Really enjoying the PA ROM. The last nightly has changed colour and gamma levels and the blue on OCUK forums is amazing. Really impressed !
havent flashed mine yet but getting tempted
how do you find it compared to stock?
Really enjoying the PA ROM. The last nightly has changed colour and gamma levels and the blue on OCUK forums is amazing. Really impressed !
I need to get this space back!
Whats the simplest way of deleting ALL data on the phone and putting PA back on it? I need all the data on the emulated SD Card wiped as this is where the data has gone missing.
Can i do it via ClockwodMod -> Boot into Recovery -> Wipe all data/factory rest -> Delete cache -> then install PA again? Kind of like how i flashed it the first time?
go into the menu where it comes up with the format options.
format sd card, format system, format everything.
make sure you have PA downloaded on your PC, then plug phone into pc, move over the zip file and flash it.
Excellant!! Thank You.
What would the operation be if i wanted to just remove EVERYTHING and want to put stock android back on (to see if the space problem existed on stock or not). This might be better as then i could see if i still have a problem with missing storage on stock.
BTW, which menu and what format settings? In which program? I dont see those format options anywhere in ClockwodMod
in recovery, go to mounts and storage, you should now see an option to format at least 4 or 5 different things, format them all, then install PA, but you will need to load PA onto the phone after formatting, because formatting will wipe everything.
if you want to go back to stock there is a nexus 4 toolkit on xda which has a 1 click option, in fact i have no idea why people use anything else apart from this toolkit, all you do is select an option from the menu, read and select what you want to do and boom it automatically does it.
rooting, unlocking, locking, installing recovery, reverting to stock, it does it all
I used that tool to unroot. I was going to use it but the only option i see to go back to stock is "Flash Stock + Unroot". Thing is i just want to go back to stock without unrooting...
How far can I go with regards to unlocking the bootloader, rooting and flashing a custom recovery without losing OTA updates to the stock rom?
I know I was keeping out of this thread before i get jumped on but.
Do you have any backups on your phone? if so it won't show in there.
Right I'm going to get into kernels with this when it turns up..
Am I right in thinking I can just flash kernels via CWM without upsetting whatever ROM I'm running/wiping etc etc?
And am I also right in thinking the main changes you get with Kernels are battery related? Such as overclocking or underclocking etc?
Any if so, can anyone suggest a decent Kernel to extend the battery life without killing the performance?
so are all these options tweaks from within the menus? I tried PA before and I HATED the tablet mode which seemed to be the dominant element to it?
to be honest the only time I tried it was when I was hurtling through ROMs on my S3 when I got it and I'll admit I didn't give it much time to impress, I've generally been a CM person but I'll give this a go, no harm in trying!