***The Official LG Nexus 4 Thread***

Xylon is the most feature packed ROM at the moment. kill app option is in the developer settings.


Xylon allows you to have the navigation buttons at the bottom when in landscape, and has all my favorite AOKP settings, this one is a keeper now :)
Codefirex is just as good as Xylon. Both very similar. And it also has the option to kill app by using the back button. Tried both but settled with CFX at the moment however it's missing the pulse light notification settings. Was using PA but not as customisable as other roms out there. Settled with harsh kernel as well excellent battery life but doesn't compromise on speed.

Posted from Overclockers.co.uk App for Android

Does Codefirex allow the option to have the navigation buttons move to the bottom of the screen when the phone is landscape?
Does that mean a simple OTA update for the Custom Rom or does it mean reinstalling it all over again?

I think only Cyanogenmod supports OTA.

Just a case of:

Visit thread of the rom on XDA > download to phone > enter recovery > clear cache/dalvik(this won't wipe data!) > Install zip > reboot.

Follow those steps & everything will remain as it was before you flash an update & won't take 2 minutes to do.
CR-115 is too small for the Nexus 4. A shame as it was a very well built car holder for ~£5.

Anyone tried the £20 CR-123? Looks very good.
CR-115 is too small for the Nexus 4. A shame as it was a very well built car holder for ~£5.

Anyone tried the £20 CR-123? Looks very good.

It's fine if you make some "adjustments" to the rubber parts in the clamp. They come out easy enough and with a craft knife they can be carefully trimmed down. I'll see if I can get a photo of my N4 sat in one.
I finally ordered one of these on contract last week from phones for you, it arrived in no time at all, really impressed with their forum too.

The phone is amazing, my contact has ended with my sgs2 which is still a very good phone and plenty enough for me, I almost didn't bother upgrading but tesco are still paying silly money for the sgs2, so I've technically got the phone for 15 a month (can't afford it outright). The extra screen size is noticeable when using opera and Facebook, the Google swipe keyboard is also very good. I can see this being a solid phone for at least a couple of years.
kamz said:
Does Codefirex allow the option to have the navigation buttons move to the bottom of the screen when the phone is landscape?

Yes it does just change Ui mode to phablet mode.

Posted from Overclockers.co.uk App for Android
nikzGfx said:

Originally Posted by kamz

Does Codefirex allow the option to have the navigation buttons move to the bottom of the screen when the phone is landscape?

Yes it does just change Ui mode to phablet mode.

Posted from Overclockers.co.uk App for Android

Posted from Overclockers.co.uk App for Android
What's the best cheapest monthly deal you guys can find for this phone ? I found one for £20.50 a month which incudes 100 mins, unlimited texts and 500mb data and the phone is free !
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