Yeah, I've been googling the issues I have (slow speeds which render wifi unusable on my network despite showing 4-5 bars and connection speeds of 72mbps+, works OK on some other wifi networks).
Loads of others having the same issue:
I've got 2 SSIDs setup on my router (Buffalo G300N running latest DD-WRT), 1 only has N devices connected while the other runs anything, with different types of security setup. It happens on both of them. None of the other devices have any issues connecting to the router.
I've tried changing a few settings on the router with no luck. Also messed about with every wifi option on the Nexus
I've tested on someone elses router and theirs appears to work fine.
One thing I've just noticed is that connecting directly to the router via the IP works fine and is fast, so wondering if the issue is because I'm using googles DNS on the router.
Going to try OpenDNS & Virginmedia's DNS and see if that helps....
Nope, Still ridiculously opening web pages and slow downloading apps from the play store (70kb in 1 minute)