than an hours work = totally worth it.

p.s. I want one but missed the ordering and am sticking with my S3 until they come back in stock but do understand why others would, since they can.
Hurray! I picked up my N4 from a nice chap via Gumtree!

Cost me £475 but I was prepared to pay £700 so it's OK, that's how much iPhones are anyway?
Was rather strange though, he was the smuggest looking guy I've ever seen. Drool dripped off his chin when I took my wallet out and kept licking his lips with intense glee.
Putting in my new EE 4G sim card now, will report the type speeds I'm getting around timbuktu. £36 for 500GB is amazing value!



and the N4 doesn't support 4G :(

Dear god. Can people not wait a few weeks to save a couple of hundred of pounds? Seems like complete madness to pay a single pound more than its price from the Play Store, unless you absolutely 100% need it.

Even if I sold my other smartphone, I'd pick up a cheap £10 Samsung phone from Tesco and use it for a few weeks until it becomes available again.

+1 imho :eek:
at the moment am disappointed with battery, but then it is only after its first charge...

and Engadget app on list ?? used it for 14minutes...on bottom of this list I have maps that I have not switched on!!



25% is 17.5% of overall battery that it has eaten(screen)..

chrome ate 6% ...
there is something wrong going on......
Ouch that battery doesn't look too good. I removed the Engadget app from my s2 a while back because of battery drain. Maps has always randomly eaten battery, I think its used for any sort of location checks.
The battery chart/usage thing is messed up, the phone isn't showing as being awake when the screen is on.

Are you sure that the latitude/location thing is turned of for maps? GPS hasn't been on at all according to your stats though :p

Wait for some more software updates, no way the battery can be that bad on a phone that in theory should be very good, if the DNA with the 2020mAh battery has pretty damn good battery life then there is no reason why this shouldn't! :p


You guys should install better battery stats and post kernel and partial wakelocks as well as process when the battery hits 15% or lower, this will hopefully gives us more accurate/better readings as to what is the cause of the drain.
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The battery chart/usage thing is messed up, the phone isn't showing as being awake when the screen is on.

Are you sure that the latitude/location thing is turned of for maps? GPS hasn't been on at all according to your stats though :p

Wait for some more software updates, no way the battery can be that bad on a phone that in theory should be very good, if the DNA with the 2020mAh battery has pretty damn good battery life then there is no reason why this shouldn't! :p


You guys should install better battery stats and post kernel and partial wakelocks as well as process when the battery hits 15% or lower, this will hopefully gives us more accurate/better readings as to what is the cause of the drain.
all location services were on.
If you dont need gps, it wont be used - thats my theory ;D
at the moment am disappointed with battery, but then it is only after its first charge...

I think it's mainly the poor signal areas that you're in, looks like it has been constantly looking for better signal strength which has a significant impact on battery life.
Something is definitely wrong with your device or you have not turned off Google Now+Backup because on the battery impression thread and even in here we are all getting 5-6 hours screen time with auto-brightness and my phone has lasted 28 hours now with moderate usage...

Basically something is wrong, work out what it is.
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