***The Official LG Nexus 4 Thread***

Nexus Root Toolkit -> Advanced Utilities -> Fastboot- Bootloader -> Flash Zips -> File is on this computer...

You can also flash a bootloader, custom recovery, push files to the device, and a myriad of other things using the toolkit.
Could one of you guys do me a favour...?

Go into Device manager (with the nexus connected to the PC) and tell me what you see under "ADB Interface" header.

Does it say "Android Original ADB Interface"?
Nexus Root Toolkit -> Advanced Utilities -> Fastboot- Bootloader -> Flash Zips -> File is on this computer...

This has put the files on my phone. Installed PA :)
All is good!!!

You my friend are awesome!!!!!

Thanks to everyone who has patiently helped me for the last 3 hours. Much appreciated. Android community sure is a lot better than apple's!

Thank you everyone!!!!
Nexus Root Toolkit -> Advanced Utilities -> Fastboot- Bootloader -> Flash Zips -> File is on this computer...

You can also flash a bootloader, custom recovery, push files to the device, and a myriad of other things using the toolkit.

This has put the files on my phone. Installed PA :)
All is good!!!

You my friend are awesome!!!!!

Thanks to everyone who has patiently helped me for the last 3 hours. Much appreciated. Android community sure is a lot better than apple's!

Thank you everyone!!!!

Nice one guys glad the outcome was successful!

Now I wouldn't recommend formatting everything again lol.
Well goodbye Nexus 4. It's been fun!

When they make an android phone with reception as good as my 4s perhaps I can leave IOS!

Love the way the phone works but she's going back to where she came from ;)
Jamie23 said:
One problem I've just encountered is with my virgin sim.

Just cut it down to size, fits in the tray no problem however on powering up it says "No Sim Card" and when searching for available networks it doesn't have virgin displayed . Yet if I try and register with any of the others it will give me "Your sim card does not allow you to connect to this network" or something to that effect.

Apologies if this is an easy problem or I've forgotten something, first new phone in a couple of years.

Same happened me last yr with a T-Mobile sim, short story shorter; new sim needed.

Posted from Overclockers.co.uk App for Android
I have recently got a new Nexus 4 (my first proper smart phone). I'm having a bit of trouble with my mobile internet, i'm with giff gaff.

I usually get a 'G' signal indicator which is quite slow. However I sometimes I get 'E' (a bit faster) and 'H' (much better).

Should I be getting a signal '3G'?
I have recently got a new Nexus 4 (my first proper smart phone). I'm having a bit of trouble with my mobile internet, i'm with giff gaff.

I usually get a 'G' signal indicator which is quite slow. However I sometimes I get 'E' (a bit faster) and 'H' (much better).

Should I be getting a signal '3G'?

If you get 'H' then that's just about the best Mobile data signal (apart from 4G, which the phone will 'sort of' do, but not legally) you can get!

If I recall, it goes...

.....g/G ------- E ----- 3G/3G+ ------ H/H+ ----------- 4G (if available on phone/network)

Sim :)
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But I only get 'H' when I'm in the city. I live in a town with a population of about 10,000 and would expect to at least get 3g there (not heard anyone else complain about not getting 3g around here).

Seems strange that I've not had 'E' and 'H' but never '3g'. :S
One problem I've just encountered is with my virgin sim.

Just cut it down to size, fits in the tray no problem however on powering up it says "No Sim Card" and when searching for available networks it doesn't have virgin displayed :confused:. Yet if I try and register with any of the others it will give me "Your sim card does not allow you to connect to this network" or something to that effect.

Apologies if this is an easy problem or I've forgotten something, first new phone in a couple of years.

New sim needed....
I'm currently sitting on '3G' in Uxbridge, and get a solid 'H' at home in Swindon.

I suppose it just depends on who transmits the strongest signal in your area!, O2 (who GiffGaff use underneath) might not be strong in your area!

If you can try a different SIM (EE/Orange, Vodafone etc...) just as a tester and see which gives the better signal!
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